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Don’t get me wrong, I agree, I’m just saying up to a million abortions a year shouldn’t be a normal thing.
Then start thinking about economics instead of personal family issues. Nobody should be forced to have a child for any reason whatsoever. Especially as an economic captive. Day care alone is a huge expense. Medical care and etc.
We do have to do something about all the abortions though because it is out of control. Fcking kids having abortions like it's birth control. 20% of pregnancies end in abortions? That's not right. fckers don't want to give them sex-ed though, that would be bad.
Where do you get your news? Maybe it's time to make a change?

Number of U.S. Abortions Hits Lowest Rate Since Roe v. Wade, CDC Reports

Abortion rates go down when countries make it legal: report
Countries with stricter abortion laws have higher abortion rates
America - where those over 65 outnumber those age 5 or less. The country is graying and needs immigration desperately. Japan has always been a very closed country. No foreigners allowed to live. Until now as they face the same predicament. The fucking scared whites need to accept the fact they didn’t have enough kids. Why didn’t we? MONEY!!!!! The goddamned wealthy have caused this. I’m 70 and remember when women working was not the normal at all. Now? Let a young couple try what our parents did. No more. Entire family needs to work in many cases. It’s greed, people, and there’s a price to pay for everything. This country NEEDS immigrants and not more rich motherfuckers! We need young working families!!

By the way they don’t come any whiter than me so you scared honkies can bring it.
birth rates go down when women get better education and enter the workforce.

Another factor is a country's wealth. When a country has a strong economy and people are well off, the cost of raising kids goes up. People put off having kids until later and then they have fewer.

These are all good things. It's just that economies are geared for eternally high and unsustainable growth. The contradictions need to be resolved.
Tomorrow, Trump and ICE are going to attack nationwide by starting to round up 100's of thousands men, women, children and their pets, I suppose.
This should be interesting in a sick way, because I want to see how America reacts once Trump really starts his vendetta against someone who doesn't have papers to live legally in the US, and sends his storm troopers out to break down doors.
Jesus Christ, don't we have better things to do besides ripping apart families, usually hard working people that only wish they could legally be here, but can't due to technicalities
I really don't get it, how his racist Nationalistic philosophy is now dominant, and supported by the GOP.
What the fuck happened to sympathy in this age of fucking Trump, it seems there is none left anymore, none, not a single little bit in this fucked up WH.

This whole thing is the same as building the stupid wall. I don't think much is going to happen, he'll just tweet that it did. If you're going to raid somebody you don't announce it in advance unless your only goal is to fire up your white trash base.

Where would they even put all those people?

The real cops don't want anything to do with it in many locations and won't share info.

And they aren't really allowed to knock down doors, just knock on them. It's not like they're criminals.
birth rates go down when women get better education and enter the workforce.

Another factor is a country's wealth. When a country has a strong economy and people are well off, the cost of raising kids goes up. People put off having kids until later and then they have fewer.

These are all good things. It's just that economies are geared for eternally high and unsustainable growth. The contradictions need to be resolved.
The pyramid scheme known as capitalism requires more people with more money in this unending cycle. It requires inflation. But just enough for the profit takers to be rewarded. Not so much the poor start causing trouble.
Where do you get your news? Maybe it's time to make a change?

Number of U.S. Abortions Hits Lowest Rate Since Roe v. Wade, CDC Reports

Abortion rates go down when countries make it legal: report
Countries with stricter abortion laws have higher abortion rates
Averaged over a decade from a high of over a million to a low now of 600k. Does it change my point though? I just saying that abortion is an extreme thing that is being used by dumb fcks who should be using condoms.
I’m just saying up to a million abortions a year shouldn’t be a normal thing.

There aren't. There never has been.

In 2015, the last year we have numbers for, there were 638,169 abortions. It's one of the highest numbers ever but is still nowhere near a million.

In contrast to that in the same year there were 3,978,497 births.
Ok you guys are right, not many abortions at all, for fcks sake grab a bone.

Nobody should be alright with 600k or 800k abortions. There’s no way in hell im going to tell a woman they can’t have one, but there’s no way in hell i don’t believe that’s killing a life either.
Tomorrow, Trump and ICE are going to attack nationwide by starting to round up 100's of thousands men, women, children and their pets, I suppose.
This should be interesting in a sick way, because I want to see how America reacts once Trump really starts his vendetta against someone who doesn't have papers to live legally in the US, and sends his storm troopers out to break down doors.
Jesus Christ, don't we have better things to do besides ripping apart families, usually hard working people that only wish they could legally be here, but can't due to technicalities
I really don't get it, how his racist Nationalistic philosophy is now dominant, and supported by the GOP.
What the fuck happened to sympathy in this age of fucking Trump, it seems there is none left anymore, none, not a single little bit in this fucked up WH.
This reminds me of Nazi Germany. Does anyone else get reminded of Nazi Germany? Trump reminds of of Hitler, does anyone else think so?

I wonder if Trump is going to Holocaust all immigrants in the USA?
We do have to do something about all the abortions though because it is out of control. Fcking kids having abortions like it's birth control. 20% of pregnancies end in abortions? That's not right. fckers don't want to give them sex-ed though, that would be bad.

1. Nobody is 'pro-abortion'. It sucks and is a tough decision, nobody is handing out punchcard to get a free prize with 10th one.

2. Flushing something the size of a bean out of a body that if left unchecked will end up demanding about 18 years and about $300,000. Condoms break, couples get too worked up and don't use one, birth control gets missed, some don't have access to either form of birth control. So many reasons sex ends in unwanted pregnancy that if forced to conceive every time when there is a very safe alternative for the women that are not ready to add another life that they will have to push out of their bodies.
America - where those over 65 outnumber those age 5 or less. The country is graying and needs immigration desperately. Japan has always been a very closed country. No foreigners allowed to live. Until now as they face the same predicament. The fucking scared whites need to accept the fact they didn’t have enough kids. Why didn’t we? MONEY!!!!! The goddamned wealthy have caused this. I’m 70 and remember when women working was not the normal at all. Now? Let a young couple try what our parents did. No more. Entire family needs to work in many cases. It’s greed, people, and there’s a price to pay for everything. This country NEEDS immigrants and not more rich motherfuckers! We need young working families!!

By the way they don’t come any whiter than me so you scared honkies can bring it.
I'm not 70, but getting there, maybe :)
I grew up in the 60's watching America's decline from a society where a family of five could have 3 kids, a stay at home mom and a dad that only needed 1 job to pay for 2 weeks vacation and college for their kids, and it was great (minus the Viet Nam war, assassinations and cities being burnt to the ground)
Of course that was when CEO's weren't the greedy cunts that they are now, they shared profits equitably and paid themselves reasonably.
Today that scenario is gone forever, and what we are witnessing today is the death spiral of the middle class (forget about the poor)
The people in power today, the bosses, the corporations and this present government for the most part has left morality and decency at the door, and it will end up destroying America, and that is a sad fucking fact.

abortion is an extreme thing that is being used by dumb fcks who should be using condoms.
Yea, it really doesn't get more extreme than having to make that decision.
I was involved in 2 abortions where the women tried to be responsible in the sense they used birth control, but it failed.
No one wants an abortion, it is heartrending if you have any compassion at all, but sometimes it is necessary for the sake of all involved.
This whole thing is the same as building the stupid wall. I don't think much is going to happen, he'll just tweet that it did. If you're going to raid somebody you don't announce it in advance unless your only goal is to fire up your white trash base.

Where would they even put all those people?

The real cops don't want anything to do with it in many locations and won't share info.

And they aren't really allowed to knock down doors, just knock on them. It's not like they're criminals.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced recently, "Don't open your door without a warrant." I guess that is sound advice for even caucasians.
Ok you guys are right, not many abortions at all, for fcks sake grab a bone.

Nobody should be alright with 600k or 800k abortions. There’s no way in hell im going to tell a woman they can’t have one, but there’s no way in hell i don’t believe that’s killing a life either.

I'm a man. It's not my call to make and not my place to decide one way or the other.

It's also not my place to judge the situation one way or the other.

The day men get pregnant, they can weigh in. Until that day comes, our job is to support the woman no matter which decision she makes the best we can.