How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

Well you probably wont believe this but in my neck of the woods there seems to be a craze of only selling in £10 bags weighing between 1 n 1.3 grams a bag! Works out at between £240 and £280 an ounce

Rotten or what!!!

I grow purely for the pleasure but at prices the way they are round here im starting to wonder why!!! :roll:
GDP $175 a 1/4oz- 30 a g
Swag $20 a 1-4- $45 an oz
mid $20 a 1/4 -$65 an oz
$80 an oz for another hymid strain

Dry prices!
$30 a 1/4- 120 an oz
some of the prices in america are outrageous...
saying that its went up where i get it from 50 a q 180 an o scammin cunt lol
North Florida:
1/8 1/4 1/2
Regs with Sticks and seeds
20 30 40
Mids with red hairs
?? 40 80
Chronic I can't find highs in N FL

These are the prices from 2 months ago. I have dumped my provider since then.
420 for some shit that will make you sweat and grab your chest hard as fuck
i always prefer quality over quantity, thats just me tho i grow it and sell it so don't matter anyways
location, location, location!

If you offered $350 for an oz in my neck o' the woods, the sellers would simply say no & sell to someone else for 400, and there's plenty who would happily pay it. Supply & demand, dood.

exactly. that's why it's $160 an oz here for mids, and slightly less yet if I drive the extra few miles to the right people. big traffic area here in eastern pa
420 for some shit that will make you sweat and grab your chest hard as fuck
i always prefer quality over quantity, thats just me tho i grow it and sell it so don't matter anyways

that sounds like good stuff! my usual dealer only has mids. gonna start growing some high end stuff for myself
hahaha youre toasted man

an O here in North VA runs 250 pretty consistently
matter of fact, im about to pick one up for the first time in like a week