Trump Wants To Limit Aid For Low-Income Americans


Well-Known Member
Tracking The Status Of Safety Net Proposals



Stricter enforcement of SNAP work requirement PENDING
Restrict waiving of SNAP asset/income limits PROPOSED
Rescind regulation on payday loan lenders PENDING
Recalculate poverty line PROPOSED
Make it harder for benefit recipients to get green cards PENDING
Require sponsors of green card holders to reimburse benefits IN PLACE
Deny housing aid to families of undocumented immigrants PROPOSED
Deny rural housing aid to families of undocumented immigrants PROPOSED
Allow homeless shelters to deny services to transgender individuals PROPOSED
Impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients CHALLENGED
Add citizenship question to 2020 census CHALLENGED
Amend Obama-era overtime pay rule PROPOSED
'B" for Black in the upper left-hand corner of application IN PLACE

Proposed: Rule already published in Federal Register or administration list of proposed rules changes.
Pending: Comment period over, waiting for final rule to be issued.

Credit: Nick Underwood and Pam Fessler/NPR
these proposals alone will affect 2/3rd's of his base in my county except for the "B" racial profiling flagging.
wont hardly put a dent in the nearly two trillion $ hole he punched in the fed in favor of giving his wealthy friends and corporate benefactors their taxless status.
but at least he gets to take some of his angst out on some poor folks...
these proposals alone will affect 2/3rd's of his base in my county except for the "B" racial profiling flagging.
wont hardly put a dent in the nearly two trillion $ hole he punched in the fed in favor of giving his wealthy friends and corporate benefactors their taxless status.
but at least he gets to take some of his angst out on some poor folks...
587 days

I hope the Democratic successor comes into office with a 100 day plan to erase Trump's retrograde presidential decrees. Part of that would be passage of a Congressional mandate to take away the arbitrary powers Congress has ceded to presidents over the years.
“True generosity consists precisely in fighting to destroy the causes which nourish false charity. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the "rejects of life," to extend their trembling hands. True generosity lies in striving so that these hands--whether of individuals or entire peoples--need be extended less and less in supplication, so that more and more they become human hands which work and, working, transform the world.”

― Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed
“True generosity consists precisely in fighting to destroy the causes which nourish false charity. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the "rejects of life," to extend their trembling hands. True generosity lies in striving so that these hands--whether of individuals or entire peoples--need be extended less and less in supplication, so that more and more they become human hands which work and, working, transform the world.”

― Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed

quite the word salad there, Rob..

where does this fit in with neglect of social contract in owning property and refusing to pay taxes associated with same?

you see, when you purchase property, taxes are part of your closing can decline the purchase at that time, which clearly, you've not done, therefore the taxation is your responsibility.
these proposals alone will affect 2/3rd's of his base in my county except for the "B" racial profiling flagging.
wont hardly put a dent in the nearly two trillion $ hole he punched in the fed in favor of giving his wealthy friends and corporate benefactors their taxless status.
but at least he gets to take some of his angst out on some poor folks...
I never understood voting against your interests. The poorly educated.
I never understood voting against your interests. The poorly educated.
not just a lack of education, he appealed to and exploited, channeled their fear, hate and the psychological loss of white supremacy after eight years of President Obama even after they have benefited more from his administration than the several previous presidents.
they got free phones, energy assistance during the winter, best healthcare than they ever had.
trump is only another form of white mans revenge to em plain & very simple.
“True generosity consists precisely in fighting to destroy the causes which nourish false charity. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the "rejects of life," to extend their trembling hands. True generosity lies in striving so that these hands--whether of individuals or entire peoples--need be extended less and less in supplication, so that more and more they become human hands which work and, working, transform the world.”

― Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed
maybe the current administration will offer free international passports and airfare to unemployed americans to work at american companies overseas...that would help...
maybe the current administration will offer free international passports and airfare to unemployed americans to work at american companies overseas...that would help...

Sort of like a slave work / travel pass all rolled into one.

As long as the slave sends some money back to the home plantation eh?
I never understood voting against your interests. The poorly educated.

All political voting that isn't unanimous is against somebodies interest isn't it?

quite the word salad there, Rob..

where does this fit in with neglect of social contract in owning property and refusing to pay taxes associated with same?

you see, when you purchase property, taxes are part of your closing can decline the purchase at that time, which clearly, you've not done, therefore the taxation is your responsibility.

Property tax is an oxymoron though.

Also, there's no such thing as the "social contract" , which if examined in the macro, is an oxymoronic phrase.

I hesitate to further explain this, since it's dangerous to try to wake people when they are sleepwalking.
Wealthy people understand that people with money produce jobs etc. But working stiffs are lazy and that's why they are poor. They believe motivation comes from making it "challenging" to poor people.
I do agree with 2 of those points. If you are sponsoring a foreigner for a green card part of that promise is that they won't become recipients of certain services. There's a difference between asylum seekers and others. Anybody coming to this country with a green card and a sponsor should expect on working and paying their own way. Not rocket science. And if you sponsored someone it's right there in the contract, you may be forced to support them above the poverty level if they don't support themselves.

And something certainly needs to be done to get some recipient to work. I work in a related industry and half of my recipients are scamming the system. People 100% capable of working. Got a bad back can't work....but playing catch with their service animal and running around.

I have been an immigrant, and my wife is a green card holder. When I was an immigrant I was expected to work and I didn't get any handouts from host country. Of course it was a sane country with universal health care and groceries didn't cost 1/3 of your salary to eat something that wasn't toxic to your body.

More train to work programs need to be tied into their support with a limit on how long they can get that support if they are able. The system and the people already in it rot they young. Again, I see it all the time, people get initiated into the system and learn that it's much wiser to stay in the system. Government studied how much a single mother with need to make an hour in order to pay out of pocket for all the services she receives for free and it was $18 an hour. And people are crying about $15 an hour minimum.

Daily conversation with poor

Me: What income do you have
Poor: None
Me: How did you buy those cigarettes and pay for your iPhone?