The seeds of the petulant Bernie babies claiming "RIGGED" are already sown. The Iowa Caucus has new rules this year including the creation of virtual caucuses that are intended to increase participation beyond those willing to spend a Monday evening in this arcane procedure. As people who attend the in-person caucus tend to be older people, this is intended to increases younger participation. But, as the number of delegates assigned by these virtual caucuses is limited to 10%, there will be ample fodder for their thought-guides to claim that the youth vote was intentionally under-counted and prove to them (which doesn't take much work) that the whole thing was RIGGED if Barnie doesn't win.
It is unavoidable. Count on it.
why do you hate M4A, tuition free college and $15/hour minimum wage?
defend your position on Sanders winning all 55 counties in WV and yet Clinton got the delegates- you can't.
regardless of who you supported, as an American, you should be outraged..unless of course you're not American.