Biden won't beat Trump

And that's why I'm voting for Bernie Sanders whether he's on the ballot or not.

Voting for the 'lesser of two evils' is exactly how we got into this mess. Voting for an established clown like Biden, Harris, Booker or Buttigieg will AT BEST return America to the same conditions that brought us Trump. The next Trump isn't likely to be so stupid and that's a scary thought.

Until we get nominees that represent We the People as opposed to FOLLOW THE MONEY, we aren't going to see any meaningful improvement.

They don't call the Democratic Party the 'Inauthentic Opposition' for nothing!

Frankly, we should be following the example of our fellow American citizens in Puerto Rico.

We get the government we deserve.
For now and the foreseeable future I think you are on the wrong track. If sufficient numbers of donors, voters and supporters existed to elect a third party candidate there would be a third party. Desperately needed but nowhere in sight. People lack the brains to be anything but sheep when push turns to shove or it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.

A vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump. I voted for Trump last time by going with Bernie.

Confucius said a wise man learns from mistakes. Preferably those made by others.
Confucius said a wise man learns from mistakes. Preferably those made by others.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is a mistake America has been making for nearly half a century. IT'S HOW WE GOT TRUMP. At what point do we develop enough imagination to try something different?
For now and the foreseeable future I think you are on the wrong track. If sufficient numbers of donors, voters and supporters existed to elect a third party candidate there would be a third party. Desperately needed but nowhere in sight. People lack the brains to be anything but sheep when push turns to shove or it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.

A vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump. I voted for Trump last time by going with Bernie.

Confucius said a wise man learns from mistakes. Preferably those made by others.
The problem with third parties is that many states actually outlaw them. Seriously.

Boss Tweed said it best; 'you can vote for anyone you like, as long as I get to choose the nominees.'
The problem with third parties is that many states actually outlaw them. Seriously.

Boss Tweed said it best; 'you can vote for anyone you like, as long as I get to choose the nominees.'
I think it was Pimp Tyler who said "you can do whatever you want as long as it is getting into that hotel room and having sex with a stranger and bringing me back the money".
This thread should be called Biden won’t beat Klobuchar.
you are the master of predictions! You said he was irrelevant months ago and finally he might be! The fake news cnn liberal media just kept him as the national front runner for months to embarrass you. You are being treated very unfairly by the fake news cnn hoax impeachment NO COLLUSION media!

I believe the exit polls will show that voters opted for other moderate centrists because trump sprung a devious trap on him, like you said, and no other reason
you are the master of predictions! You said he was irrelevant months ago and finally he might be! The fake news cnn liberal media just kept him as the national front runner for months to embarrass you. You are being treated very unfairly by the fake news cnn hoax impeachment NO COLLUSION media!

I believe the exit polls will show that voters opted for other moderate centrists because trump sprung a devious trap on him, like you said, and no other reason
Bugeye would run an election like Republikkkan senators run a trial. No need for evidence, let's just get this over with the way we said it would end before it started.
Trump is really hoping that his troll army can get the narrative that Joe Biden (and now Bloomberg) is a racist huh....

Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 1.03.45 PM.png

It's always hard to defend socially divisive issues which is why they are so affective attacks to make. Nobody wins.

Even when you stop to think if it is more difficult to teach your kid to read if you yourself are unable to read. Or pointing out that systemic racism had a very negative impact on the generational education being equal across our nation. But as long as you can make a attack post, and push it on social media, I guess it doesn't matter.