Eliminating Free Speech The Smart Way

so whats your solution"
limit the left-wings 1st amendment right to protest right-wing hate speak?..sounds like a double standard.
incidentally i do support the exercise of free speech regardless however vile the rhetorical vitriol may be.
With that said, free speech has a price, sometimes, a physical price.
they cant debate , so they resort to assault with either their fist or a speeding vehicle.
On top of this, Trump encouraged violence at his rallies. And there was the white guy last year who was at one of his rallies and made incredulous facial expressions when Trump spouted out one of many lies. The camera caught this, next thing you know he was escorted out of the rally. So, Republicans turds, don’t be crying about free speech being taken away by the left.
This got me interested. How large are we talking here?

Thank you for conceding my point.
assange stole people's personal information and then disseminated it in the most unverifiable and damaging way he possibly could. you celebrate him.

and yet you complain when we simply google your username.

are these consistent responses?
assange stole people's personal information and then disseminated it in the most unverifiable and damaging way he possibly could. you celebrate him.

and yet you complain when we simply google your username.

are these consistent responses?
That's not at all what he did and you know it.

He published information that was given to him. That's called journalism.

If you think differently, you've become the literal definition of a fascist who thinks total government control of information is desirable.
That's not at all what he did and you know it.

He published information that was given to him. That's called journalism.

If you think differently, you've become the literal definition of a fascist who thinks total government control of information is desirable.

this is where i'd usually ask the assange defender to give me all their personal information so i can publish it in the most damaging way possible, slipping in some really really embarrassing falsehoods in there (all good since none of it is even verifiable anyway), but we already now all about you, mr. woman-beating lowlife pimp

i think personal information should remain personal. i do make some exceptions to this rule, like for nazis and really fucking annoying people like finshaggy. or you.
this is where i'd usually ask the assange defender to give me all their personal information so i can publish it in the most damaging way possible, slipping in some really really embarrassing falsehoods in there
Assange released material that was classified because America does not want to be held accountable for what it does around the world.

That's not national security, that's political security.

Your transparent attempt to conflate personal information with evidence of a country's war crimes just proves that you're a fascist wannabe.

What's next, a MAGA hat?
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Assange released material that was classified because America does not want to be held accountable for what it does around the world.

That's not national security, that's political security.

Your transparent attempt to conflate personal information with evidence of a country's war crimes just proves that you're a fascist wannabe.

What's next, a MAGA hat?

i'd consider john podesta's rissoto recipe to be personal information. stolen from him by russian spies and published without his permission by julian assange

like i said, this is where i would ask if you're cool with me stealing your personal information and publishing it without your permission, but ya know...pimping women across wyoming and all.
i'd consider john podesta's rissoto recipe to be personal information. stolen from him by russian spies and published without his permission by julian assange
So THIS is your justification for throwing the first amendment down the drain?

Have another drink.
So THIS is your justification for throwing the first amendment down the drain?

Have another drink.

i don't think the first amendment allows russian spies to steal your personal information so that julian assange can wield it against you without your permission in order to help out a foreign dictator who murders gay people and journalists

do you think that's what the first amendment allows?