Bernie Sanders 2020

I’m a Democrat, but I’m not cool with the socialists thing, and when I say that I’m referring to Free medical, Free education stuff...definitely not free. Back in the 80s, when I was in the Military stationed in West Germany, I had a German girlfriend who just graduated from Kaiserslautern University. She told me that college education was free in Germany, so I asked her how the hell is college free. She stated that the government tax on income was 50% fucking percent, 50! That’s how the so called free medical, dental and education is paid for.

So say you and your wife make $6000.00 a month, under that system you bring home 3000.00. You still have to have a car, a home...that’s a lot of fucking money, every time you get paid. I don’t think so; I work hard for my shit.

Not sure how it works in Germany now but I was there for 4-years, and had a great experience over there. Does Canada’s system work the same?
Tell us again how Alabama is full of Progressives pining for a democratic socialist.

Why do you denounce people who you perceive oppose AOC but hold among your closest allies people who spread obviously untrue propaganda while calling for people's homes to be firebombed?
Do you think Doug Jones is going to win in Alabama in 2020?
I’m a Democrat, but I’m not cool with the socialists thing, and when I say that I’m referring to Free medical, Free education stuff...definitely not free. Back in the 80s, when I was in the Military stationed in West Germany, I had a German girlfriend who just graduated from Kaiserslautern University. She told me that college education was free in Germany, so I asked her how the hell is college free. She stated that the government tax on income was 50% fucking percent, 50! That’s how the so called free medical, dental and education is paid for.

So say you and your wife make $6000.00 a month, under that system you bring home 3000.00. You still have to have a car, a home...that’s a lot of fucking money, every time you get paid. I don’t think so; I work hard for my shit.

Not sure how it works in Germany now but I was there for 4-years, and had a great experience over there. Does Canada’s system work the same?
Cool story, bro

Do the math in America and try again. 50K people die, how many people die in your country because they cant afford healthcare?
So your solution is to help Republicans get v elected?

You are one stupid ass motherfucker.
Agreed, two things that America as a whole is not feeling right now is Trumpism and Socialism. The quickest way to get Trump re-elected is to go the Socialist route, which in my opinion is a protest vote. Now I understand the medical issues we have here in the U.S. but there’s got to be another way.
I’m a Democrat, but I’m not cool with the socialists thing, and when I say that I’m referring to Free medical, Free education stuff...definitely not free. Back in the 80s, when I was in the Military stationed in West Germany, I had a German girlfriend who just graduated from Kaiserslautern University. She told me that college education was free in Germany, so I asked her how the hell is college free. She stated that the government tax on income was 50% fucking percent, 50! That’s how the so called free medical, dental and education is paid for.

So say you and your wife make $6000.00 a month, under that system you bring home 3000.00. You still have to have a car, a home...that’s a lot of fucking money, every time you get paid. I don’t think so; I work hard for my shit.

Not sure how it works in Germany now but I was there for 4-years, and had a great experience over there. Does Canada’s system work the same?

I'm not sure i can agree with you at all tbh. Free healthcare and education is a very good thing. Not only for the individuals but the country as a whole.
Take it from someone who wouldn't have had either as a kid, if it had to be paid for.

Some families / people are struggling through no fault of their own, still contributing to society and helping those who prosper continue to.
It would be more of a socialistic response to force those who can't afford it to not have any. It separates class, and creates social pressure.

There will ALWAYS be a free market. Plenty of other options out there, for those who want that little bit extra. ( insurance companies offer better deals to compete).

Income tax is honestly pretty reasonable here. You'd have to be making big money to be charged anywhere near 50%. I think it's around 45c for every dollar over 180k p/a. Pretty reasonable if you ask me.
I'm not sure i can agree with you at all tbh. Free healthcare and education is a very good thing. Not only for the individuals but the country as a whole.
Take it from someone who wouldn't have had either as a kid, if it had to be paid for.

Some families / people are struggling through no fault of their own, still contributing to society and helping those who prosper continue to.
It would be more of a socialistic response to force those who can't afford it to not have any. It separates class, and creates social pressure.

There will ALWAYS be a free market. Plenty of other options out there, for those who want that little bit extra. ( insurance companies offer better deals to compete).

Income tax is honestly pretty reasonable here. You'd have to be making big money to be charged anywhere near 50%. I think it's around 45c for every dollar over 180k p/a. Pretty reasonable if you ask me.

If you're making decent money you're paying 37.65 per cent plus any state tax..on top of any premiums, co-pays or deductibles for health.

you're already paying 50%.
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I'm not sure i can agree with you at all tbh. Free healthcare and education is a very good thing. Not only for the individuals but the country as a whole.
Take it from someone who wouldn't have had either as a kid, if it had to be paid for.

Some families / people are struggling through no fault of their own, still contributing to society and helping those who prosper continue to.
It would be more of a socialistic response to force those who can't afford it to not have any. It separates class, and creates social pressure.

There will ALWAYS be a free market. Plenty of other options out there, for those who want that little bit extra. ( insurance companies offer better deals to compete).

Income tax is honestly pretty reasonable here. You'd have to be making big money to be charged anywhere near 50%. I think it's around 45c for every dollar over 180k p/a. Pretty reasonable if you ask me.
When you say reasonable here, Germany or Canada?
Oh, ok. I’ve always heard that it take a long time to be seen by a specialist in that type of system, is that the case in Australia?

Nah not generally, we have to pay for nearly all of them. There's a push here for 100% free cover, but i'm a little skeptical about it myself tbh. It should only be for emergency and life threatening situations imo. I will say though, while i think it's great an Australian can get hit by a bus and wake up alive in hospital without a bill. It sucks an Australian diagnosed with cancer has to pay thousands of dollars up front, or get no cover at all. That shit's gotta change, and i'm sure it will soon.

More cover in Germany, Canada etc?
In the UK everything from cancer therapy to emergency medicine is free at the point of delivery, practically nobody regards this as a bad thing, it works well and the poor don’t suffer.
How is that paid for and at rate? Just curious.
I'd be happy to. Although it wouldn't matter

You and your ilk don't bother with substance. You rely on personal obstruction, just like the GOP, to counter progressive positions, not logic or reason.
You made a claim in absence of context.

You didn't name the people who you said were being wronged or for what reason. Now that you refuse to explain, the only conclusion one can draw is you have some strange form of Tourette's syndrome where you make strange noises on the internet.
I’m a Democrat, but I’m not cool with the socialists thing, and when I say that I’m referring to Free medical, Free education stuff...definitely not free. Back in the 80s, when I was in the Military stationed in West Germany, I had a German girlfriend who just graduated from Kaiserslautern University. She told me that college education was free in Germany, so I asked her how the hell is college free. She stated that the government tax on income was 50% fucking percent, 50! That’s how the so called free medical, dental and education is paid for.

So say you and your wife make $6000.00 a month, under that system you bring home 3000.00. You still have to have a car, a home...that’s a lot of fucking money, every time you get paid. I don’t think so; I work hard for my shit.

Not sure how it works in Germany now but I was there for 4-years, and had a great experience over there. Does Canada’s system work the same?
People in developed countries with universal health care coverage really like it.

We pay more for less than any of those countries too.

I don't give a shit about the morality of who pays.