The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
me too lets kick em all off of it. give it a couple years and it will all work itself out.
Sooner or later the Russians will convince right wingers that a civil war is in order, the Military will have to step in and shoot all that participate
And American Democracy will return
Sooner or later the Russians will convince right wingers that a civil war is in order, the Military will have to step in and shoot all that participate
And American Democracy will return
It sounds like they have convinced you of that. and if it goes down it's good to know you'll be yellow and hide in your basement while the government controlled by Trump is gonna save you! lol

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
It sounds like they have convinced you of that. and if it goes down it's good to know you'll be yellow and hide in your basement while the government controlled by Trump is gonna save you! lol
AS a veteran I doubt Trump could protect me from crotch rot
You fools think anyone who doesn't support Trump is a coward will cause a lot of Red hatted nonAmericans great bodily harm
If Putin cons you into trying


Well-Known Member
Yo big brained one
Who pays higher prices if we tax China ...We do
Now unless you plan on your kids working as slave labor
Americans don't want those jobs

I get $180 a zip all day and never have extra... Officer
Agreed, but it's better if you don't even intimate he procreate. Kids having kids, y'all. (couldn't help it, "y'all" makes me laugh)


Well-Known Member
yeah most cowards would do it that way. but little do you know I'm gonna hide in gunfree zones and you'll have to respect that.
It was a civil war scenario with the emphasis on WAR and if ya knew anything about it, you'd know death and maiming can come from any source, at anytime and with any weapons system from a knife to a hellfire missile launched from a drone over the middle east by a pilot in Florida. I guess the service member who fires artillery, or air force pilots are cowards too? How about navy people who fight from miles away, are they to be considered cowards as well? America fights with unfair, overwhelming force, is that to be considered cowardice?
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Well-Known Member
Guess I'm gonna have to take a break from the doing of the Donald. They've got new Drone laws in Canada and they are a bitch, plus drone licenses cost $10 per try to write online and ya gotta register a drone ($5 each) like an aircraft. The new regs are nuts and ya might as well be a regular pilot for drones over 250 gm, flight and maintenance logs, crash reports, with custom built DIY racing drones! Jesus Christ!

I wanna post YouTube videos like this guy and I'm well on my way, but the guberment is mak'n my life hard! One good thing though it will keep the number of idiots and assholes to a minimum if they have their licence on the line.

Here is a video of a racing quad doing some sky dancing to a great tune, a great pilot from Washington State who makes cool videos, a real inspiration.
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Well-Known Member
Con men of the USA unite! Looks like a mighty fine deal for a Trumper, it will be less money that is donated to Trump or the GOP, it's better that Jimmy blow it up his nose on coke and spend it on whores.

Maybe he can start the church of cheeto jesus to fleece the rubes after Trump is crucified...
Pawnbrokers everywhere will be flush with these cheesy baubles. Every thrift store will have several.