The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
Doesn't that sum up the Trump admin pretty well though?
The view from Canada is the same as that of any American with a brain, it's simply jaw dropping that this incompetent, criminal creature is still in power. 90% of the republican base still support him and it's got the GOP in congress scared shitless that he has total control of millions of morons that they thought that they owned. I figure if he loses in a landslide there will still be trouble and they will finally have to pull the pin on the crazy cocksucker between the election and the inauguration, especially if the GOP takes a (deserved) pounding in the election. Donald knows he's gonna go to prison and is gonna be desperate if he loses, a lame duck GOP senate with a future minority would be bigly trouble for him. The GOP has got a lot of very vulnerable senate seats up for grabs this time around and a perfect storm is brewing for them with an impeachment investigation and trial to put them on the spot.


Well-Known Member
Donald is gonna want this guy's head! Let the death threats begin! Donald has to react violently to this threat, a crack in dam can lead to disaster for them, have a look at this video.
The lone Republican calling for impeachment
Rep. Justin Amash is the first GOP congressman to call for impeaching the President, and he accused Attorney General Barr of intentionally misleading the public.

Cupp reacts to Amash tweet: This is big
CNN's SE Cupp says a tweet from Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) stating that President Trump's actions and behavior "meet the threshold for impeachment" is significant.


Well-Known Member
The view from Canada is the same as that of any American with a brain, it's simply jaw dropping that this incompetent, criminal creature is still in power. 90% of the republican base still support him and it's got the GOP in congress scared shitless that he has total control of millions of morons that they thought that they owned. I figure if he loses in a landslide there will still be trouble and they will finally have to pull the pin on the crazy cocksucker between the election and the inauguration, especially if the GOP takes a (deserved) pounding in the election. Donald knows he's gonna go to prison and is gonna be desperate if he loses, a lame duck GOP senate with a future minority would be bigly trouble for him. The GOP has got a lot of very vulnerable senate seats up for grabs this time around and a perfect storm is brewing for them with an impeachment investigation and trial to put them on the spot.
Donald duck?