The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Not supporting a treasonous scumbag like Trump is enough. Nobody needs to "save the brown people", just not hate them for who they are and that goes for most folks. America has had enough of the stupid chicken shits who enable and support Trump, most are losers and know it, which is why they are racists, they can't compete so they hide behind xenophobia and racism. They are like a lot of gun nuts, fear driven.

Glad you agree fellow progressive...

Is you still a Canadian? What is it about American politics that keeps you so disinterested in the fact that Castro's little boy is your... Whatever the hell they call the queen of canada?
Is you still a Canadian? What is it about American politics that keeps you so disinterested in the fact that Castro's little boy is your... Whatever the hell they call the queen of canada?
How much do you cry when Trudeau gets respect and your racist orange hero only gets hate?
Is you still a Canadian? What is it about American politics that keeps you so disinterested in the fact that Castro's little boy is your... Whatever the hell they call the queen of canada?
Nice to see you come out of your shell, or is it crawl out from under your rock? The Queen of Canada is Elizabeth II, the queen of the USA is Trump! Trudeau ain't perfect but at least he's not a raving sociopathic traitor driving America onto the path of perdition. Politics is boring in Canada, but is more entertaining that Game of Thrones in the USA, watching Trump squirm amuses me.
I don't even know what that guy is out here doing bro. You know why? Because he's canadian and that means he doesn't matter in the scheme of things.
I could sneak into the USA and vote illegally! I'm a blond haired (graying) blue eyed, white as snow WASP so I shouldn't even have to show ID, besides I got me a pretty good southern red neck accent when I want one too...

Naw, being a spectator is much more fun, I'd rather watch the drunken neighbors wrestle on their front lawn naked, not join in. I mean it looks like they got you so tied up in knots that yer head is up yer ass and yer eating yer own shit. I mean if ya really believe what Trump is selling ya gotta be pretty stupid, if ya know better and still support him, then yer nothing more than a race driven traitor. There's a point when if you support a traitor you become one yourself and you are rapidly approaching it.
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Parvovirus is on board for Trump, so he's got that going for him. It was attracted by the syphilis raging through his brain. That's what I heard.
Things have been getting more expensive for Americans with Trump and his cost to you is about to increase dramatically (you'll have lot's of drama when you see the new prices). If I were living in the states I'd think about buying somethings now or very soon, before the prices are jacked up bigly, as Donald would say. You'll be paying Canadian prices with American Dollars and it's gonna hurt and you WILL curse as YOU pay!

If Donald stumbles into a land invasion of Iran you might even pay the ultimate price, they still have selective services registration, don't they? If Donald can ignore congress on subpoenas, why not war, who needs congress when you have a queen.
Donald Trump is short-circuiting the electronics industry
The latest round of tariffs are a nightmare scenario for manufacturers

For more than a year now, President Donald Trump has been playing chicken with China, instituting increasingly expensive tariffs to add pressure for a trade deal that never seems to materialize. So far, those tariffs have kept clear of consumer goods like smartphones or televisions, with the most damaging taxes restricted to intermediary products like soybeans or steel. But after talks broke down last week, a new set of tariffs pulled those products into the trade war, creating a nightmare scenario for the tech industry.

On Monday, the US Trade Representative (USTR) laid out plans to tax laptop and smartphone imports by as much as 25 percent, breaking into the kind of high-profile, price-sensitive goods that previous rounds had avoided. The new restrictions will go into effect on June 25th, giving Trump just over a month to settle on a deal that has eluded him for most of his term. It’s a disaster for electronics companies, which have largely escaped previous rounds, despite being hugely reliant on Chinese manufacturing. And even if the tariffs laid out by the USTR are short-lived, the result could mean the end of the open Chinese trade that has shaped the tech industry for decades.

The most immediate impact will be higher prices. Previous rounds of tariffs had been marginal enough that companies could simply eat the difference, but a 25 percent charge on marquee items like phones and laptops could be too much to bear. Experts say companies will have little choice to raise prices in response, adding hundreds of dollars to price tags. “Certainly for competitively priced products like PCs, there will be price increases, particularly in the short run,” says Brad Setser, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “It’s likely to be a fairly considerable shock to consumer prices.”

That shock could add up to hundreds of dollars for consumers. On Tuesday JPMorgan estimated that, for Apple, countering the cost of the tariffs would mean raising the price of the iPhone XS from $1,000 to $1,142, although Apple’s high margins mean it would likely absorb the cost without raising prices. More price-conscious companies like Lenovo and HP would have fewer options.
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I guess the rubber is about to meet the road, or maybe it should be the wallet hits reality, in American politics. If a Canadian Prime minister ever jacked prices by 25% or more on a whim with tariffs we'd skin him alive, but his party would probably cut his throat before then.

I figure Donald is gonna chicken out on Tariffs, he'll just lie again about getting a "deal" where no deal exists. 25% tariffs on most of the consumer goods Americans buy is gonna scare the shit out of the republicans in congress, if nothing else they know their base will be pissed when the prices go up in Walmart.

Would Donald's products be exempt from the tariffs? He has a Trump store where everything is made in China and he won't be able to resist giving himself a break.
What consumers should buy now as the trade war heats up

Going to the store is about to get more — and possibly a lot more — expensive.

As trade tensions between the U.S. and China escalate, with both sides increasing tariffs on a widening selection of products, American consumers will see higher prices as soon as this summer.

Tariffs on goods traded between the U.S. and China have already increased in several stages since early 2018. Now, President Donald Trump has added a 25% tariff (up from his original proposal of 10%) on another $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, and China hit back with 5% to 10% percent duties on another $60 billion worth of U.S. goods.

The president has said that China will bear the brunt of the costs from the tariffs, yet experts say the burden will land squarely on U.S. consumers. (Exactly how those higher prices are passed on depends on a number of factors, including whether suppliers absorb the additional cost, source production in another country or increase prices.)

"The supply chain will try to absorb as much of the blow as they can, then they will move those costs forward to consumers," said David French, senior vice president of government relations at the National Retail Federation. In preparation, retailers are stocking up on merchandise.

Imports at the nation's major container ports are expected to see unusually high levels for the remainder of this spring and through the summer, according to the NRF's monthly Global Port Tracker report.

However, "you can only have so much inventory," French said. It's more likely that consumers will end up shouldering most, if not all, of the added costs, he said.

When tariffs were imposed on imported washing machines last year, U.S. manufacturers responded to reduced competition from imports by raising their prices and, as a result, more than the full amount of the tariff was passed on in the way of higher prices.

"U.S. consumers paid 125% to 225% more," French said, referring to a working paper co-authored by Ali Hortacsu and Felix Tintelnot of the University of Chicago and Federal Reserve Board economist Aaron Flaaen.

In all, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and researchers at Princeton and Columbia universities conservatively estimated that U.S. tariffs cost American consumers at least $6.9 billion last year.

A separate report from Oxford Economics estimated that tariffs could cost every American household about $800.
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Parvovirus is on board for Trump, so he's got that going for him. It was attracted by the syphilis raging through his brain. That's what I heard.
Don't you know that avoiding syphilis in NY was draft dodging Donny's "personal Vietnam", maybe he got STD instead of PTSD. If he doesn't have PTSD now, when the congress and the courts are done with him he will, solitary in a supermax would be stressful for someone like Trump, he'd be raving in a week.
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If these tariffs are so bad for us how come chinese money is worth less when exchanged into dollars than it was a month ago? also how can a mandatory higher minimum wage keep prices the same while imposing a tariff raises prices? Or do you guys just pick and choose the types of things that actually effect business? Just saying looking at my financial charts it clearly shows that 30 days ago 6.71 yuan equaled 1 dollar and today 6.88 yuan equals 1 dollar. But i'm sure you will come up with some shit about how their currency inflating means they all make more money!!!!
If these tariffs are so bad for us how come chinese money is worth less when exchanged into dollars than it was a month ago? also how can a mandatory higher minimum wage keep prices the same while imposing a tariff raises prices? Or do you guys just pick and choose the types of things that actually effect business?
You think that bailing out farmers and paying 25% more for everything is a "plan"
It sounds like a Republican tax
You think that bailing out farmers and paying 25% more for everything is a "plan"
It sounds like a Republican tax
Hell yeah glad we're taxing china. They've been manipulating our currency for far too long. But I'm sure on a forum of pot growers who probably average 700 bucks a lb we got tons of economic geniuses here.
Hell yeah glad we're taxing china. They've been manipulating our currency for far too long. But I'm sure on a forum of pot growers who probably average 700 bucks a lb we got tons of economic geniuses here.
Yo big brained one
Who pays higher prices if we tax China ...We do
Now unless you plan on your kids working as slave labor
Americans don't want those jobs

I get $180 a zip all day and never have extra... Officer
Yo big brained one
Who pays higher prices if we tax China ...We do
Now unless you plan on your kids working as slave labor
Americans don't want those jobs
Maybe the high price of chinese goods will allow American infrastructure to be built up so we don't even need their junk? also price of gasoline went down this week. Started at 2.70 down to 2.53 here this morning. I also don't see any 4 dollar gallons of milk like I was seeing under Obama so these increases you say you see must be something to your locale maybe a blue state? Also why even talk about social issues ever if you're willing to have china be our plantation? White boy shit.
Maybe the high price of chinese goods will allow American infrastructure to be built up so we don't even need their junk? also price of gasoline went down this week. Started at 2.70 down to 2.53 here this morning. I also don't see any 4 dollar gallons of milk like I was seeing under Obama so these increases you say you see must be something to your locale maybe a blue state? Also why even talk about social issues ever if you're willing to have china be our plantation? White boy shit.
Gas is $3.05 here it dropped a nickel
Maybe and what if is always the ignorant response