Bountiful Precipitation and Full Reservoirs in California

does it not occur to you that if a state that has been in a drought for years suddenly has full reservoirs...that might be the beginning of a new problem? doesn't it seem strange that it can happen so quickly? here's a leading question....what's going to happen if the rain keeps up at the rate it's currently collecting at? how long till the reservoirs are too full? how long till we have catastrophic flooding? how long till the little bit of topsoil left in California is washed out to sea and the whole state becomes a parking lot? till all the low lying areas become new lakes? how will all the flora and fauna that have adapted to dry conditions deal with the new weather patterns? are people going to have to buy boats to get back and forth?
do some people ever think about consequences?
God, that sounds like heaven! They should market desert lots as future beachfront property in California.
Whatever the communication method is between entangled pairs, it is instantaneous, is it not? That would be faster than light.
It doesn’t disprove SR which has been experimentally confirmed many times. Einstein didn’t like entaglement, at all, but it is also experimentally confirmed and is being developed for comms. They are both true and non contradictory simultaneously. Science is harsh man
It doesn’t disprove SR which has been experimentally confirmed many times. Einstein didn’t like entaglement, at all, but it is also experimentally confirmed and is being developed for comms. They are both true and non contradictory simultaneously. Science is harsh man

He's a fucking idiot.

Entanglement doesn't deal with travel. That's the entire point: The electrons are connected via entanglement to begin with. That's why the transfer is nearly instantaneous across great distances.

A buddy of mine who is a physicist at Georgia Tech dumbed it down for me this way so I could grasp it: It's much like the nervous system of the human body, only it transfers signals faster. Imagine if your arm were, say, 240,000 miles in length so you could just reach up and grab a moon rock. You would still feel that moon rock in your hand instantly as you grabbed it even though the rest of your body was back here on earth.

There is no travel in entanglement. It's an instantaneous signal sent over an existing connection.
It doesn’t disprove SR which has been experimentally confirmed many times. Einstein didn’t like entaglement, at all, but it is also experimentally confirmed and is being developed for comms. They are both true and non contradictory simultaneously. Science is harsh man
Fair enough. I understand there are 4 states: true, false, both true and false, neither true nor false. So I can deal. Have a great day!
He's a fucking idiot.

Entanglement doesn't deal with travel. That's the entire point: The electrons are connected via entanglement to begin with. That's why the transfer is nearly instantaneous across great distances.

A buddy of mine who is a physicist at Georgia Tech dumbed it down for me this way so I could grasp it: It's much like the nervous system of the human body, only it transfers signals faster. Imagine if your arm were, say, 240,000 miles in length so you could just reach up and grab a moon rock. You would still feel that moon rock in your hand instantly as you grabbed it even though the rest of your body was back here on earth.

There is no travel in entanglement. It's an instantaneous signal sent over an existing connection.
It is the travel of the signal I am referencing. I don't think it can be explained. So speculating that the signal has no mass isn't too out there. Feel free to correct me. I also understand that entaglement is instantaneous, not nearly instantaneous.