What did you accomplish today?

We bought a new house today.8-)

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It's not on glass flat land but the driveway is not classified as a Black Diamond Slope.
Retrieving my mail in the winter will not be as risky.:bigjoint:
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One local landmark that will help me provide directions to guests is a large statue of Unicorn Pegasus
on a neighbor's lawn. It is a large museum quality work of art. :blsmoke:

Coffee is hot

We have a major storm pull through last night, so i gotta ck for any damage around the homestead.....glad i moved those tomatoes under the car port yesterday when i got home.....

anyone catch the license plate of the dump truck, cause i feel like i've been hit by it today......sheesh

think we have another round coming in later today of the rains....this should be interesting....
woke up grouchy people waking me up yelling at me clearly seeing im sleeping but give zero fucks. walked and fed the dogs, fed both indoor and outdoor cats ( we don't have much outdoor cats just 1 but lots of strays my mom liked to feed so we continue with that about 4-5 strays they are pretty nice though ). fed my worm bin which imo is looking fairly nice it's super dark brown/black but that just could be from the existing soil i put in it for air gaps and bedding. lots of mold growing though and shit load of fruit flies i need to fix the fruit fly issue. sadly i can't keep the bin outside because my grandpa LOVES to steal my fricken bins and use them to store water. it gets old really fast. i think my dad is pissed off at him as well because he stole one of my dads work tools and claims he doesn't know where it is nor touched it yet i clearly remember seeing it and he also threw away my dads cannabis seedling. it wasn't just a pot with dirt in it you could clearly see the seedling it was getting big.

waiting for my friends to finish work since im off today but only thing left i really got to do today is possibly take my dads dog to daycare and maybe do some cleaning/moving in the other room. i was planning to move my computer in today so i can sleep in the room but the bed is in the way and can't move it on my own. gonna figure out a way to get rid of all these fruit flies as well before it gets out of hand while i sip on some coffee
Nice spring weather. Attempted to get the gas weedeater running yesterday, had to replace fuel lines again. Hemostats work well to pull the lines through the tank. Got the recoil spring loosened up, cleaned the plug, AND nothing. Need to tear into the carb I guess, there was strange stuff growing on the spark plug. Pulling weeds out front under the roses today and spraying them for blackspot, might put some more mulch under them also.
Nice spring weather. Attempted to get the gas weedeater running yesterday, had to replace fuel lines again. Hemostats work well to pull the lines through the tank. Got the recoil spring loosened up, cleaned the plug, AND nothing. Need to tear into the carb I guess, there was strange stuff growing on the spark plug. Pulling weeds out front under the roses today and spraying them for blackspot, might put some more mulch under them also.

this new gas is screwing up weed eaters big time......i to switch fuels....i use VP 50:1 now in mine been running great ever since....
rearranged my worm bin found a shit load of fruit flies and i thought i added enough bedding to basically stop the big air holes but guess not because there were a ton of maggot fruit flies. all the food i fed has degraded pretty damn fast though i aint going to lie. i tried to search for my old worm colony and no luck i think i killed them off by over watering. compost doesn't smell bad though it smells fruity from all the fruit scraps.

i found an old pot we grew cannabis in and luckily bunch of worms in it so i grabbed as much worms from that pot dumped the soil into the worm bin and going to see how they do in 2 weeks. the worms were matured enough to breed at least but very skinny and short in size due to lack of food but i think they should be fine. i'd say there were at least 30-40 worms i pulled from that pot at the very least so they should do wonders compared to my old colony of about 4-10 worms only.

if this doesn't work and they all die again im just going to scrap the whole idea because buying worms locally is a pain in the ass. nobody wants to sell worms or selling at a high cost and they don't live close or operate close either so it's a lengthy drive and about a $40 cost for like 2oz of worms. it is also illegal to import so i can't buy online even if it's the same breed which is legal in my state.
That's why I got an electric one for around the house.
I have an electric one also, I just knew the gas one had been sitting too long and needed some attention, I'll get it going another day, it ceased being enjoyable.
rearranged my worm bin found a shit load of fruit flies and i thought i added enough bedding to basically stop the big air holes but guess not because there were a ton of maggot fruit flies. all the food i fed has degraded pretty damn fast though i aint going to lie. i tried to search for my old worm colony and no luck i think i killed them off by over watering. compost doesn't smell bad though it smells fruity from all the fruit scraps.

i found an old pot we grew cannabis in and luckily bunch of worms in it so i grabbed as much worms from that pot dumped the soil into the worm bin and going to see how they do in 2 weeks. the worms were matured enough to breed at least but very skinny and short in size due to lack of food but i think they should be fine. i'd say there were at least 30-40 worms i pulled from that pot at the very least so they should do wonders compared to my old colony of about 4-10 worms only.

if this doesn't work and they all die again im just going to scrap the whole idea because buying worms locally is a pain in the ass. nobody wants to sell worms or selling at a high cost and they don't live close or operate close either so it's a lengthy drive and about a $40 cost for like 2oz of worms. it is also illegal to import so i can't buy online even if it's the same breed which is legal in my state.

i just go to a fresh water bait shop for nightcrawlers, don't use them for fishing but i do use them for my soils
i just go to a fresh water bait shop for nightcrawlers, don't use them for fishing but i do use them for my soils
yea we dont have any bait shops here lol we mostly use live bait which is fish that you need to catch on your own to begin with or lures. we typically use white shrimp for bait but i know others depending what they are fishing for will use live crabs which you can catch easily on the rocks or other things like sea urchins.

there used to be a shop near me that sold worms but i think they closed down it was a hydroponics store. the other ones are all way out of reach for me and there are very few on craigslist selling and if so they are in the same areas as the stores selling um. i mean i like composting and the idea it's beneficial for me because i usually don't eat much fruits or vegetables so this forces me to eat them just to feed the scraps to my worms but since my old colony got thrown away from my grandpa it's just been hard getting back into it. this is my #1 reason i never leave my bin outside anymore. i've written on the lids so he doesn't touch it or move it or w.e. but he gives ZERO fucks.

i think this time they should do fine i just added way more bedding then one would typically add to start off a bin but i eventually plan to just lower it gradually over time mix in the old bedding with more new bedding. right now im running about 50% soil thats been heavily leeched for bedding and other 50% will be fresh bedding to compost. next time i will do a 25% old bedding with 75% new bedding once i get my worm counts up. i mean i know how to vermicompost and all that used to do it on a decent scale just haven't done it for so long and pretty much starting with very little malnourished worms
yea we dont have any bait shops here lol we mostly use live bait which is fish that you need to catch on your own to begin with or lures. we typically use white shrimp for bait but i know others depending what they are fishing for will use live crabs which you can catch easily on the rocks or other things like sea urchins.

there used to be a shop near me that sold worms but i think they closed down it was a hydroponics store. the other ones are all way out of reach for me and there are very few on craigslist selling and if so they are in the same areas as the stores selling um. i mean i like composting and the idea it's beneficial for me because i usually don't eat much fruits or vegetables so this forces me to eat them just to feed the scraps to my worms but since my old colony got thrown away from my grandpa it's just been hard getting back into it. this is my #1 reason i never leave my bin outside anymore. i've written on the lids so he doesn't touch it or move it or w.e. but he gives ZERO fucks.

i think this time they should do fine i just added way more bedding then one would typically add to start off a bin but i eventually plan to just lower it gradually over time mix in the old bedding with more new bedding. right now im running about 50% soil thats been heavily leeched for bedding and other 50% will be fresh bedding to compost. next time i will do a 25% old bedding with 75% new bedding once i get my worm counts up. i mean i know how to vermicompost and all that used to do it on a decent scale just haven't done it for so long and pretty much starting with very little malnourished worms

being on an island does have it's draw backs.....but just a heads up, the skins of shrimp are a good source, crab shell is a good source, and also generally just shell is a good addition for soils....just heads up.....i do understand the reasoning for the worm ben....sorry bout what happened.....
yea we dont have any bait shops here lol we mostly use live bait which is fish that you need to catch on your own to begin with or lures. we typically use white shrimp for bait but i know others depending what they are fishing for will use live crabs which you can catch easily on the rocks or other things like sea urchins.

there used to be a shop near me that sold worms but i think they closed down it was a hydroponics store. the other ones are all way out of reach for me and there are very few on craigslist selling and if so they are in the same areas as the stores selling um. i mean i like composting and the idea it's beneficial for me because i usually don't eat much fruits or vegetables so this forces me to eat them just to feed the scraps to my worms but since my old colony got thrown away from my grandpa it's just been hard getting back into it. this is my #1 reason i never leave my bin outside anymore. i've written on the lids so he doesn't touch it or move it or w.e. but he gives ZERO fucks.

i think this time they should do fine i just added way more bedding then one would typically add to start off a bin but i eventually plan to just lower it gradually over time mix in the old bedding with more new bedding. right now im running about 50% soil thats been heavily leeched for bedding and other 50% will be fresh bedding to compost. next time i will do a 25% old bedding with 75% new bedding once i get my worm counts up. i mean i know how to vermicompost and all that used to do it on a decent scale just haven't done it for so long and pretty much starting with very little malnourished worms
You ever try collecting worms in your yard? There's a few simple ways to do it, it can just take awhile to get a good sized colony going.
being on an island does have it's draw backs.....but just a heads up, the skins of shrimp are a good source, crab shell is a good source, and also generally just shell is a good addition for soils....just heads up.....i do understand the reasoning for the worm ben....sorry bout what happened.....
yea they are also a good source for making stock lol. when i used to work at this japanese restaurant that did more then just sushi i would prep the shrimp and was amazed that the chef just throws away the shells so i asked him if i could keep the shells and made stock with um. just boil it in water and strain. i really don't eat much shrimp though since i was a kid that was one of my favorite foods just deep fried shrimp with cocktail sauce and fries but now eating just a few makes my throat very itchy so i think i got an allergic reaction to shrimp. i heard this can happen where you eat so much or a certain thing that later on you can get an allergic reaction to that very same thing. idk if this is true but i got the same issue with milk as well thus i can't drink a lot of milk gives me diarrhea the next day.

You ever try collecting worms in your yard? There's a few simple ways to do it, it can just take awhile to get a good sized colony going.

yea when i first started composting i was young had no job so no money to buy worms so i tried collecting some but our garden is fairly barren. this is why i try to get into vermicomposting in general because worms are so beneficial for more then just there poop and what i did before was i collect my compost and i took half of my colony and chuck it right into the garden with some compost. i did the same thing with my dads aquaponics system and they thrive in the grow bed but the worms are fairly small as well and the grow bed is filled with at least 100 pounds of lava rocks it's a big and fairly deep bed but that is my last resort to get worms. hard part is actually getting them though because the lava rocks have so much surface area they can hide in. it has a sponge that filters the water first before entering the grow bed but i'd need to take the filter off and compost that but not worth it usually only got about 10 worms in it at a time.

when i get some money situated i will probably just buy a pound from the store. the ones i found in the pot today though were fairly nice size and pretty active so i think it should be up and running and now that i know i watered the bin too much i can ease up on that as to not kill the worms off.