What did you accomplish today?

Yesterday I gardened. First real day since the hurricane that I spent all day in the garden. Got everything plowed and or hoed. Transplanted squash, zukes, and acorn squash.

Worked on the garden fence this morning. Got two rolls of wire up, and a third rolled out and posts driven. About a third of the way done. Napped after lunch.
Don't tell anyone, but the customers for Friday and Saturday have not paid their deposit, so I will not be working this weekend. Well, not until Sunday anyway.

Although Sister has already ask if I'm off Saturday night. My niece is down from Denver for the weekend, and wants to get together for supper. A couple of weeks ago when I had the weekend off, we ended up going out for the BIL's B-day. I always want to spend any unplanned time off in the woods. My anti social tendencies are alive and well.
I tweaked my shoulder again trying to lift the cab off the trucks frame so I called it a night. Just cooked up some ground beef with onion and garlic, doctored up some jarred marinara with red pepper flake, basil, oregano, rosemary and a cup of merlot and combined them. That's simmering while I wait for the rigatoni to cook. Got some garlic Naan waiting to hit the broiler. Just popped a bottle of moscato, first time I've drank since new years, is5 probably gonna hit me hard.
My bewwy hurted. Poo poo.

Apparently all shrooms give you the shits

It's their world, you're just living in it lol

No shit i once saw a dude behind me that had " move over" backwards like an ambulance, with an arrow across his windshield. I was like shit, ok then.

Dude came out of nowhere. I'm guessing he does a lot of driving. I was rocking 85 in the fast lane. Dude was smashing it.
Someone in CA has AVO VOOM as a license plate
I tweaked my shoulder again trying to lift the cab off the trucks frame so I called it a night. Just cooked up some ground beef with onion and garlic, doctored up some jarred marinara with red pepper flake, basil, oregano, rosemary and a cup of merlot and combined them. That's simmering while I wait for the rigatoni to cook. Got some garlic Naan waiting to hit the broiler. Just popped a bottle of moscato, first time I've drank since new years, is5 probably gonna hit me hard.
The nice thing about a recipe that uses a cup of merlot is that it leaves two cups to condition the preparer.
All went well today, got it home and needs the bugs washed off already.
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174 miles already, got to love the 'ground speed' on the speedometer.

Was at 28 mpg after turnpike and interstate trip home, down to 25.9 driving around town and runs regular gas.

The dealer is picking it up next week to fix a tiny dent and a couple paint chips. I guess it happens when they sit around 2 and a half years.

Going for a midnight ride later. Last time I remember being an open convertible at midnight was in college. Long ago in a galaxy far away in a 1967 Barracuda, gf's sister's car we got to play with for a weekend.

Trying to channel the good old days. Lol.

One major good thing, the wife likes it. But she said she doesn't like driving cars anymore since getting an SUV three years ago. Works for me, won't ever have to adjust seat and mirrors.
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All went well today, got it home and needs the bugs washed off already.
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174 miles already, got to love the 'ground speed' on the speedometer.

Was at 28 mpg after turnpike and interstate trip home, down to 25.9 driving around town and runs regular gas.

The dealer is picking it up next week to fix a tiny dent and a couple paint chips. I guess it happens when they sit around 2 and a half years.

Going for a midnight ride later. Last time I remember being an open convertible at midnight was in college. Long ago in a galaxy far away in a 1967 Barracuda, gf's sister's car we got to play with for a weekend.

Trying to channel the good old days. Lol.

One major good thing, the wife likes it. But she said she doesn't like driving cars anymore since getting an SUV three years ago. Works for me, won't ever have to adjust seat and mirrors.
I liked the "ground speed" as well. LOL Was gonna ask if it had an air speed gauge
We good brobro it didn't take
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I don't think you can hear it unless your volume is all the way up but dance hall days is rattling this abode
I got the same problem if i ever tried to remove mine. They layed it in heavy. Its my oldest tattoo but still looks new. View attachment 4326856
Mine took over 20 treatments and there is still some color (and a bit of scarring) they used a couple different kind of lasers, one they used actually cut cylinders out of my skin it smelled pretty bad too.
View attachment 4327167
All went well today, got it home and needs the bugs washed off already.
View attachment 4327165 View attachment 4327166 View attachment 4327168
174 miles already, got to love the 'ground speed' on the speedometer.

Was at 28 mpg after turnpike and interstate trip home, down to 25.9 driving around town and runs regular gas.

The dealer is picking it up next week to fix a tiny dent and a couple paint chips. I guess it happens when they sit around 2 and a half years.

Going for a midnight ride later. Last time I remember being an open convertible at midnight was in college. Long ago in a galaxy far away in a 1967 Barracuda, gf's sister's car we got to play with for a weekend.

Trying to channel the good old days. Lol.

One major good thing, the wife likes it. But she said she doesn't like driving cars anymore since getting an SUV three years ago. Works for me, won't ever have to adjust seat and mirrors.
That’s a sweet ride mate, you will have some good times in that beast
Mine took over 20 treatments and there is still some color (and a bit of scarring) they used a couple different kind of lasers, one they used actually cut cylinders out of my skin it smelled pretty bad too.
I have my whole arm done got it done when was 18 got really drunk one day my mate was an apprentice tattooist the rest is history and regret lol.
finished my work week got the day off tomorrow but sadly cant sleep in. got to drop of my sister to the hospital for her work.played some video games and enjoyed myself now im tired as hell ready for bed. my cousin from out of state came over with his wife they stayed fairly long im pretty sure he wanted to leave but my family was forcing him to stay lol.
Today was hectic, the steel is finally fixed. I started bricking it in. I’ll post some pics Monday. Now all the pressure is on me to get it done quickly to get the job back on schedule. The plumbers forgot to rough in some pipes, so I gave them a hand as well. I felt bad leaving them to do overtime on a Friday. Plus I need a hot water service swapped lol