Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

I missed that story. He murdered an unarmed petite blonde woman in pink pajamas, what a lunatic. First cop to go down for on duty murder, afaik. Good. He could get 20 years, we'll see what they give him on June 7th...

He’ll probably get bugger all,
Black cop killed a white woman in America. He's fucked.

White cops kill black people all the time and don't get charged but no racism!
It's time for change... Anyone who applies for a job as a police officer should take a psychological exam and find out what's really going on in a person's mind... Hatreds,likes,beliefs,that type of shit... Doesn't matter what color they are"check em
It's time for change... Anyone who applies for a job as a police officer should take a psychological exam and find out what's really going on in a person's mind... Hatreds,likes,beliefs,that type of shit... Doesn't matter what color they are"check em
It turns out that a very high percentage (much higher than the general population they 'serve', that is to say terrorize) of military and police personnel across the country are active white nationalists. Another piece of the puzzle falls into place with that, doesn't it?

America is already an inverted totalitarian state; what average Americans want is completely ignored by our 'elected' (chosen from corporate and donor class cash fueled races) government officials in favor of what the elites want.
It turns out that a very high percentage (much higher than the general population they 'serve', that is to say terrorize) of military and police personnel across the country are active white nationalists. Another piece of the puzzle falls into place with that, doesn't it?

America is already an inverted totalitarian state; what average Americans want is completely ignored by our 'elected' (chosen from corporate and donor class cash fueled races) government officials in favor of what the elites want.
Controlled revolution,not anarchy...
It turns out that a very high percentage (much higher than the general population they 'serve', that is to say terrorize) of military and police personnel across the country are active white nationalists. Another piece of the puzzle falls into place with that, doesn't it?

America is already an inverted totalitarian state; what average Americans want is completely ignored by our 'elected' (chosen from corporate and donor class cash fueled races) government officials in favor of what the elites want.
Some of these militias are dangerous...
Tired of them driving around all day, wasting our hard earned tax dollars enforcing out-dated speed limits etc.
The police should not be seen unless they are called.
Which brings up another aspect, they only arrive after the crime has been committed.
So actually, all we need are in-office investigators.
It turns out that a very high percentage (much higher than the general population they 'serve', that is to say terrorize) of military and police personnel across the country are active white nationalists. Another piece of the puzzle falls into place with that, doesn't it?

America is already an inverted totalitarian state; what average Americans want is completely ignored by our 'elected' (chosen from corporate and donor class cash fueled races) government officials in favor of what the elites want.
This... is true.
I am saddened, but it is true.
We need to change the constitution... The laws are too far out of date...

Change the Constitution? Which part/parts?
What significant changes would you make?
Would you promote using the Constitution as TP and starting over?

Change the laws in existence? Ok.
Enforce the laws as written? Ok.

What is the basis for the need to change the founding document?

Changing the Constitution to whimsically suit "YOUR" own desires
will likely complicate matters exponentially. And still would not be enough to soothe the savage beast.

Then what? Change them again?
i once had a bad encounter with a cop for loud music. he treated me like utter shit talked down on me as i cooperated with him. i didn't swear at him or nothing and he kept insisting i was on drugs as well despite i passed 2 sobriety tests they gave me on the spot. he couldn't do shit to me either he could only give me a warning about the music. he was very disgusting though your typical cop that abuses their power/rights.

not all cops are douche bags like this guy but yea quite a few of them out there. there was actually i believe a police chief here that got charged for hitting his gf on camera and it clearly shows him beating her. another police chief is going to prison for illegal stuff as well. not sure what him and his wife were doing i think selling drugs from doctors or something like that but they keep trying to dodge there case by claiming they are unfit to stand for trial due to the wife having cancer and what not.

you give anyone some sort of power over another person and most likely depending on the person they will abuse said power. it doesn't need to be a cop in general it could be someone else in my field of work it is common for the higher ups to abuse us mostly verbally by swearing at us ( verbal abuse ) sometimes but rarely physical abuse as well by throwing objects at us. this is more old school and will get you fired real quick though.

Change the Constitution? Which part/parts?
What significant changes would you make?
Would you promote using the Constitution as TP and starting over?

Change the laws in existence? Ok.
Enforce the laws as written? Ok.

What is the basis for the need to change the founding document?

Changing the Constitution to whimsically suit "YOUR" own desires
will likely complicate matters exponentially. And still would not be enough to soothe the savage beast.

Then what? Change them again?
Change the laws in existence... The basis for the need is that we are not all considered equal... It has the black man as less than 2/3rds of a human being,and we are still considered to be that... But it goes much deeper than that... Im not about to get up on my soapbox and start preaching so I'll just end this with a hearty FUCK THE POLICE!!!

you give anyone some sort of power over another person and most likely depending on the person they will abuse said power. it doesn't need to be a cop in general it could be someone else in my field of work it is common for the higher ups to abuse us mostly verbally by swearing at us ( verbal abuse ) sometimes but rarely physical abuse as well by throwing objects at us. this is more old school and will get you fired real quick though.
You work for the wrong company.
You work for the wrong company.
that was my job at the time like 4 years ago. luckily for me it wasn't a job but an internship but it paid as well so i quickly left right after i finished my 250 hours. luckily i worked 40 hours a week there quickly got it over with and left. i still find a few companies like that and depending how they sort out the situation later on i either stay or leave. i dont think it is the actual company but rather the stress tied with the field we work in they can't handle it and start verbally abusing employee's to take it out which i mean is bad in general but the company at the time it was a daily basis. couldn't stand it and on my first day of work i was put on the hardest station that required a lot of skill i didn't have to do well and got my ass chewed out .

Change the Constitution? Which part/parts?
What significant changes would you make?
Would you promote using the Constitution as TP and starting over?

Change the laws in existence? Ok.
Enforce the laws as written? Ok.

What is the basis for the need to change the founding document?

Changing the Constitution to whimsically suit "YOUR" own desires
will likely complicate matters exponentially. And still would not be enough to soothe the savage beast.

Then what? Change them again?
The idea that our constitution is without flaws is myopic and is itself badly outdated. Just for openers, it's not strong on enforcement of the Bill of Rights, let alone on who gets to enjoy them.
Black cop killed a white woman in America. He's fucked.

White cops kill black people all the time and don't get charged but no racism!
I know there is a problem, but don't allow your mind to work like that.
Look at each individual case, and make sure the guilty party gets his punishment.

In the face of the evidence, did you want the judge to say, he can see what happened but the guy should get off scot-free because other people did stuff to other people?