What did you accomplish today?

finished a long day of work very tired didn't sleep until 1-2am yesterday and i worked last night as well. came home to some bad news but also good news as well.

car is officially totaled, wasn't paid off no idea wth my dad wrote on the calendar cause it says it was paid off. so now we basically waiting for the money if any to come in. other news is i need to return the rental on may 7th. i mean this is all bad news in general but also good news because now we can move forward and decide what we are going to do. i think we are going to just wait for the money to come in and then purchase a new car and start paying it off already.

my other options are to basically buy a used car, buy a moped possibly idk if my fat ass can go at a decent speed but work is fairly far from my house i'd need to be going 30mph at the very least. it's an option though so at least i can get around. until i can purchase a car which shouldn't be very long maybe by the end of this year i can do it on my own.

i think my sister is going to let me use her car idk either way i need to know if i got a ride to and from work so i can figure out what im going to be doing but my family doesn't wanna talk about it so it's all last minute shit. thats why it's stressful. buying a moped/scooter will save me a lot of time catching the bus if i take the roadway it's still only about a 20minute ride at 30mph
I had a scooter when I was travelling. I modified a push bike rack and put it on the back of my van. I was travelling with my wife at the time she was my gf and my dog. I traveled all over Australia with that scooter and van. When I got some work I’d ride the scooter in and leave my wife and the dog with the van to do there thing. I felt safe with the dog there for her. The scooter even survived a wombat attack, it was night didn’t see it until the last minute laid the scooter down hard slide for a good 30 metres. The wombat seemed fine waddled off before I could check it properly. I was wearing shorts bare feet and no shirt had a helmet though lol. I had some skin missing, I was a smart kid. It used to max out at 45mph and if I leaned really far back it would pick the front wheel up. Scooters are a bit of fun and they get you there just watch for the wildlife lol
finished a long day of work very tired didn't sleep until 1-2am yesterday and i worked last night as well. came home to some bad news but also good news as well.

car is officially totaled, wasn't paid off no idea wth my dad wrote on the calendar cause it says it was paid off. so now we basically waiting for the money if any to come in. other news is i need to return the rental on may 7th. i mean this is all bad news in general but also good news because now we can move forward and decide what we are going to do. i think we are going to just wait for the money to come in and then purchase a new car and start paying it off already.

my other options are to basically buy a used car, buy a moped possibly idk if my fat ass can go at a decent speed but work is fairly far from my house i'd need to be going 30mph at the very least. it's an option though so at least i can get around. until i can purchase a car which shouldn't be very long maybe by the end of this year i can do it on my own.

i think my sister is going to let me use her car idk either way i need to know if i got a ride to and from work so i can figure out what im going to be doing but my family doesn't wanna talk about it so it's all last minute shit. thats why it's stressful. buying a moped/scooter will save me a lot of time catching the bus if i take the roadway it's still only about a 20minute ride at 30mph
What about arranging a ride with someone at work? I had to do that a couple times when I lost my license because my right foots made of lead. I wasn't even going double the limit, what's the big deal? :roll:
Got behind a woman on the freeway in the fast lane going way under the speed limit so I flipped on all my lights to force the bitch over. She still refused until I almost rammed her then she finally merged. About a minute later a cop went flying past on the otherside of the highway with his lights on, sure shit he went after her. Someone watching what happened must have called her in. That was so satisfying to watch, I hate stupid/selfish drivers.
I had a scooter when I was travelling. I modified a push bike rack and put it on the back of my van. I was travelling with my wife at the time she was my gf and my dog. I traveled all over Australia with that scooter and van. When I got some work I’d ride the scooter in and leave my wife and the dog with the van to do there thing. I felt safe with the dog there for her. The scooter even survived a wombat attack, it was night didn’t see it until the last minute laid the scooter down hard slide for a good 30 metres. The wombat seemed fine waddled off before I could check it properly.

I had a Hodaka Wombat when I was a teenager
I had a scooter when I was travelling. I modified a push bike rack and put it on the back of my van. I was travelling with my wife at the time she was my gf and my dog. I traveled all over Australia with that scooter and van. When I got some work I’d ride the scooter in and leave my wife and the dog with the van to do there thing. I felt safe with the dog there for her. The scooter even survived a wombat attack, it was night didn’t see it until the last minute laid the scooter down hard slide for a good 30 metres. The wombat seemed fine waddled off before I could check it properly. I was wearing shorts bare feet and no shirt had a helmet though lol. I had some skin missing, I was a smart kid. It used to max out at 45mph and if I leaned really far back it would pick the front wheel up. Scooters are a bit of fun and they get you there just watch for the wildlife lol

the problem with the scooter is im a fat ass i weigh at least.. 250 but im guessing im around 270-280. so it it goes 40mph only then got to cut that due to the weight ithas to carry so only like maybe 20mph which really wont cut it it's an option but i'll see i mean i still need a car regardless so i might just buy a used one instead for now so i have time to save up and buy a brand new dream car.

What about arranging a ride with someone at work? I had to do that a couple times when I lost my license because my right foots made of lead. I wasn't even going double the limit, what's the big deal? :roll:

the problem is all my coworkers live the opposite way from me. i also live the furthest as well. i know the area they live well cause i used carpool with this girl ( i picked her up and dropped her off) the area they live in is a trap only 1 way in 1 way out shit load of traffic. if they lived closer yea i would ask and pay there gas bill sadly none of them drives that lives close to me.

it'll be alright though i mean now we got more indepth information on the situation so we can handle it. i just really hope they dont give us a hard time to close the claim since were basically fighting with the other guys insurance company.
tired as hell but happy as well. i finally fixed my internet for good. my internet was slow and i thought it was just because of the switch but i was toying around last night before bed because it stopped working again the wifi at least and i found out why. apparently i wired the cables wrong i wired it the way the guy at best buy told me how because i had no internet at the time nor a switch to confirm and it worked but it was super slow.

called the company last night the customer service told me i wired it wrong thus why it's not working properly. apparently i was supposed to hook up the modem to the router then the router to my desktop. now it works great. slightly slow but it's hard to really tell. i would have 5 ports filled in the switch now i only got 2. the previous way i had it was i basically had all the cables in the switch. i am using 4 ethernet cables atm so i basically used 1 too many.
Went straight to the old sycamores down by a creek on the edge of the field and pow, right in the kisser.

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My bewwy hurted. Poo poo.

Apparently all shrooms give you the shits
Got behind a woman on the freeway in the fast lane going way under the speed limit so I flipped on all my lights to force the bitch over. She still refused until I almost rammed her then she finally merged. About a minute later a cop went flying past on the otherside of the highway with his lights on, sure shit he went after her. Someone watching what happened must have called her in. That was so satisfying to watch, I hate stupid/selfish drivers.

It's their world, you're just living in it lol

No shit i once saw a dude behind me that had " move over" backwards like an ambulance, with an arrow across his windshield. I was like shit, ok then.

Dude came out of nowhere. I'm guessing he does a lot of driving. I was rocking 85 in the fast lane. Dude was smashing it.
you don't like going to the movie? i'd usually rather watch them at home myself, but i'll go if someone else wants to. i just get really really really high on the way there...

I hate going to the theater - sticky floors, kids running around, people talking & eating loud.

I'll wait for them to come out & watch em at home away from the herd of idiots.