What did you accomplish today?

I hate going to the theater - sticky floors, kids running around, people talking & eating loud.

I'll wait for them to come out & watch em at home away from the herd of idiots.

They have VIP cinemas here. Huge comfy barcaloungers with lots of legroom, food and alcohol service to your seat. It's really nice and if the movie sucks you can recline and take a nap. Minors have to be accompanied by an adult to get in.

They have VIP cinemas here. Huge comfy barcaloungers with lots of legroom, food and alcohol service to your seat. It's really nice and if the movie sucks you can recline and take a nap. Minors have to be accompanied by an adult to get in.

That place is head and shoulders above any theater I've seen - Ok, might give that a try.
They have VIP cinemas here. Huge comfy barcaloungers with lots of legroom, food and alcohol service to your seat. It's really nice and if the movie sucks you can recline and take a nap. Minors have to be accompanied by an adult to get in.

That’s like that place I go to. I got their 42 oz mug. They call them tankers lol if you buy one you can bring it back and get refills for $12. And they have the best Cuban sandwiches. I just saw avengers end game there on opening night.
That’s like that place I go to. I got their 42 oz mug. They call them tankers lol if you buy one you can bring it back and get refills for $12. And they have the best Cuban sandwiches. I just saw avengers end game there on opening night.

If they only had cute, scantily clad Cuban girls to deliver said sandwiches to my seat. Maybe they could come back to rub my tummy when I'm finished. Then perhaps a little head...
If I lived downunder I would have a wombat for a pet.


I would switch from round pots to square pots to maximize the fertilizer volume to container coefficient. :bigjoint:
Why? Because I need to keep my shit organized.:eyesmoke:

@DustyDuke do you have a wombat?
Lol not a pet but we have some living on our property wild I’m constantly filling holes so the horses don’t break there legs because they burrow everywhere. They only come out at night we also get kangaroos, they go where ever they please can jump fences with ease but no kolas selfish bastards. The roos’s Won’t let you get close enough for a good pic especially with a joey8FB0581E-AE86-4ACB-8957-C63A1882C602.jpeg
Enjoying the process of finding a new PCM for the wife. The small animal clinic on base has realized her issues are beyond prescribing motrin and antibiotics. Now to get ahold of referrals management to set up an appointment. Running to the commissary this afternoon, Mother Hubbard's cupboard's reside here.
why do they care if it rolls away?
Because there shit don’t stink lol I think that some stupid person came up with that and everyone was like yeah that must be it. They just have a square asshole lol. Maybe they want there shit to stand out or they don’t like anal sex and it keeps the weirdo’s away all valid theories. Ours live on flat ground there shit ain’t rolling anywhere Australia is the flattest continent on the planet.
I finished stripping one of my trucks for parts today, just need to clean up and make a list of everything that's saleable. So I went down to get my trash barrel from the curb and found a few morels growing by a wood l pile in my yard. I need to read up on these things. I didn't know about them until last week when someone posted pics, I've had them around here for years. I think they're just starting to fruit. I want to try and cultivate /promote their growth now. I'm pretty sure there's other edible shrooms too with the moist woody area i I'm in. There's this huge orange shelf looking one out back I think I read is edible, I need to get a book. I've been trying to get my buddy to spread some psilocybin spores around for years but he's worried about contamination, he'd rather do it in a controlled environment. I just want wild magic mushrooms.

I also got a call from the electric company. Apparently I changed my weekly auto payment to 10.00 instead of 100.00. Oops. That over was 2 months ago. $950 due. FML.
I finished stripping one of my trucks for parts today, just need to clean up and make a list of everything that's saleable. So I went down to get my trash barrel from the curb and found a few morels growing by a wood l pile in my yard. I need to read up on these things. I didn't know about them until last week when someone posted pics, I've had them around here for years. I think they're just starting to fruit. I want to try and cultivate /promote their growth now. I'm pretty sure there's other edible shrooms too with the moist woody area i I'm in. There's this huge orange shelf looking one out back I think I read is edible, I need to get a book. I've been trying to get my buddy to spread some psilocybin spores around for years but he's worried about contamination, he'd rather do it in a controlled environment. I just want wild magic mushrooms.

I also got a call from the electric company. Apparently I changed my weekly auto payment to 10.00 instead of 100.00. Opps. That was 2 months ago. $950 due. FML.
They grow wild all around my area lol most people don’t have a clue I’ve seen the growing on the roadside on the wood chips in my youth I used to pick them and other mushrooms we call them gold tops2A1A15CD-216A-42F9-99B8-7A0720EAB7BF.jpeg
That’s like that place I go to. I got their 42 oz mug. They call them tankers lol if you buy one you can bring it back and get refills for $12. And they have the best Cuban sandwiches. I just saw avengers end game there on opening night.

Most of the menu here is deep fried bar food, burgers and pizza. I haven't tried it so I can't comment. I always splurge on a big bag of butter popcorn and a large orange crush pop.
I bought a car on the internet. Checking it out tomorrow, it's a 2017 never titled so you get the full original warranty.

Eat & Park ordered 2 matching Mustangs, one black one white for some kind of contest give away but never took delivery. Mustn't have sold enough hamburgers.


I got them down to $24,800. Be rough to find a new convertible any cheaper.

No options, base convertible. A lot of stuff is standard though. Didn't give them money or sign anything yet contingent on the car being what it's advertised as-a new car. It's a Ford dealer 50 miles away so I think it's going to be fine.

I may be riding a while tomorrow.