Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

TardDog, what you have described here is just another example of "natural law" and the internal need to raise our young, yet, your statement was intended to disprove "natural law", so I am concluding that the idiocy you have displayed here has wholly exceeded my initial estimations and expectations.
In a world where you were king, no doubt I would need to return to save the crops.

or maybe you ARE rob....i can't imagine there's another fucknut dumbass out there that spews the same flavor stupidity as rob....on the same forum....then actually praises rob....i smell a sock with a hole in the toe...
i'm not watching that...i went to the website and it told me not one fucking thing about who these people are or what they fuck their video.
people with nothing to hide tell you who they are and what they want right up front, they don't put up slick websites with absolutely no actual information on them...
They want money out of politics; an end to campaign contributions and all other forms of political graft, enforced by legislation with teeth.

I see you're a real in depth kind of guy.
They want money out of politics; an end to campaign contributions and all other forms of political graft, enforced by legislation with teeth.

I see you're a real in depth kind of guy.
i am...which is why i usually skip by websites that don't go to the trouble of making it obvious what they're all about...i don't have time to research a websites purpose while they don't tell me a damn thing on their front page...which is the first thing people yeah, i'm a shallow fuck because these people with an important message hide the fucking message and don't tell you what the fuck it is they're trying to say up front...maybe your friends website sucks and needs to be redesigned by someone who doesn't have their head up their ass...which disqualifies you
I did watch it...and TBH I support many of their positions
Taking money out of politics is the answer but we have a system that money talks
So by that are you just shrugging your shoulders and accepting the inevitability of corruption? It doesn't have to be this way, you know. It's only your vote they're buying the ability to ignore. Doesn't that mean anything to you?

Yes, getting money out of politics would restore the whole point of a democratic system: accountability of politicians to their constituents. Strangely enough, that's why massive cash bribes are outlawed in other democracies. The concept is often ridiculed here, by people who then want others to take anything else they have to say seriously.
i am...which is why i usually skip by websites that don't go to the trouble of making it obvious what they're all about...i don't have time to research a websites purpose while they don't tell me a damn thing on their front page...which is the first thing people yeah, i'm a shallow fuck because these people with an important message hide the fucking message and don't tell you what the fuck it is they're trying to say up front...maybe your friends website sucks and needs to be redesigned by someone who doesn't have their head up their ass...which disqualifies you
If you give that kind of depth of attention to everything in your life, I can see why you're confused.
So by that are you just shrugging your shoulders and accepting the inevitability of corruption? It doesn't have to be this way, you know. It's only your vote they're buying the ability to ignore. Doesn't that mean anything to you?

Yes, getting money out of politics would restore the whole point of a democratic system: accountability of politicians to their constituents. Strangely enough, that's why massive cash bribes are outlawed in other democracies. The concept is often ridiculed here, by people who then want others to take anything else they have to say seriously.
My raging against the machine days are long over , you young folks have the wheel now
Nice way to avoid responsibility. Older people vote at the highest rates. Ever wonder why?
Son , you haven't got a clue
I was protesting the Vietnam war on the day I got drafted
I was treated like shit by both parties when I came home
Now in my Seventies you young folks get off your asses and do something other than a keyboard
Millennials ...the laziest generation pfffft
Son , you haven't got a clue
I was protesting the Vietnam war on the day I got drafted
I was treated like shit by both parties when I came home
Now in my Seventies you young folks get off your asses and do something other than a keyboard
Millennials ...the laziest generation pfffft
I'm in my fifties,I lived in Saigon in 1971 and I agree with every word you said about millennials.

But you can't give up yet. Your country still needs you.
holy motherfucking goddamn're a rob roy fan...i thought you were a mythical beast...
if you EVER want to be taken even close to seriously, never, ever...fucking ever, use rob roy as a citation source...he's a semi psychotic anarchist dumbass...and a self confessed pedophile...can't you pick someone more reputable to quote? ted bundy? the unabomber? jim jones?

Fixed that for you.
TardDog, what you have described here is just another example of "natural law" and the internal need to raise our young, yet, your statement was intended to disprove "natural law", so I am concluding that the idiocy you have displayed here has wholly exceeded my initial estimations and expectations.
In a world where you were king, no doubt I would need to return to save the crops.

So, this "natural law" thing is what again? Like gravity. I got that part. It's also raising kids too. What about snakes. do they raise their young too? Are there little cockroach families obeying that law? Grampa paramecium swimming about watching the kids at a paramecium park? This natural law of yours is whatever you make of it. And now you are citing a pedo.

If you give that kind of depth of attention to everything in your life, I can see why you're confused.
i am confused, confused as to why you keep finding untenable positions to espouse...i try to verify things that i read online, because every nutbar with a computer and some time can post whatever they want...if i have to look at a website and guess what their agenda is, i'm either going to ignore it, or i'm going to look for negative statements about it...then i have to look at who is making those negative statements...and i don't have time to do that on mystery websites that want to make me play "guess our agenda"....
i am confused, confused as to why you keep finding untenable positions to espouse...i try to verify things that i read online, because every nutbar with a computer and some time can post whatever they want...if i have to look at a website and guess what their agenda is, i'm either going to ignore it, or i'm going to look for negative statements about it...then i have to look at who is making those negative statements...and i don't have time to do that on mystery websites that want to make me play "guess our agenda"....
Awwwww, can't be bothered to even lift your tired little fingers to type a few queries.

You should have that checked.
I'm in my fifties,I lived in Saigon in 1971 and I agree with every word you said about millennials.

But you can't give up yet. Your country still needs you.
How old were you in Saigon? Please tell us some stories about your time there. Were you in "the shit"? Did somebody wipe your behind?
How old were you in Saigon? Please tell us some stories about your time there. Were you in "the shit"? Did somebody wipe your behind?
As you know from when I've told the story before, I was a child in 1971. My folks and I lived across the street from the Scottish Army barracks. Mom worked at the BX at Than Sun Hut and Dad was a PI for a law firm defending soldiers in courts martial cases.
So, this "natural law" thing is what again? Like gravity. I got that part. It's also raising kids too. What about snakes. do they raise their young too? Are there little cockroach families obeying that law? Grampa paramecium swimming about watching the kids at a paramecium park? This natural law of yours is whatever you make of it. And now you are citing a pedo.


Rob Roy's offering was perfectly appropriate, a world without procreation will eventually be devoid of life as we know it.
The belligerent idiocy you offered in response, only served to bolster Rob Roy's valid observation.
All critters exhibit different behaviors based on necessity and how necessity has driven a species evolution.
All true necessity is born from "natural law".

Rob Roy's offering was perfectly appropriate, a world without procreation will eventually be devoid of life as we know it.
The belligerent idiocy you offered in response, only served to bolster Rob Roy's valid observation.
All critters exhibit different behaviors based on necessity and how necessity has driven a species evolution.
All true necessity is born from "natural law".

I don't read Rob's posts.

Too funny this:

All critters exhibit different behaviors based on necessity and how necessity has driven a species evolution.
All true necessity is born from "natural law".

So, "natural law" is whatever "is necessary"? How is that even useful or explains anything? It's convenient to somebody who just makes shit up and doesn't want to admit it.

Clearly you are just making shit up and don't have a clue. Here's the introduction to the idea from wikipedia:

Natural law
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thomas Aquinas, a Catholic philosopher of the Middle Ages, revived and developed the concept of natural law from ancient Greek philosophy
Natural law (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a philosophy asserting that certain rights are inherent by virtue of human nature, endowed by nature—traditionally by God or a transcendent source—and that these can be understood universally through human reason. As determined by nature, the law of nature is implied to be objective and universal;[1] it exists independently of human understanding, and of the positive law of a given state, political order, legislature or society at large.

Historically, natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze human nature to deduce binding rules of moral behavior from nature's or God's creation of reality and mankind. The concept of natural law was documented in ancient Greek philosophy, including Aristotle,[2] and was referred to in Roman philosophy by Cicero. References to natural law are also found in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, later expounded upon in the Middle Ages by Christian philosophers such as Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas. The School of Salamanca made notable contributions during the Renaissance. Modern natural law theories were greatly developed in the Age of Enlightenment, combining inspiration from Roman law with philosophies like social contract theory. Key proponents were Alberico Gentili, Francisco Suárez, Richard Hooker, Thomas Hobbes, Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Pufendorf, Matthew Hale, John Locke, Francis Hutcheson, Jean Jacques Burlamaqui, Emmerich de Vattel, Cesare Beccaria and Francesco Mario Pagano. It was used to challenge the divine right of kings, and became an alternative justification for the establishment of a social contract, positive law, and government—and thus legal rights—in the form of classical republicanism. Conversely, the concept of natural rights is used by others to challenge the legitimacy of all such establishments.

Contemporarily, the concept of natural law is closely related to the concept of natural rights. Indeed, many philosophers, jurists and scholars use natural law synonymously with natural rights (Latin: ius naturale), or natural justice.[3]while others distinguish between natural law and natural right.[1]

Because of the intersection between natural law and natural rights, natural law has been claimed or attributed as a key component in the United States Declaration of Independence (1776), the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) of France, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) of the United Nations General Assembly, as well as the European Convention on Human Rights (1953) of the European Union.

It's a religious philosophy. Looked at that way, I now understand why you and I aren't connecting in our discussion. I'm atheist and your ooga booga religious philosophy is just another form of religious made up shit.