Repirations for slavery

Oh goodness! It looks like those terrible, terrible vikings raided all over Europe including the northern coast of Africa! Maybe those Moors were just retaliating.

Not only that, but it seems that those vikings also carried away Celtic women as sex slaves. What a bunch of dickholes. It sounds like they might have had it coming. Maybe we should bomb the living shit out of Scandinavia.
Viking Sex Slaves – The Dirty Secret Behind The Founding Of Iceland

What? No reparations ?
and what was actually gained from the Crusades ? was the cost of lives worth it. Did the Christian take back the holy land ? If so why are the smallest religion in the region ? Jews and Muslims still hold the area of Palestine.

Are you really trying to compare the Turkish Abduction to the Atlantic Slave trade. The numbers along tells you STFU
Im not trying to compare anything. That was one raid in Iceland that enslaved up towards 800. Another raid in eastern Europe saw 800.000 part sold and part slaughtered. Total estimates vary from 10 to 40 million europeans were enslaved by moslems. They had also been waging jihad in africa enslaving tribes for centuries before the Atlantic trade.
Bunch of whiney cry babies,some of you might wanna change your tampons

Do u know what's wrong with the US?north America even,every one thinks they are owed something....its really shameful and embarrassing
Anyone can be successful in the US today. Reparations are so silly, I really hope democrats continue to run on reparations. Trump 2020
you are wrong...EVERYONE cannot succeed in America today...many people who are more qualified, more intelligent, just better people, get left on the sidelines, because the people who hired them only hired them to use them as tokens of color, to show that they do indeed hire minorities...then they ignore those minorities, passing over them for promotions, raises, more responsible positions, and they give those positions to white men, who are less intelligent, and less qualified...
or the ones who just don't get the job they were better qualified for, because the person doing the hiring wanted a white man...
being a white man, i don't really have anything against us in general, but the most qualified person deserves the matter what color or sex they are. here's a logical argument...racist business owners are shooting themselves in the foot. they are purposely hiring inferior people to work for them, based on a meaningless criteria. they are losing efficiency, they are losing money...that's the bottom hire inferior employs, you get inferior work...they make inferior products, and you quickly become known as an inferior company...
the company who actually hires the best candidates for the job, they get good workers, who are happy and productive, and actually produce superior products. they do it efficiently, produce more, better products, and become known as a superior company...who slowly displaces the inferior racist owned company...

Racism may exist as long as there are mental deficients who keep it alive, but racist business practices in the modern world are suicidal...financially, and not just morally and ethically...

so again, NO, everyone cannot succeed in America today...but the racist are driving their own businesses out of the hopefully, the ratio of people on food stamps and living in projects will change soon...a lot more incompetent white guys who don't deserve their jobs will be unemployed soon enough, and so will the guys who hired them
Maybe they learned it from the dickhole vikings. Considering that Iceland is the product of the vikings stealing women and little boys for their own sex slavery for many hundreds of years, perhaps their actions were just and warranted.

How many little pasty white children have you made to offset the unsettling encroachment of brown people?
So, according to your logic, since those icelanders were children of slaves they deserved be enslaved by moslems. No need to explain any further that you hold this to be true for the simple reason that they where white, it is all too obvious.
you are wrong...EVERYONE cannot succeed in America today...many people who are more qualified, more intelligent, just better people, get left on the sidelines, because the people who hired them only hired them to use them as tokens of color, to show that they do indeed hire minorities...then they ignore those minorities, passing over them for promotions, raises, more responsible positions, and they give those positions to white men, who are less intelligent, and less qualified...
or the ones who just don't get the job they were better qualified for, because the person doing the hiring wanted a white man...
being a white man, i don't really have anything against us in general, but the most qualified person deserves the matter what color or sex they are. here's a logical argument...racist business owners are shooting themselves in the foot. they are purposely hiring inferior people to work for them, based on a meaningless criteria. they are losing efficiency, they are losing money...that's the bottom hire inferior employs, you get inferior work...they make inferior products, and you quickly become known as an inferior company...
the company who actually hires the best candidates for the job, they get good workers, who are happy and productive, and actually produce superior products. they do it efficiently, produce more, better products, and become known as a superior company...who slowly displaces the inferior racist owned company...

Racism may exist as long as there are mental deficients who keep it alive, but racist business practices in the modern world are suicidal...financially, and not just morally and ethically...

so again, NO, everyone cannot succeed in America today...but the racist are driving their own businesses out of the hopefully, the ratio of people on food stamps and living in projects will change soon...a lot more incompetent white guys who don't deserve their jobs will be unemployed soon enough, and so will the guys who hired them
I see this a lot, most of the businesses I see where I am now are owned by unqualified people. Construction companies owned by people with little or no understanding of construction practices. They stay in business by being connected to people who are part of the clique. Roofs leaking all the time and can't fix them. Shoddy work, lots of monies spent on advertising. Even prevailing wage jobs going out to illegals who are paid $8-$10 an hour, when the actual wages should be over $50. I have a customer that continues to use the same guy who always leaves a brand new roof leaking then I get called out to fix it. I asked him why do you continue using this guy? He said they've known each other since they were kids. It's amazing. All trumpers too. It's like anti capitalism, Plato's republic. They recognize that there's better businesses out there but choose to not use them, instead keeping the money going in circles with those who share the same beliefs. It represents the degradation of society to me
I see this a lot, most of the businesses I see where I am now are owned by unqualified people. Construction companies owned by people with little or no understanding of construction practices. They stay in business by being connected to people who are part of the clique. Roofs leaking all the time and can't fix them. Shoddy work, lots of monies spent on advertising. Even prevailing wage jobs going out to illegals who are paid $8-$10 an hour, when the actual wages should be over $50. I have a customer that continues to use the same guy who always leaves a brand new roof leaking then I get called out to fix it. I asked him why do you continue using this guy? He said they've known each other since they were kids. It's amazing. All trumpers too. It's like anti capitalism, Plato's republic. They recognize that there's better businesses out there but choose to not use them, instead keeping the money going in circles with those who share the same beliefs. It represents the degradation of society to me

small business owners need to take better advantage of the internet and social media...get their names out there...advertise better rates, get testimonials from customers...even if every racist out there ignores them, there are a lot of good people who won't...and the more successful those businesses become, the more other small businesses they'll inspire, and the more incompetent, crappy businesses they'll edge out.
not THE answer, but an answer...
Here's a black female with the same facts. She must be a Nazi too.
why do you guys always post videos with someone talking over them? can't you decide what to think for yourself? do you have to have some talking head telling you what yo think?
how about posting the video of the woman speaking without this asshole ranting over her? and deciding what you think on your don't have to like what she says, you don't have to agree with it, you may even decide you hate her...but it would be YOU making the decision...not some puppetmaster with their hand up your ass telling you what you think...

and why the music? can't get the effect you want from the woman's words? you have to add satirical music to set the mood more the way you want it?....that's a piece of racist propaganda you wasted 10 minutes of my life owe me reparations for having to watch that...i charge a million an hour for wasting my time on stupidity, so send me a check for $166, 665.00....

and mark dice is a fucking world class piece of shit racist motherfucker....figures you'd be watching his shit religiously...
why do you guys always post videos with someone talking over them? can't you decide what to think for yourself? do you have to have some talking head telling you what yo think?
how about posting the video of the woman speaking without this asshole ranting over her? and deciding what you think on your don't have to like what she says, you don't have to agree with it, you may even decide you hate her...but it would be YOU making the decision...not some puppetmaster with their hand up your ass telling you what you think...

and why the music? can't get the effect you want from the woman's words? you have to add satirical music to set the mood more the way you want it?....that's a piece of racist propaganda you wasted 10 minutes of my life owe me reparations for having to watch that...i charge a million an hour for wasting my time on stupidity, so send me a check for $166, 665.00....

and mark dice is a fucking world class piece of shit racist motherfucker....figures you'd be watching his shit religiously...
Yeah, great video right? Thank you.