Repirations for slavery

Man, that really hurts my feelings. We used to be such good friends.
Finally, you are posting at your level. Keep it up. Continue to practice making words in sentences. Eventually try to do it without moving your lips.
Spoken like the true descendant of a slave owner....degrading another fellow human being....I want reparations for my hurt feelings and I won't stop complaining about it until I get my reparations...because, see, I've decided to make a big deal out of something instead of just moving on and doing better for myself. I was happy when I was in my little the LED section....and then I was suddenly catapulted here to this thread. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to my friends there....And now I'm here and you're being mean and I'm not
Spoken like the true descendant of a slave owner....degrading another fellow human being....I want reparations for my hurt feelings and I won't stop complaining about it until I get my reparations...because, see, I've decided to make a big deal out of something instead of just moving on and doing better for myself. I was happy when I was in my little the LED section....and then I was suddenly catapulted here to this thread. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to my friends there....And now I'm here and you're being mean and I'm not
Very good. I'm so proud of your improvement with writing.

It's too bad that as you say,, you are ignorant of history. That might take more than a little practice. Until you've taken a few high school classes that will help you get your GED (and passed them), you might not want to embarrass yourself talking as if you knew something.

This is a common problem with right wingers. Rush isn't' really a good source for historical facts. He is what is called a propagandist. Look that word up.
Please, don't fall back into the ignorant right winger crutch of posting Memes crafted for the ignorant masses of Trump's supporters.

As you said you don't really understand the issue. You should stick with things you understand. Like making mud pies.
A heretic is not descriptive of a non believer per se but of a professed christian whose religious views are contradictory to the bible. I know about the koran and what it says, the yezidi women who were just recently liberated from the islamic state have shared horrible stories as have the soldiers who liberated them.
split as many hairs as you want...christianity has just as bloody as past as islam, and both far outstrip anything the jews have ever if you wanna talk about "religious murder" we can start with the crusades, the deadliest conflict ever percentage wise...and i don't believe the jews had just a shit ton to do with the crusades...
Yeah but if we really want to get to the core of it all, then we have to continue back in time even when there were some dust specks....evil dust specks....and those evil dust specks are still within us now...influencing everything. Those first evil dust specks are ultimately responsible for all evolving evil throughout the galaxies.
Yeah but if we really want to get to the core of it all, then we have to continue back in time even when there were some dust specks....evil dust specks....and those evil dust specks are still within us now...influencing everything. Those first evil dust specks are ultimately responsible for all evolving evil throughout the galaxies.
"we have to"? On on the say so of a self professed ignoramus?

Pardon me while I disregard the rest of your statement without a response.
Is that Swahili or do you stutter when you type things, too? Why not look at what you type BEFORE you hit post reply?

On the say so of a total ignoramus.

Pardon me while I disregard the rest of your statement.

Why are you even here? Do dark people scare you that much?
split as many hairs as you want...christianity has just as bloody as past as islam, and both far outstrip anything the jews have ever if you wanna talk about "religious murder" we can start with the crusades, the deadliest conflict ever percentage wise...and i don't believe the jews had just a shit ton to do with the crusades...
You talk about the crusades like it was something bad. It was a military response to islamic jihad and occupation under which non-moslems was reduced to dhimma. And speaking of slavery, which after all is the topic, moslem raiders even went so far up north as Iceland to kill and enslave free men and women to sell on the slave markets of Algiers.
You talk about the crusades like it was something bad. It was a military response to islamic jihad and occupation under which non-moslems was reduced to dhimma. And speaking of slavery, which after all is the topic, moslem raiders even went so far up north as Iceland to kill and enslave free men and women to sell on the slave markets of Algiers.
Oh my! That sounds awful! Did those dusky Moors dance with your Icelandic women? Which Crusade was in retaliation for that?
Oh goodness! It looks like those terrible, terrible vikings raided all over Europe including the northern coast of Africa! Maybe those Moors were just retaliating.

Not only that, but it seems that those vikings also carried away Celtic women as sex slaves. What a bunch of dickholes. It sounds like they might have had it coming. Maybe we should bomb the living shit out of Scandinavia.
Viking Sex Slaves – The Dirty Secret Behind The Founding Of Iceland
You talk about the crusades like it was something bad. It was a military response to islamic jihad and occupation under which non-moslems was reduced to dhimma. And speaking of slavery, which after all is the topic, moslem raiders even went so far up north as Iceland to kill and enslave free men and women to sell on the slave markets of Algiers.
i was going to respond to this, but it's not worth my're a fucking lost cause loser, who has already gone to the trouble to paint history with a bucket of prejudiced fucking weirdo