Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

No, I think it is clear that Hillary got off because a dem executive was in charge and dem stooges in DOJ and FBI expected her to win the election. I think Trump is getting off because there was no merit to the Russia collusion story that the dems manufactured to spy on his campaign. I have zero doubt Trump is guilty of crimes and it is too bad dems did not pursue actual crimes but it probably won't matter until he is out of office anyway. Sad that our justice departments seem to protect their own but it has always been that way.
The only thing you’ve convinced anyone of is that you’re a retarded clown who lies non stop
The better question is why did Mueller not write the report in such a way that it could be released immediately, like the Starr report?

Not trying to step on another of your famously fatuous posts, but how the reports were written have fuck all to do with why one was immediately released and the other wasn't.

Starr's came out because of the Ethics in Government Act in light of the Saturday Night Massacre. The expiration of the Act in 1999, prevented Mueller's report from being immediately released.

At least you tried.
No, I think it is clear that Hillary got off because a dem executive was in charge and dem stooges in DOJ and FBI expected her to win the election. I think Trump is getting off because there was no merit to the Russia collusion story that the dems manufactured to spy on his campaign. I have zero doubt Trump is guilty of crimes and it is too bad dems did not pursue actual crimes but it probably won't matter until he is out of office anyway. Sad that our justice departments seem to protect their own but it has always been that way.
Here we go again " I think" " Maybe" " What if "I" I heard" .... are all radical right wing "FACTS"
like fake news ...make believe , fairy tale ...please stop you look like a fool

But like a true deplorable your are amazing at name calling , how is your meme game ?
Not trying to step on another of your famously fatuous posts, but how the reports were written have fuck all to do with why one was immediately released and the other wasn't.

Starr's came out because of the Ethics in Government Act in light of the Saturday Night Massacre. The expiration of the Act in 1999, prevented Mueller's report from being immediately released.

At least you tried.
I just saw Starr interviewed and he said that he knew his report would be made public so he left out grand-jury details that were not allowed to be released. He only included info that could be made public. Is that not what Barr has asked Mueller to help him redact so the report can be made public? If you are saying that Mueller was required to include information that could not be made public then I guess he followed the law and we understand why it has not yet been made public.
Here we go again " I think" " Maybe" " What if "I" I heard" .... are all radical right wing "FACTS"
like fake news ...make believe , fairy tale ...please stop you look like a fool

But like a true deplorable your are amazing at name calling , how is your meme game ?
Actually those are tell tale signs that I am speculating. Kind of the nature of future events and politics. I think most people get that.
Yet it was the democrats that corrupted their own primary.
oh gawd. You Nazis are one trick ponies. Fake it until you make it. The problem (or maybe it's a blessing) is even when your kind gain power, all you Nazis have is this one trick. Propaganda is effective when repeated over and over to people who are susceptible to it. You are dragging up and old lie, just like Trump did with the one about "FBI spied on Trump's campaign".

The old "Bernie was robbed" bullshit again. this old lie has been hashed over. Yet to your kind it never loses value as an arguing point.

Brazile: I found 'no evidence' Democratic primary was rigged

It's my guess that Trump will try to use his "investigation into the investigation" ploy to delay the release of the Mueller report.

You are a tool.

From Jan 6, 2018 after completing an investigation into Spygate, Republican leaders say:

Paul Ryan splits with Trump, says ‘no evidence’ FBI spied on president’s campaign

washinghton post paul ryan says no evidence
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan has joined those disputing President Trump’s assertion that federal law enforcement planted a spy inside his campaign, telling reporters Wednesday that he has seen “no evidence” to support such claims.

Ryan (R-Wis.) described as “accurate” an initial assessment offered last week by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who told Fox News that “the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do” in investigating information alleging certain Trump campaign advisers had suspicious ties to Russia.

“I think Chairman Gowdy’s initial assessment is accurate,” Ryan said, adding that “we have some more digging to do. We’re waiting for some more document requests. . . . We still have some unanswered questions.

“But I have seen no evidence to the contrary of the initial assessment that Chairman Gowdy has made,” Ryan continued. “But I want to make sure that we run every lead down and make sure we get final answers to these questions. I’ll leave it at that.

The headline for today should read:

One-trick pony neo-Nazis dredge up an old dead fake conspiracy theory yet again.

Imagine evidence of Hillary's guilt being presented and then the case inexplicably dismissed by the FBI, oh wait...
it's very explicable...they didn't find anything least wrong enough to bother with...just because some fucking conspiracy theorist nutcases won't let it go, doesn't mean there was ever anything there to find, to begin with...
oh my god, call in the fbi...till they don't find what you want, then it becomes obvious the entire fbi is just a tool for the feminazi illuminutti dark council deep state....grow the fuck up, the didn't find anything, and neither will you
Wonder why Trumps opinion on that Mueller Report Changed so much in just a few days, doesn't that make the Trump supporters wonder. geez. One day he says Mueller report was a Great Report, "No Colousion, NO Obstruction" now that Barr let him Read it or I bet Trump had it read to him, Because he can't read.
Why are you not calling that out. Now the Mueller is the worst Thing ever done, It's like the old High School Shit the same old crap kids did when they didn't like something. Like a Child with no moral's or ethics.

A Broken Cabinet hold no Food. The guy that was going to have one the Best and Brightest LMFAO he can't keep nothing in order. Why is it a good thing he can't keep Cabinet members ?

Fuck him the only thing Trump has done is with the Swamp, Is not Drain it but he Swamped it. The Drain is officially Swamped.
it's a good thing he can't keep cabinet members, because that means that even the lowest, most amoral, reprehensible, low life pieces of shit aren't willing to work for this foul fuck...and it keeps him from having a more effective wrecking ball to destroy the country with. just imagine if he had anyone who was actually competent or qualified for the positions he gives them...the damage they could do would be ten times what he can manage on his own, with his incompetent staff of gimps and mental deficients...
Actually people who committed far less offenses than Hillary are in jail. I think Trump should be held accountable for any real crimes he has committed. But making shit up won't cut it.
how the fuck do you find out what real crimes he has committed without an investigation? just take his word for it? motherfucker, please...his word is good for absolutely fucking nothing
I understand, you and your brethren are playing catch up on info that has been available for a long time. Denial is strong. There was no Russia collusion.
i don't care if there was...there is more than enough evidence against trump to lock his fucking ass up for tax fraud, tax evasion, and obstruction, without ever even looking at the Mueller report...the whole thing has become a distraction from the more easily provable case that should have been going forward ...and fuck that he's a sitting president, convict the cocksucker, and let him be president from a fucking cell in a federal penitentiary...
What percentage of the U.S.A. population is black? :confused:
Its 2019 and we sTILL dont accept blacks ......they make up like 10% of the population but your scared of them like they are on every corner waiting to mug an kill you ?? Folks like you need to learn how to deal with these folks and quit being pussys.
Whites do not accept them, quit acting like you know a couple cool ones , that one is white. GO to ANY ghetto and you got guns an drugs. The U.S. is 5% ghetto and they ALL live there. by choice? i doubt it.