Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Barr believes you can't indict a sitting President and his opinion is also that you can't investigate him TA DA
Barr has abandoned Americas laws
Then he would have been better off saying that there was Russia collusion. He knows the report will come out one way or the other so your speculation seems unlikely. We will see.
Then he would have been better off saying that there was Russia collusion. He knows the report will come out one way or the other so your speculation seems unlikely. We will see.
Barr said that fact didn't influence his decision ...Yeah right!
Actually people who committed far less offenses than Hillary are in jail. I think Trump should be held accountable for any real crimes he has committed. But making shit up won't cut it.
So you’ve spent another morning spamming us with every trump lie imaginable and still you’ve convinced no one

Kinda seems like you should just go back to stormfront and stop bothering us
I understand, you and your brethren are playing catch up on info that has been available for a long time. Denial is strong. There was no Russia collusion.
Why did trump tweet out links to Wikileaks 10 minutes after Russians told his dumb son to have him do so?
I don't understand why Barr would say no collusion if the Mueller report shows collusion. That would not be something he could keep hidden for long. More likely, Mueller found no collusion.
Mueller has proven collusion

There is a 100% chance Barr is lying

Actually people who committed far less offenses than Hillary are in jail. I think Trump should be held accountable for any real crimes he has committed. But making shit up won't cut it.
Yes, yes, as is very clear, your standard for justice is very low for a conviction. By that standard Trump is guilty as all hell. Just start saying he's guilty too, already.
Yes, yes, as is very clear, your standard for justice is very low for a conviction. By that standard Trump is guilty as all hell. Just start saying he's guilty too, already.
He surely is guilty of all kinds of shit, pity your dumb ass party chose to make up a charge and waste so much valuable time.
No, you're lying.

Whether you realize it or not, it's all lies. Yet you constantly prove that you've been duped. :roll:

I understand where you are coming from. Yet the Mueller conclusions did not surprise me like they surprised you. Go figure.