Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Sensational, like the fact that Black males, 13 percent of the population, commit 52 percent of the murders.

This fact is not surprising at all if you live in a poor black neighborhood for a couple years.
The root of the problem is in your sentence but you put the emphasis on the wrong word.

It is a well known fact that areas with high poverty rates have high rates of violent crime. This is true the world over regardless of skin color. Yet you look at the person's color as if it somehow is linked to crime.

Tell me, do you believe that being black makes a person more likely to commit a violent crime?
Look at that, just look at that -- a white guy who says that black people are moral failures and supports unregulated gun sales into Chicago is all of a sudden caring about black people in Chicago.
Democrats always say you don't care when you disagree with them. Always
The root of the problem is in your sentence but you put the emphasis on the wrong word.

It is a well known fact that areas with high poverty rates have high rates of violent crime. This is true the world over regardless of skin color. Yet you look at the person's color as if it somehow is linked to crime.

Tell me, do you believe that being black makes a person more likely to commit a violent crime?
I don't believe it is causal. Violent crime is probably linked closer to IQ. Like almost everything else.
Russia-gate became a transparent political hit job many months before the Mueller report came out. Fascinating that many still buy into it. I suppose that is easier on the ego than admitting you were fooled and led down a false path by confirmation bias. DOJ and FBI should never be allowed to act as a hit squad for a political party, I hope the individuals that fouled these agencies are fully prosecuted.
Why did manafort lie about sharing internal polling data with Russian spies?
Democrats always say you don't care when you disagree with them. Always
I didn't say that you didn't care. I said there is a contradiction in your posts. Care to correct that contradiction? Because you don't seem to be able to follow a conversation, I'll re-post the contradiction for you:

Look at that, just look at that -- a white guy who says that black people are moral failures and supports unregulated gun sales into Chicago is all of a sudden caring about black people in Chicago.
Will it be more children in cages? Will it be "support for white nationalists?" Maybe more Stormy Daniels. Of course the ceaseless cry of, "TAX RETURNS!"

I predict re-election by a big margin. President Trump has done an amazing job. Especially exposing the dishonest narrative of the media to people who never would have realized.
“Does not exonerate “
Democrats love mass shootings. Gives them a chance to label semiautomatic guns "assault weapons" and push for a registry, buy back, or ban.

How many people died in Chicago this weekend? Fighting weather is here again.
How dumb of us to push for *checks notes* programs that have worked in every nation that has tried them
Will it be more children in cages? Will it be "support for white nationalists?" Maybe more Stormy Daniels. Of course the ceaseless cry of, "TAX RETURNS!"

I predict re-election by a big margin. President Trump has done an amazing job. Especially exposing the dishonest narrative of the media to people who never would have realized.

when is the mueller report coming out?
Russia-gate became a transparent political hit job many months before the Mueller report came out. Fascinating that many still buy into it. I suppose that is easier on the ego than admitting you were fooled and led down a false path by confirmation bias. DOJ and FBI should never be allowed to act as a hit squad for a political party, I hope the individuals that fouled these agencies are fully prosecuted.

when did the report come out?..i may have missed it.