Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

70% OF ALL crimes are committed by whites. White people make up 61% of the population. Whites not only commit more crimes but they commit proportionally more crimes relative to their numbers in the population.
This is a fact that NO ONE tells us. For some reason , we just can't accept it...

Have you ever lived in a poor black neighborhood? I have. Black people are fully aware that they are committing a huge amount of violent crime. They are also the victims of the crime.
and republicans plan is to cut off support for black mothers and lock up black fathers? this will cure the problem right?
It's easy to look up and find the numbers. But you are right, it's not the kind of sensational headlines that sells.
Sensational, like the fact that Black males, 13 percent of the population, commit 52 percent of the murders.

This fact is not surprising at all if you live in a poor black neighborhood for a couple years.
Democrats love mass shootings. Gives them a chance to label semiautomatic guns "assault weapons" and push for a registry, buy back, or ban.

How many people died in Chicago this weekend? Fighting weather is here again.
Look at that, just look at that -- a white guy who says that black people are moral failures and supports unregulated gun sales into Chicago is all of a sudden caring about black people in Chicago.