Repirations for slavery

but those are the people who need a foot up their ass the most...if you ignore them...they'll end up like rob roy....or uncle buck...either no fucking contact with reality at all, or a bitter intolerant narrow minded motherfucker....
i know this pisses fog off, but I am reality...welcome to the world.....

They're just trolls. They make ridiculous arguments, warp and twist anything said, and go completely off topic once they're proven wrong. It's not worth the hassle. If they can't stay on topic and argue the actual point, they're worthless.
They're just trolls. They make ridiculous arguments, warp and twist anything said, and go completely off topic once they're proven wrong. It's not worth the hassle. If they can't stay on topic and argue the actual point, they're worthless.

Agreed, but it does add a chuckle to my day. I dont get mad, I'm a pothead, it's just not in my constitution. I like watching SJWs lose their shit.
fog has actually changed my mind about a few things, but i think i frustrate him because i won't just turn into a sjw....
and when i don't agree with him, i refuse to say i do...and i keep calling him for misquoting and misinterpreting thing i and others say....he got lucky last night and caught me in an can look back and see that that doesn't happen often
That statement isn't really correct, I do have a clue, but I'm not arrogant enough to think that I can fully identify with the trauma of generations of slavery, racism, poverty and struggling for the rights that should have been afforded to them the moment their feet touched North America. I can try, I can be sympathetic, empathetic and supportive, but at the end of the day I can't claim their experience as my own.

I never said i had a problem with reparations, and in fact I believe there is a debt that can never be paid. Like I said in my first post in this thread, I feel that a check isn't enough nor is it productive for any of the other peoples that have been discriminated against. I feel that reparations should include, and not necessarily be limited to, ammending the constitution to make things that hold people in poverty back. Like socializing health, child, dental care and making then human rights. I think a lot more things should be human rights as well, like having access to affordable healthy food, clean water, housing, a dignified end of life/retirement, etc...but those are other topics for another day. These things can easily take the form of reparations for all the marginalized peoples without diminishing the horrible things black people have experienced, and can only add to the dept they're owed. These things may also help lift all people out of abject poverty, relieving the stress of impending doom that comes with its dehumanizing effect and a feeling of despair. Fixing the broken system that allows discrimination of any kind pays much more homage to the suffering of people in the past than some cheap lottery check.

If that's not good enough for you (like your arrogant ass speaks for all marginalized peoples) and that makes me a racist then I be it. You and your shitty "gotcha" mentality is a larger slice of the problem, because it serves no purpose, isn't the least bit productive and, after a while, peoples eyes glaze over and no one wants to listen to you. I see you pulling this same schtick in EVERY thread you comment on in the political section. Please post a link to one where you don't act like a entitled, holier than thou ass, calling someone a racist, an old white man, or any of your key, enflamitory, bigoted remarks made to commandeer the conversation and put people on the defensive. It's a lame tactic used by people who don't garner nearly the amount of respect they assign themselves.
I directly quoted you. Then you went on to whitesplain that women and black people don't really have it all that bad. Typical white majority mentality.
sorry, sometimes i get confused trying to keep up with all the stupid politically correct bullshit that passes as sanity anymore...i guess you're right, i'm a hopeless old white bigot, why don't you waste your time trying to fix someone who will ever believe they're broken? cause i'm not broken, and i don't really appreciate attempts to "fix" me
So it's my fault that you can't follow a conversation.

Whitesplain, that's a new one.
. I'm not going to pretend like I know what it's like to be black, or female or whatever, I have no idea.

That's the quote so not directly, and I'm still not going to pretend, because I dont know.

You're like a fogdog with a bone, I guess your not going let it go. I'll just have to be more articulate when responding. Duly noted.
Whitesplain, that's a new one.

That's the quote so not directly, and I'm still not going to pretend, because I dont know.

You're like a fogdog with a bone, I guess your not going let it go. I'll just have to be more articulate when responding. Duly noted.
so you are for reparations but ????
Hey Taco. Tell us again about your belief that if there is a debate whether or not a person is guilty of a crime then the person is automatically innocent. Or how about that time you called others retards for disagreeing with you that people can be arrested for having a Fuck Trump and those who voted for him bumper sticker even when the DA for that Texas district said it was not. I'll give you credit for not always being wrong.
Whitesplain, that's a new one.

That's the quote so not directly, and I'm still not going to pretend, because I dont know.

You're like a fogdog with a bone, I guess your not going let it go. I'll just have to be more articulate when responding. Duly noted.
If you had just stopped there I would have been in complete agreement. I understand why you left out the bullshit you said later. I was embarrassed for you too.
Hey London, just let him tell you that the shit black people deal with because of their skin color isn't all that bad. After all he's an old white man and knows better.
sometimes in our post we are misunderstood what we are trying to convey. I want to see exactly where he stand. I'm not ready to put him in my ignorant category just yet
sometimes in our post we are misunderstood what we are trying to convey. I want to see exactly where he stand. I'm not ready to put him in my ignorant category just yet

Appreciate that, sir. We dont always have to agree 100%, but we do need to respect each other.
If you had just stopped there I would have been in complete agreement. I understand why you left out the bullshit you said later. I was embarrassed for you too.

Meh, sometimes we swing and miss what we're trying to convey. I've explained myself better since. I've argued my point politely despite you being disrespectful, calling me old (I dont think 45 is "old"), a racist, bigot, implying I'm a misogynist, mansplainer, whitesplainer, etc...

Yes, I think you're arrogant and a hypocrite, and some of the things you say to people you should be embarrassed about also.
Yes, I'm for reparations, no but. The system needs fixing also, no?
Ok. I think you have the same idea for reparations as me. Not a fucking check cut to an individual but more so social programs geared toward communities affected by the hells of slavery, paid for by the companies and families that prospered mightily from slavery