Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
I am racist a HUMAN racist...That's all it boils down to we are all human, different cultures yes race NO!
Human racist eh !?
Squatch lives matter man!

I am racist a HUMAN racist...That's all it boils down to we are all human, different cultures yes race NO!
I can’t be annoying, I once had an annoying friendAll your friends have at least one.
Tell me again about how you don't have a clue about what black people and women deal with and then tell me it's not a big deal.@Fogdog
I know it wasn't directed at me, you quoted him. I'm a lazy stoner, I didn't feel the need to go back through three pages of this crap to find the one that actually made me have the giant eyeroll. It might not have been verbatim, but the sentiment was similar and there was some link I didn't bother clicking on about what lying racists say, top ten I think. Again, lazy stoner and not going to quote it.
I actually just got done all my chores, burnt a big fatty with my wife, who's watching something stupid on tv, so I had a little chuckle at your latest response. No sweating, no frantic, angry typing. I don't know what you envision, but you are way off. this man-splaining thing when someone responds to one your diatribes about "old white men" with a point of view that doesn't involve your race, gender or age? If so, guilty as charged.
You do know you're a hypocrite right? Jacking people for using insensitive terminology while calling people "retards", or telling people to shut up and listen while being the loudest in the room.
I think of myself as having average intelligence, I'm much better with mechanical aptitude type things, and I don't ever remember my mother calling me very smart, that's just not something she would say. Thanks for the concern though, I'll let her know that some random internet bully has her back. Then we'll have a good laugh.
Tell me again about how you don't have a clue about what black people and women deal with and then tell me it's not a big deal.
That was very illuminating.
I can’t be annoying, I once had an annoying friend
LOL, Tell me again how you don't have a clue about what black people and women deal with on a regular basis and then tell me it's no big deal. Old patronizing white guy.You know what I find illuminating? The fact that you can't address me without bringing up gender and race. Kudos on no ageism this time though, you're growing as a person. Do you feel it?
.... It's hard being Abenaki and having our people shoved onto a plot of chit land.....having our elder homer almost kill himself trying to advocate for our tribe to be recognized on a national level!..... As a Native American I wonder how reparations would look and if these folks trying to push this mindset have any clue what it really entails. I have no input either way as of yet because I'm really naive about the 1770 in Vermont and what things were like. I don't wanna be nasty, I'm just curious how this process works. Or if it should even be talked about or considered with the current state of the Union. .........
Right wingers like to divert from difficult subjects. This thread is about reparations for slavery. Why don't you start a new therad if you want to talk about something else.Except for a couple posts that briefly touched on how native Americans were treated compared to slaves, with nothing about reparations for them, not one of you A holes answered the Ops questions because you were too busy arguing your own stubborn ideas on slavery reparations and who's racist or not for 13 pages. Good job ignoring the real issue and having circular debates.It is what this section is known for.
To the OP. If reparations were ever to happen Native Americans should be the first to receive it. I've always wondered why it's almost never talked about. There was a concerted effort on the part of government to wipe them out since shortly after Europeans started to heavily colonize North America.
I don't appreciate your blind, passive aggressive, assumptions regarding my political views. I quoted the OP directly. His question revolved around reparations for native Americans. I didn't divert the subject. Go back and read Op's original post, or the snippets I quoted from it.Right wingers like to divert from difficult subjects. This thread is about reparations for slavery. Why don't you start a new therad if you want to talk about something else.
I think it is a good enough topic that it should should have it's own thread and maybe I'll participate, maybe not. It is a separate topic and in my opinion, would derail this thread, which IS what I think you are trying to do. Therefore, I won't respond to your hectoring me with any more posts on your subject in this thread.I don't appreciate your blind, passive aggressive, assumptions regarding my political views. I quoted the OP directly. His question revolved around reparations for native Americans. I didn't divert the subject. Go back and read Op's original post, or the snippets I quoted from it.
I think it is a good enough topic that it should should have it's own thread and maybe I'll participate, maybe not. It is a separate topic and in my opinion, would derail this thread, which IS what I think you are trying to do. Therefore, I won't respond to your hectoring me with any more posts on your subject in this thread.
Have a nice day.![]()
Et tu? Touché.Right wingers like to divert from difficult subjects.
i got 9,999 problems with people, but they're almost all behavior based (mine or theirs?)....i don't care what you look like, as long as it doesn't make me ill to look at you....i don't care what mythology you invest wasted energy into, as long as you keep it to yourself....i don't care what special equipment you need to fornicate, as long as all the parties involved want to be involved...When is false logic ever pertinent? Unless it is a direct quote from somebody who is using said false logic, in which case it is good justification for saying that person sucks at critical thinking.
I don't think you are racist, Shrubs. But you talk like one.
Yeah yeah you like to talk about yourself. But you said that "I have black friends" is somehow pertinent to whether or not a person can be racist. Yet, having black friends does not mean a person can't be racist. Just like a guy can be a misogynist and still have a girlfriend. It's false logic. Therefore not proof of anything.i got 9,999 problems with people, but they're almost all behavior based (mine or theirs?)....i don't care what you look like, as long as it doesn't make me ill to look at you....i don't care what mythology you invest wasted energy into, as long as you keep it to yourself....i don't care what special equipment you need to fornicate, as long as all the parties involved want to be involved...
and i don't have any problem with reparations, if that's what the majority decides should happen. what i've had a problem with all along is that i think many people will use this as an excuse to "call the debt paid". i don't think the debt will be paid till we all get equal pay for the same work, equal care when we go to a hospital, equal respect and attention from the police.
i just don't see this making that happen. this seems like a bandaid for both seems like a small gesture for a large injustice for black people, and a way to assuage the guilt of some white people.
and other white people, like trumptards and proud boys will consider this the debt paid in full, and more....which will grant them license to so and say whatever they want, at least in their own minds.
Yeah yeah you like to talk about yourself. But you said that "I have black friends" is somehow pertinent to whether or not a person can be racist. Yet, having black friends does not mean a person can't be racist. Just like a guy can be a misogynist and still have a girlfriend. It's false logic. Therefore not proof of anything.
I simply asked you, when is false logic pertinent?
But he IS guilty... he's a crook!i talk about myself because that's how i experience life...firsthand...i don't live vicariously through others. i sometimes share parts of their lives, but i don't live through them, and don't have the same reactions to everything that they do, so the only means i have for interpreting the world i do have a small amount of empathy, but i don't pretend to be anything but what i am.
"But you said that "I have black friends" is somehow pertinent to whether or not a person can be racist."
no i didn't...i said "maybe having a black friend has become a trope....but i still have black friends....i don't usually mention them because assholes tell me i'm a racist with a i guess black people and white people aren't allowed to be friends...or at least white people aren't allowed to mention any black friends they may have, or kneejerk liberal assholes will automatically label them racist liars....¿".....i never asserted that having a black friend makes you incapable of being a racist...i'm asserting that assholes will call you one with no proof at all if you mention that you have any circumstances, because it's become "politically correct" to assume things about people. it's become socially expedient to condemn anyone we don't agree with....why bother with a trial? he's obviously guilty...what does that remind me of?......oh yeah.....View attachment 4311773
i talk about myself because that's how i experience life...firsthand...i don't live vicariously through others. i sometimes share parts of their lives, but i don't live through them, and don't have the same reactions to everything that they do, so the only means i have for interpreting the world i do have a small amount of empathy, but i don't pretend to be anything but what i am.
"But you said that "I have black friends" is somehow pertinent to whether or not a person can be racist."
no i didn't...i said "maybe having a black friend has become a trope....but i still have black friends....i don't usually mention them because assholes tell me i'm a racist with a i guess black people and white people aren't allowed to be friends...or at least white people aren't allowed to mention any black friends they may have, or kneejerk liberal assholes will automatically label them racist liars....¿".....i never asserted that having a black friend makes you incapable of being a racist...i'm asserting that assholes will call you one with no proof at all if you mention that you have any circumstances, because it's become "politically correct" to assume things about people. it's become socially expedient to condemn anyone we don't agree with....why bother with a trial? he's obviously guilty...what does that remind me of?......oh yeah.....View attachment 4311773
i get what you're saying...but what if it's pertinent to the conversation? say, someone is telling me what an asshole i am, and how i don't know shit about minorities, that i'm an old white bigot....when about half of the people i consider friends are latino, black, american indians, middle european immigrants.... and most of the people i've ever met and grew to despise are white....i'm just supposed to sit there and not mention any of that, because it might make them think i'm lying? how about they come to our next pig roast? they can be the guest pigs....roasted snowflake...that has to be tender....
Tell me again how you don't have a clue about what black people and women deal with on a regular basis
sorry, sometimes i get confused trying to keep up with all the stupid politically correct bullshit that passes as sanity anymore...i guess you're right, i'm a hopeless old white bigot, why don't you waste your time trying to fix someone who will ever believe they're broken? cause i'm not broken, and i don't really appreciate attempts to "fix" meI think you are drunk. go to bed.
sorry, sometimes i get confused trying to keep up with all the stupid politically correct bullshit that passes as sanity anymore...i guess you're right, i'm a hopeless old white bigot, why don't you waste your time trying to fix someone who will ever believe they're broken? cause i'm not broken, and i don't really appreciate attempts to "fix" me