What did you accomplish today?

I'm overing a basketball hangover today. Noles lost last night. Every year it's hard to end the season, but on the plus side, there was F1 on my DVR this morning. That will last right up until hoops in the fall.

I got in about half an hour of chainsawing this morning. Little more than that the two or three days before. Sister and I worked from my garden down to the graveyard on Tuesday. Everything went great right up until I caused a hydraulic leak in her new grapple. I think a limb got one of the couplings. This is why I hadn't ask for help sooner. I always seem to break other folks' stuff. But there are only 4-5 more trees to move in that area. Also got all the blow downs out of the graveyard. One of the wife's cousins wanted the five red cedar trees, but they haven't come to get them. I don't like the idea of my graveyard cedars getting burned with everyone else's debris, so we are making a pile in the parking area to burn {if those guys don't get down here to get what they want}, and I'm going to use the logs for benches.

Also plan on using the big log from the longleaf pine that broke the grapple for a bench. I left two stout limbs for legs on one end.
We have a mill about an hour north of us that cuts red cedar only, mostly fence boards. There is a "cull" log behind my M in Law's I would love to cut some slabs out of but I don't have a big enough saw to do it. She uses it for kindling in her wood stove.
We've hired sawmills to come out and cut cedar for us before. Before that we took logs to the sawmill. The kitchen and sewing room in Mamma's old house were all red cedar. Now they have a big oak through them.

Although 23 & Me says I'm 98.5% Western European, I've loosely followed the Muscogee {Creek} tradition most of my adult life. After the Creator got all the animals working together to make the world as we know it today, he was tired, so laid down under a cedar tree for a nap. The needles absorbed his breath, which is why we put green cedar boughs on the hot rocks at the sweat lodge. God's Breath.

Most in the south plant cedar trees in graveyards. There is a saying you will live until your cedar gets big enough to shade your grave. Looks like I still have plenty of time.

Do you have the Western Red Cedar? 1500 year life span is crazy. Our Eastern Red Cedar maxes out at 200-300 years.
Yes, same as incense cedar, smells like pencils when you cut it. I have seen old growth logs that took up most of the back of a logging truck. You don't see many that large anymore though unless you get into the National Forest.
Cedar Key had a big pencil mill until they cut all the cedar and a big hurricane knocked it down.
All the mills around here had to retool to handle smaller logs because all the large ones are gone. The one in Oroville gets all the cedar no matter where they cut it, it used to be they milled it at the closest mill they had. At least they are chipping some of the slash to use for OSB now instead of leaving it on the ground.
All the mills around here had to retool to handle smaller logs because all the large ones are gone. The one in Oroville gets all the cedar no matter where they cut it, it used to be they milled it at the closest mill they had. At least they are chipping some of the slash to use for OSB now instead of leaving it on the ground.
We have a pellet mill that uses pine scrap. It ships the wood pellets to Norway. The mill came through the storm pretty well, but the port was damaged, so they stopped taking wood. And that was all my pines were good for after getting broken like they were.