Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
i'm not denying that it did, or does...(HR 3745): To acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a Commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequent de jure and de facto and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.
We need to respect the fact that racism existed, and still exists today.
i just don't feel that i owe anyone a damn thing.
i was a fat kid, and people picked on me and gave me a lot of they all owe me a box of chocolate ringdings?
if you want to make "reparations" how about a national college scholarship? how about building child care centers in area where there are large minority populations? making sure schools are all equally funded? how about making a difference in the lives of minorities that will actually improve them? instead of a cash buy off, so white people can feel better about themselves?