Dude, this is a voluntary process. Tho it will not happen until people get equal, unbiased education. Most people you see around you are numb. They born into this system and see this system as the only way to be. The way i see it a better world can be constructed. This utopia does not sit at the end of a bayonet. Don’t worry, i am not imposing anything on you.
Also i find hunting an arcaic practice and i find the act of killing a despicable one. This is just my view.
Now when it comes to gun control. I think all should go. This is my view also. You just gotta learn to live with it.
That's the thing though man, that's how YOU feel. In an ideal world sure, i can absolutely agree with you. Your beliefs and mine, probably don't differ too much. Likely people as whole too.
But there's someone to ruin it all. Unfortunately some actually get a thrill out of doing horrible things. A utopian world in this case can never exist.
I don't agree with your ideals on hunting either. Most hunters i've known make a point of being far more resourceful with the animals killed than you may believe. Probably treated far more humanely than in any slaughterhouse too.
Yeah no problem. Implement stricter laws and definitely try to make it harder the terrorists. But i don’t think thats a complete solution to the problem. We have been on the same subject for a long time now and i have never once said that stricter regulations shouldn’t be implemented. I’m just arguing that a truly civil world, no one should have access to tools designed for killing. This is only possible if the individuals in that society give up their guns in order to progress. Voluntary process.
Fair enough.
Personally i believe having a rifle as a tool, is a very necessary thing for some. I did purposely use that word too.
A farmer for instance, should absolutely have the right to own a gun or two, as a tool on the farm.
Just one example of someone who does generally need, and regularly use one.
Banning guns all together is a little ignorant to suggest imvho.