New Zealand to change gun laws

Will the US ever get serious about effective gun control?

  • Yes, the will of the majority of people demands it

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, the NRA and the gun lobby will never allow it

    Votes: 23 74.2%

  • Total voters
The leftist anti gun hypocrisy...

Ban assault weapons only police should have them!

Police are racist and fascists and suppress minorities!
Show me how your civilization differs from a fascistic one. I’m not disputing that it is fascism. It is. The system is structured in a fascistic manner masquerading as libertarian. The illusion of freedom keeps citizens docile. Docile people obey. On a bigger scale its easier to keep them docile and make them obey semi-voluntarily rather than using repressive state apparatus to keep every individual in check. Tho how voluntary can a choice be when made by people who has no other choices. Its very debatable. How many of them know about marxist theory for example when making a choice in favor of a specific way of governing over another. This is achieved by ideological state apparatuses. Keep people ignorant, uneducated and docile. They are the easiest to oppress. As i told you, for most, civilization is not a voluntary process. It is fascistic to subject people to a definiton of civilization and punish them when they fail to obey. This is just how it is. Not my ideals. I told you i’m a anarcho-communist with a pacifist methodology. I don’t condone any fascist practices.
Steak Diane
Brown rib eye on both sides in a buttered skillet remove and rest. Fry some sliced mushrooms in the pan juices add Dijon mustard and cream, some Worcester sauce to taste, eat with pomme purée and broccoli.
The leftist anti gun hypocrisy...

Ban assault weapons only police should have them!

Police are racist and fascists and suppress minorities!
some of them are....but they're trained, disciplined, law enforcement personnel...not robbers, crackheads, thieves....
yeah, yeah...some of them are...but they can't get away with shit like they used to...they have to account for ammo, they have to wear body cameras and explain why they were turned off, if they were. practically everyone walking down the street has a phone with a camera, and a video camera, that can upload to the web, i'd rather the police had assault weapon, than the criminals...
Show me how your civilization differs from a fascistic one. I’m not disputing that it is fascism. It is. The system is structured in a fascistic manner masquerading as libertarian. The illusion of freedom keeps citizens docile. Docile people obey. On a bigger scale its easier to keep them docile and make them obey semi-voluntarily rather than using repressive state apparatus to keep every individual in check. Tho how voluntary can a choice be when made by people who has no other choices. Its very debatable. How many of them know about marxist theory for example when making a choice in favor of a specific way of governing over another. This is achieved by ideological state apparatuses. Keep people ignorant, uneducated and docile. They are the easiest to oppress. As i told you, for most, civilization is not a voluntary process. It is fascistic to subject people to a definiton of civilization and punish them when they fail to obey. This is just how it is. Not my ideals. I told you i’m a anarcho-communist with a pacifist methodology. I don’t condone any fascist practices.
Yep, what I said. Simple and wrong.
It's not a matter of approval. You are simply wrong. Sorry

People have been telling you this for days now. Your understanding of humanity is lacking yet you blame us for disagreeing.

I don’t need you to agree with it. You claim to know you have a complete understanding of humanity then? Seeing as you can disregard mine. I have never blamed anyone for not agreeing with me by the way. Never hurled insults either.

As for people, people may not understand or think in the same manner as i do. This is debating. No one is right, no one is wrong. Unlike some of you i am not an intellectual fascist. People have their ideas and its fine.

What i like to know is do you have anything besides your own convictions about humans to support your arguments. I don’t see one. I can back my claims with models proposed by well known sociologists and theoreticians. While none of you basically proposed anyhting other than “human nature”. You don’t see your idea of civilization as flawed but i do. Ok. You are free to believe what you want to. I’m not trying to convert anyone. Just offering my point of view to the ones who may care about it. If no one does care thats ok too. My ego really is not that fragile.
A joke is what you perceive to be comical
I think right wingers are a joke , it doesn't mean everyone must ...I support all who do

Yes a joke is what you perceive to be comical and i find this section very comical. First of all, all seem to sing praises for the perceived democracy but this place is the colosseum not a greek senate. This whole section is as far as you can get away from a democracy and i think this is because most of the contributers are true fascists disguised as democrats. So yeah a joke.
i am a practicing democrat...and an ideological fascist...
people ARE stupid, and SHOULD be forced to do the right thing, whether they want to or not...
but, that opens the door to things that should not be...if people choose to do stupid things, and you can really do is try to stay out of their splatter zone...and do the right thing yourself.
I don’t need you to agree with it. You claim to know you have a complete understanding of humanity then? Seeing as you can disregard mine. I have never blamed anyone for not agreeing with me by the way. Never hurled insults either.

As for people, people may not understand or think in the same manner as i do. This is debating. No one is right, no one is wrong. Unlike some of you i am not an intellectual fascist. People have their ideas and its fine.

What i like to know is do you have anything besides your own convictions about humans to support your arguments. I don’t see one. I can back my claims with models proposed by well known sociologists and theoreticians. While none of you basically proposed anyhting other than “human nature”. You don’t see your idea of civilization as flawed but i do. Ok. You are free to believe what you want to. I’m not trying to convert anyone. Just offering my point of view to the ones who may care about it. If no one does care thats ok too. My ego really is not that fragile.
"I know best, people must do as I say" is not an opinion but an idiotic demand.
i am a practicing democrat...and an ideological fascist...
people ARE stupid, and SHOULD be forced to do the right thing, whether they want to or not...
but, that opens the door to things that should not be...if people choose to do stupid things, and you can really do is try to stay out of their splatter zone...and do the right thing yourself.
"all opinions are valid" doesn't cut the mustard either. We've been explaining ad nauseam what's wrong with his authoritarian ideas. At some point there is no reason to continue to listen.
i am a practicing democrat...and an ideological fascist...
people ARE stupid, and SHOULD be forced to do the right thing, whether they want to or not...
but, that opens the door to things that should not be...if people choose to do stupid things, and you can really do is try to stay out of their splatter zone...and do the right thing yourself.

That is your point of view. Fine by me. I’m not here to judge nor am i capable to judge anothers point of view. My answer is that people are not stupid, people are oppressed. The system has been built in a way that poor stays poor or gets poorer and rich gets richer. Poor people, doesn’t have access to education, to culture, to philosophy, to justice as much as the rich. This is not by chance, this is a design. Brilliantly marketed as freedom. How can you be free to make a choice when you are misinformed. Its all i’m saying.