TRUMP releases his 2020 budget

It has been decades (forever?) that the Republicans/Conservatives have been on a mission to cut any and all entitlement programs they could get their claws on, and after much effort they seem to be on their way to victory.

And they did it exactly according to plan, to create a massive debt load (22 Trillion and growing everyday) that will force cut's to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and any other associated programs designed to aid the most vulnerable members of society. No way out, all gone, we don't have the money anymore, we spent it on a Space Force, more weapons and tax cuts

Balancing the budget now is a pipe dream, just wishful thinking at this point, and the Right get's what it wants.

Fortunately, this budget was dead before the ink was dry.

As far as the deficit goes, I'd be happy if they clawed back some of those tax breaks that corporations are wasting on stock buybacks. If that is all they can think of doing with extra capital then let's do some deficit reduction with it.
i thought the Dems were pro-Socialism?? guess the GOP has to resort to it when tariff wars fail (as expected)

trump is one big fail and what's unsettling is that there is 30-35% of who voted him are the same- known as the inner trump.

nancy's not in control of her caucus- the new talking point and look here! look here! not there! not there!

fat girl pig pearls before swine is saying it too..:lol:

In a few weeks if things turn out financially well for me I am going to launch MY campaign against the great and powerful Donald. I just hope I can get the support of my friends here on Rollitup. I already checked and the domain I want is free and am learning wordpress.