What did you accomplish today?

Back in the dawn of time we had very different job descriptions. When a woman died the children were mostly removed because it was known a man couldn't work, keep house and raise children. Men didn't watch children until they were old enough to watch themselves. There had been some unfortunate precedents.

Men couldn't spin, weave, bake well etc.... That's why the old wagon train cooks were so prized. Anyway different world today with all our time saving supportive appliances (see toasters I'm really friendly and recognize your worth, no need to revolt).
How time's changed. I do almost all the "mothering" and I know other men like myself.
ex lax

god i hope not, all that bran i ate would go to waste.....sheesh....and i just made a fresh pot too.....
Back in the dawn of time we had very different job descriptions. When a woman died the children were mostly removed because it was known a man couldn't work, keep house and raise children. Men didn't watch children until they were old enough to watch themselves. There had been some unfortunate precedents.

Men couldn't spin, weave, bake well etc.... That's why the old wagon train cooks were so prized. Anyway different world today with all our time saving supportive appliances (see toasters I'm really friendly and recognize your worth, no need to revolt).

times have changed, i remember my grandmother when i first met her, that role flipped with her. Heck she taught me to sew, dance. My dad's side she was more of a religous nut. My mom's side she taught me cook, wash dishes, garden. All 3 of them taught me more of a self reliance more than anything.....prolly one of the main reason why my wife now put up with my crap....
both my grandmas could cook. my paternal grandma gardened, did a lot of outside stuff, my maternal grandma was a quilter, who sat in front of the tv watching hee haw and laurence welk most of the time...i apparently got something from both of them, because i like gardening, and i like sitting in front of the tv, carving or doing leatherwork...and i'm a pretty good cook.
maternal grandpa died when i was young, but i have a few very strong memories that are very important to me (we used to put on bandanas, take my cap guns, and "rob" the store across the street for candy....guess it helped that the store owner was one of his drinking buddies...)
paternal grandpa was not as affectionate, but he taught me a LOT of useful things, how to clone and graft plants, how to grow plants in general, how to raise bees, how to do simple carpentry, plumbing....how to feel pride in doing something for yourself...but he also taught me that good people can have bad parts....when a black couple bought the farm across the road, he bought a black lab, named it "Nigger" and would stand in the yard, yelling "NIGGER!" while the dog stood in front of him, wagging its tail and looking confused....same guy played poker with two black guys weekly...worked with black people and was nice to all of them, went to church with black people and was nice to all of them....had them over for the holidays, went to their houses for things....i still wonder about that, sometimes.....
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@curious2garden. Any good websites to self teach sewing? I just got my mother's old sewing machine and want to learn how to do basic things, mainly gonna be used for patches an rip repairs. I used to, kinda, know how to do it, so hopefully I can pick it up easily again.

needle and thread, grab a couple of buttons, that's how i was taught....learn to keep the button on the material so it don't fall off..
So, I just cleaned the mouthpiece on my weed vape, loaded it with some fresh trim, and passed it to my wife who doesn't use weed but occasionally dabbles with a bit of infused tea.
She took a good hit and said, "it tastes nice". I'm expecting snow or something.

Actually, that's the best part of a dry herb vape, you can vape your fresh trim just as easily as buds. It tastes just as good.
So, I just cleaned the mouthpiece on my weed vape, loaded it with some fresh trim, and passed it to my wife who doesn't use weed but occasionally dabbles with a bit of infused tea.
She took a good hit and said, "it tastes nice". I'm expecting snow or something.

Actually, that's the best part of a dry herb vape, you can vape your fresh trim just as easily as buds. It tastes just as good.
which unit? your old one or the one you just won? wondering what you actually think of the new one....you already know what i think of their local advertiser, i think....
PC correctness, gender bias and women's day all in one thread is rare but within a few post ?

This calls for a shot of

Toxic Masculinity
View attachment 4296530
if i ever walk into a house and see that...not sure what i'd do...about a 50/50 chance i'd get the fuck out of there, or that i would just dance by and get a beer...that's part of the fun of being a little crazy, i'm never sure what i'm going to do, myself....
@curious2garden. Any good websites to self teach sewing? I just got my mother's old sewing machine and want to learn how to do basic things, mainly gonna be used for patches an rip repairs. I used to, kinda, know how to do it, so hopefully I can pick it up easily again.
I'm sure google would turn some. I just read the manual. I know, completely counterintuitive for that mutant Y chromosome :P