What did you accomplish today?

I bet you'd look killer with fire hair!

I read that as #FireHam. I'm spending way too much time on the basketball threads at Tomahawk Nation.
Tried to get some hiking in yesterday so I could try out my new tent. Started with a call to my ranger buddy at the local state park. She said they have two blue blaze trails open, but no primitive camping. {she couldn't even slip me in the youth camp, something that I've done before when the other campsites were too crowded. Everything but the main {rv} campground is still closed}

Then checked out the Florida Trail near my house. Last weekend there were crews working on it, so I had hoped it was open. But sadly there was a sign saying it was closed.

Then I took the 'Bota with chainsaws and all the other tools of destruction down to the pond land. Had visions of cutting a path in on the west side using the neighbor's access road. It can be done, but it will be more than a morning work, so I retreated without even cranking the saw.

Transferred everything over to the truck, then went to the river land. I hadn't been down there in a good while, and the tarp covering my old camp crap had come loose, so all my shit was wet. I wasn't in the mood to deal with that, but I did clear the road out and make a place to turn around.

My son loves his, just hates the hi price replacement cost of the abs sensor almost $400 due to a broken snow chain.

Great it will probably be $600 here. We bought the extended warranty and maintenance package. Theoretically everything except brakes and tires should be covered for 10years or 80,0000km

I had my parents hand me down 1999 S80 with over 250,000km when I was in school. I beat that car to death for four years. I could only afford regular gas, never did any maintenance other than topping up the oil when the light came on. Everything in the car was falling apart, but the engine never once gave me a problem.
Okay, this is weird. My bathtub drains slowly in the early morning hours, but quickly the rest of the day. It's done this for months, can anyone think of why this would be the case? Can't find anything online...

Back in the dawn of time we had very different job descriptions. When a woman died the children were mostly removed because it was known a man couldn't work, keep house and raise children. Men didn't watch children until they were old enough to watch themselves. There had been some unfortunate precedents.

Men couldn't spin, weave, bake well etc.... That's why the old wagon train cooks were so prized. Anyway different world today with all our time saving supportive appliances (see toasters I'm really friendly and recognize your worth, no need to revolt).
Okay, this is weird. My bathtub drains slowly in the early morning hours, but quickly the rest of the day. It's done this for months, can anyone think of why this would be the case? Can't find anything online...
House or apartment? If you're in an apartment, it could just be a heavily loaded system in the morning from everyone getting ready. If it's an old building, build up in the pipes can also slow drainage. We had it happen in the apts. I grew up in. 8 apts. all with school aged kids, so first thing in the morning every bathroom was being used all about the same time. Everyone started getting water coming back up the drains in the mornings, the maintenance guys found the main sewer pipe leaving the building was mostly clogged. Once they cleaned it no more issues.

Could always dump a few bottles of draino and see what happens
Okay, this is weird. My bathtub drains slowly in the early morning hours, but quickly the rest of the day. It's done this for months, can anyone think of why this would be the case? Can't find anything online...
only thing that pops to mind is that it might be partially frozen in the morning, and thaws out as the day warms up? how warm is it where you are? and did it do it when it was warm outside?