But those redneck friends support a president who wants immigrants from Norway and not south america right? Man, I’ll trade you 1000muslim immigrants for 2000 Latinas any day of the week. Only reason to build the wall is racism (there is factually no crisis, requesting immigration is legal, most drugs enters through ports), only reason to support it is racism. Your specific experience with those specific friends - I know the type, I never suggested ALL people in rural areas are racists - doesn’t change the correlations I mentioned. Another one would be that less educated folks tend to be more susceptible to populism, which in turn cater to racists. Doesn’t mean all uneducated people are racist.
The point was that it’s not uncommon for there to be an overlap between people living in rural areas, voting conservative/republican, and racism. That doesn’t necessarily mean all voters for such a conservative party are racists, or all in rural areas. In a 2party system, if one side gets the support of neo nazis it obviously does’t mean all people on that side are neo nazis.
The main problem non-racist (non-cultist) republicans/conservatives have now is that they no longer have a non-racist (but competent, honorable, conservative) party to vote for. It may very well be the end of the GOP. As a more classic liberal, I truly feel sorry for some of them that Trump is killing American conservatism.