Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

Where the hell did that come from? Back up a few pages, start reading again, and then come back and tell me where, other than your ass, that question came from.

Essentially the entirety of your shitpost has absolutely nothing at all to do with this conversation.

Wrong again. Let's review for the trolls that once again never bothered to actually read what was said:

Since you obviously have issues with reading comprehension, I'll dumb that down for you:

She's not native American. There's "strong evidence to support the existence of" but there is no definitive proof.

Right now, you and everybody else on the planet have in your DNA some measure of either African or Asian DNA no matter what race you presently are. The reason for that is simple: all life started there. It's just as likely that is what was detected in Warren's DNA test as actual native American DNA. Again, the test was not conclusive, rather it showed "strong evidence to support the existence of".

So, no. She's not native American. At all.

What's more, she claimed to be a member of the Cherokee Nation. That was an outright lie...and let me dumb that one down for you as well:

Even if you are born to a Cherokee father by way of a Cherokee mother, you are not Cherokee.

You are not Cherokee until the Chief MAKES you a member of the tribe.

But Warren was so preoccupied with her own narrative, she didn't give a shit about actually learning about that very thing she falsely claimed to be.

THAT is why she went on the apology tour: To apologize for LYING.

So, one more time for the reading impaired: When you refuse to let go of a complete falsehood you've been clinging to for your entire professional career that for some reason never existed your entire life before that began, then you lose my vote.

When you insult the entire Cherokee Nation by claiming to be a member of the tribe when you don't even know what the fuck that takes at all and again it turns out that you are not, then you lose my vote.

But do continue being exactly what Republicans are calling you: hypocrites. You line up making excuses for her lies, but by God let one of them tell one and there's simply no plausible excuse for them. EVER.

I don't expect a guy with soundgarden as his favorite band or whatever to be very polite or have much of an humanitarian out look towards other people's, so for starters I didn't expect much of a reply from you.

You didn't answer any questions I asked you, you repeated the same thing multiple times, and so I wanted to help you understand where you are wrong and where you might have a bit more of an understanding attitude towards the argument, but you've proven yourself to be non peaceful in having a intelligent conversation with so far.

Both your attempts to "dumb" it down for me, have told me nothing that I did not already know.

And no I did not have any reading comprehension issues once so ever, I directing my questions towards you because I highly understand what was written, then you want to get belligerent and spout off a bunch of not answering a single question I asked you, and attacking me personally for acknowledging what you wrote, also that Fogdog was right for calling you out on the same several posts you made.

Stop being hateful and rude and answer my questions please?

There is nothing special about the stance you are taking in this argument, there's plenty of people out there who agree with you obviously, but why not look at the other side of the argument with an open mind, and with less negativity towards others while you are at it?

This argument came from another thread but on the same topic, why so quick to rip someone's head off for questioning what you wrote? Genocide has been in the news relating to Ms. Warren because of the president if you hadn't noticed.

Your not coming off as a very smart or kind person with that type of reply there TacoMac.

But no you are wrong, Native Americans don't just have a bunch of Asian blood in them, (not enough to skew a DNA test as you've assumed) they/we have our own unique bloodlines, and for you to stereotype Natives into your narrative of us all belonging to certain group of humans because we have "some" Asian DNA in our blood, for you to claim that this is truth, well that borderlines on being a racist statement and/or attitude that you are representing amongst tribes that you don't have 100% truth on either, so at least admit you don't know the full measure of what your talking about?

Can you apologize for being so rude earlier? I was wanting to have a respectful conversation with you but you've turned against that with the you negative words you've used.
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Where the hell did that come from? Back up a few pages, start reading again, and then come back and tell me where, other than your ass, that question came from.

Essentially the entirety of your shitpost has absolutely nothing at all to do with this conversation.

Wrong again. Let's review for the trolls that once again never bothered to actually read what was said:

Since you obviously have issues with reading comprehension, I'll dumb that down for you:

She's not native American. There's "strong evidence to support the existence of" but there is no definitive proof.

Right now, you and everybody else on the planet have in your DNA some measure of either African or Asian DNA no matter what race you presently are. The reason for that is simple: all life started there. It's just as likely that is what was detected in Warren's DNA test as actual native American DNA. Again, the test was not conclusive, rather it showed "strong evidence to support the existence of".

So, no. She's not native American. At all.

What's more, she claimed to be a member of the Cherokee Nation. That was an outright lie...and let me dumb that one down for you as well:

Even if you are born to a Cherokee father by way of a Cherokee mother, you are not Cherokee.

You are not Cherokee until the Chief MAKES you a member of the tribe.

But Warren was so preoccupied with her own narrative, she didn't give a shit about actually learning about that very thing she falsely claimed to be.

THAT is why she went on the apology tour: To apologize for LYING.

So, one more time for the reading impaired: When you refuse to let go of a complete falsehood you've been clinging to for your entire professional career that for some reason never existed your entire life before that began, then you lose my vote.

When you insult the entire Cherokee Nation by claiming to be a member of the tribe when you don't even know what the fuck that takes at all and again it turns out that you are not, then you lose my vote.

But do continue being exactly what Republicans are calling you: hypocrites. You line up making excuses for her lies, but by God let one of them tell one and there's simply no plausible excuse for them. EVER.
Yeah, she's not a member of any tribe. She thought she had Native American ancestry because that's what she had heard from her family and believed it.

The only people who say she's lying are you and Republicans.

I also agree that this probably makes Ms Warren unelectable as president. I think that's a shame. She has a great record of working well with people to get difficult jobs done. A great progressive voting record. A hard worker who hasn't had even a whiff of scandal while in office. That is exactly what I'd like to see in the 2020 Democratic Party candidate. The error she made was in saying that she was Cherokee.

It's a crappy double standard when a liar like Trump is President and Elizabeth Warren is unelectable. But I recognize that the radical right won this propaganda battle. I still might vote for her in the primary though. I vote by my principles and values in the primary and I'll vote for the Democratic Party's candidate in the fall. .
I can guarantee if it has no brain it will not be breathing
But i get your point
A condition that drastic and more can be extrapolated much earlier in development aswell as many problems that can arise in early development...but do we open the door to people to decide they dont want a perfectly healthy kid once born and straight up kill it?
Besides the legal ramifications of what is or not considered murder...this choice should be between a mother and her doctor...but earlier on ...jus my opinion
There is no such thing as killing perfectly healthy kids you dumb idiot

You are seriously fucking dumb
She thought she had Native American ancestry because that's what she had heard from her family and believed it.

Odd. None of her family members ever claimed to be Native American...except her.

The only people who say she's lying are you and Republicans.

And the Cherokee Nation, and anybody that's not preoccupied making excuses for her because she's a democrat.

I also agree that this probably makes Ms Warren unelectable as president. I think that's a shame.

Which is exactly what I've said all along.
Odd. None of her family members ever claimed to be Native American...except her.

And the Cherokee Nation, and anybody that's not preoccupied making excuses for her because she's a democrat.

Which is exactly what I've said all along.
My mom told me I'm Italian, been claiming it all my life, but we didn't have DNA testing back then and I don't have to respond to conspiracy theorist posing as politicians , so no DNA for me
Odd. None of her family members ever claimed to be Native American...except her.
You are wrong about this. Unless you want to claim she was lying in 2012 when she said her family always told her she was part Cherokee:


But Warren says that when she was growing up in Oklahoma, her family always told her that she's part Cherokee.

"I am very proud of my heritage," she says. "These are my family stories. This is what my brothers and I were told by my mom and my dad, my mamaw and my papaw. This is our lives. And I'm very proud of it."

Warren was also identified as a minority in professional legal directories for years. So just how much of a minority is she?

Genealogist Chris Child has been digging through the Census, birth and death records of Warren's family. Child eventually unearthed a document stating that Warren's great-great-great-grandmother was Native American. The document is from the woman's son.

"In 1894 on his application for a marriage license, he listed his father as Jonathan Houston Crawford and his mother as O.C. Sarah Smith, Cherokee Indian."

So, you see, there are some facts that dispute your claim that none of her family members ever claimed to be Native American. The facts say you are wrong. But I don't think you are lying. You are wrong but there is no no reason to believe you are lying. Now that you've had access to these facts, I might have to change my mind about that if you repeat your false statement.

Trump would say she's lying because liars lie.

It's a shame that Elizabeth Warren is unelectable because of all this. The crappy double standard that Trump is prez and Warren is unelectable really chaps me. But I recognize that it is also probably true.
You are wrong about this.

Name the other member of her family that ever claimed on a form they were Native American.

I'll save you some time: NONE OF THEM EVER DID.

Elizabeth Warren is the only member of her entire family that ever, EVER claimed that. Nobody else ever did.

Nobody even knows who in fact ever told her the stories, only that they were told.

Dude. Stop. Seriously. You're making a worse compulsive idiot out of yourself over this made up bullshit than she did.
My mom told me I'm Italian, been claiming it all my life, but we didn't have DNA testing back then and I don't have to respond to conspiracy theorist posing as politicians , so no DNA for me
My Mom said her parents came from Sweden. I have a Swedish bible my mom said was hers. Inside the bible is an inscription form my great grandfather to my grandmother. But I have no proof of this. Yet I say I'm Swedish. But really I grew up in the US, speak only English and have never even been to Sweden. Does that make me a liar?
My Mom said her parents came from Sweden. I have a Swedish bible my mom said was hers. Inside the bible is an inscription form my great grandfather to my grandmother. But I have no proof of this. Yet I say I'm Swedish. But really I grew up in the US, speak only English and have never even been to Sweden. Does that make me a liar?
Why are you thinking about a candidacy ? There may be a Republican opening in 2020 no previous experience required
I don't expect a guy with soundgarden as his favorite band or whatever to be very polite or have much of an humanitarian out look towards other people's, so for starters I didn't expect much of a reply from you.

You didn't answer any questions I asked you, you repeated the same thing multiple times, and so I wanted to help you understand where you are wrong and where you might have a bit more of an understanding attitude towards the argument, but you've proven yourself to be non peaceful in having a intelligent conversation with so far.

Both your attempts to "dumb" it down for me, have told me nothing that I did not already know.

And no I did not have any reading comprehension issues once so ever, I directing my questions towards you because I highly understand what was written, then you want to get belligerent and spout off a bunch of not answering a single question I asked you, and attacking me personally for acknowledging what you wrote, also that Fogdog was right for calling you out on the same several posts you made.

Stop being hateful and rude and answer my questions please?

There is nothing special about the stance you are taking in this argument, there's plenty of people out there who agree with you obviously, but why not look at the other side of the argument with an open mind, and with less negativity towards others while you are at it?

This argument came from another thread but on the same topic, why so quick to rip someone's head off for questioning what you wrote? Genocide has been in the news relating to Ms. Warren because of the president if you hadn't noticed.

Your not coming off as a very smart or kind person with that type of reply there TacoMac.
You certainly do supercilious well
Name the other member of her family that ever claimed on a form they were Native American.

I'll save you some time: NONE OF THEM EVER DID.

Elizabeth Warren is the only member of her entire family that ever, EVER claimed that. Nobody else ever did.

Nobody even knows who in fact ever told her the stories, only that they were told.

Dude. Stop. Seriously. You're making a worse compulsive idiot out of yourself over this made up bullshit than she did.
I'll just say now that by willfully ignoring a facts-based news report from NPR, you are lying.
Why are you thinking about a candidacy ? There may be a Republican opening in 2020 no previous experience required
Yeah, Republicans don't care if I lie. My problem there is I never learned to cheat like a Republican.

I guess I'll have to give up my dream. No Democrat would vote for a person who Republicans say lied about being Swedish.
Right. Everybody is lying except the woman that claimed a bunch of shit that wasn't true.

See you later, Trump.
Willfully denying facts and repeating other people's lies in spite of the facts is lying.

Why are you lying about this?
There is no such thing as killing perfectly healthy kids you dumb idiot

You are seriously fucking dumb
The bill makes no distinction between unviable or healthy
This bill will be challenged and it will go to the supreme court of a
conservative justices majority
And then you may even see roe v wade overturned
If you wanna poke that bear with a stick....you will be cutting off your nose to spite your face...this seems to be the way demos operate
You know theres another big mouth bully that tries to berate people and calls them names etc....president donald trump
Think about that uncletrump