Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

you call it infanticide, and tell horror stories of third term "live" abortions....some people call it abortion, and think it's a woman's right to make decisions about her own body...some people don't like it and would like to see the babies carried to term and put up for adoption...i bounce back and forth between the second and third...the only thing i can tell you for sure is that neither you or i will ever carry a baby...so maybe we should just shut the fuck up about it and let the women deal with this issue
any pregnancy terminated after 20-24 weeks is because the fetus would live a short nd excruciatingly painful life or the mother would die trying to deliver it.
Silly banter.. actually all this shit means more to yall than it does to me...but im happy to sling shit no matter how boring and mundane it gets im just clockin hours...you?
any pregnancy terminated after 20-24 weeks is because the fetus would live a short nd excruciatingly painful life or the mother would die trying to deliver it.
Im with that program especially rape and incest or indangering the mother etc...but all the way up to birthing the kid is a bit barbaric...js
Im with that program especially rape and incest or indangering the mother etc...but all the way up to birthing the kid is a bit barbaric...js

ok then, you birth a kid who was deprived of niacin in week 22-24 and has no brain and will die wheezing within 12 minutes of birth

and go ahead and explain to the mother while youre at it that she is a murderer if she does not do what you say

also, what did you mean by "uncle burka"? that seems pretty fucking racist there, shithead
Just puttin out the same bullshit you do... no different
Like callin people names and what not...wtf....you come off as a fucked up bully cuz rhey may disagree...we can all be dickheads...thats easy...its hard to even get your point when your jus slammin on em
If thats your style..carry on
ok then, you birth a kid who was deprived of niacin in week 22-24 and has no brain and will die wheezing within 12 minutes of birth

and go ahead and explain to the mother while youre at it that she is a murderer if she does not do what you say

also, what did you mean by "uncle burka"? that seems pretty fucking racist there, shithead
I can guarantee if it has no brain it will not be breathing
But i get your point
A condition that drastic and more can be extrapolated much earlier in development aswell as many problems that can arise in early development...but do we open the door to people to decide they dont want a perfectly healthy kid once born and straight up kill it?
Besides the legal ramifications of what is or not considered murder...this choice should be between a mother and her doctor...but earlier on ...jus my opinion
No, it's completely true. Let's review:
  • Harvard Law School in the 1990s touted Warren, then a professor in Cambridge, as being "Native American."
  • Warren later acknowledged, because she had listed herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools directory. Critics note that she had not done that in her student applications and during her time as a teacher at the University of Texas.
  • while Warren was at U. Penn. Law School she put herself on the “Minority Law Teacher” list as Native American) in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools
  • Brown told WCVB in Boston that he didn't condone their actions, but said "the real offense is that (Warren) said she was white and then checked the box saying she is Native American, and then she changed her profile in the law directory once she made her tenure."
  • Warren has long said that she is pointing to "family stories" passed down to her through generations as evidence.
  • In February 2019 the Washington Post surfaced Warren’s 1986 registration card for the State Bar of Texas, on which she identified her race as “American Indian.”
And when her DNA test came back, this was the result:
  • "While the vast majority of the individual's ancestry is European," he concluded of Warren, "the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individual's pedigree, likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago."
Everything I stated about her is spot on, exactly, irrefutably the truth.

She has claimed all through her career when it suited her that she was native American. At best, the only tinge of native American blood she has in her came from somewhere around 200 to 250 years ago.

So, again, an Indian Motorcycle has a closer link to Native Americans than she does. It was all bullshit.

That's why her allies kept telling her to shut up about it and let it go, but she simply wouldn't. She hung on to it like a child to a dropped ice cream cone that's covered in dirt.

That removes her from me considering her for president. Completely.
Just where exactly does someone draw the line when it comes to genocide?

Eradication of a people and their culture, but yet we are so quick to say whom is allowed to take part in being Native American or not, you don't comprehend in full detail what genocide entails, yet you are quick to criticize people who do have legitimate % of blood in their veins?

Sure their are others who would be a better representation of a descendent of a Native American than Ms. Warren, but that doesn't mean she was entirely wrong for claiming to be of (some %) Native American origin, the results did show some Native blood after all.

It's interesting to see how quickly people would choose to overlook genocide and not consider the loss of life that is no more, it's easy for some to feel that it should be forgotten, but those words are hard to accept by people whom whose ancestral family members did suffer the consequences of death due to genocide, those ones are no longer here to speak for themselves, why must we be so harsh on those of us whom do still want to stand for what has happened in the past?

Just how many people do you know worldwide whose families were directly effected by Genocide, that are willing to forget what happened, and forget their bloodlines?

@TacoMac, I'm asking just out of curiosity, I just want to understand where you're coming from, as I've got separate Native American blood on both family sides.
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Silly banter.. actually all this shit means more to yall than it does to me...but im happy to sling shit no matter how boring and mundane it gets im just clockin hours...you?
pretty much the same...i just hate to let a spiteful, hateful, racist little trumptard get away with anything....i can't stomp on the big orange cockroach, but i can sure step on the little dung beetles pushing his shit
.but do we open the door to people to decide they dont want a perfectly healthy kid once born and straight up kill it?
no, that would be murder....that would actually be infanticide...
but here's a question for you...would you rather a child be aborted, at an early stage, or would you rather that child be born to parents that don't want it, that won't ever love it, that won't ever spend the time to make it a good person, if they themselves knew how to be good people? paren't that didn't want it, but had it anyway, and are now resentful of the child that is "stealing their lives"...do you want to live that kid's life? do you want another ignorant, uneducated, mentally and emotionally unstable person running around, that's never had anyone love them, that hates the world and everyone in it?
did you really do them, or anyone else a favor, giving that person their "life"?
that's the question that i'm thinking about...are people really pro life? or are they pro don't make choices that make me uncomfortable? if they were really pro life, why aren't all those protestors adopting as many kids as they're allowed to?
why aren't they out protesting and lobbying for orphanages to get better funding, why aren't they out promoting adoption as a better method? i don't recall ever seeing a pro adoption sign at one of these rallies. not that i attend, but i do read the news, and i do not recall ever seeing any pro adoption signs...just signs telling poor confused young girls that they're murderers....
Just where exactly does someone draw the line when it comes to genocide?

Where the hell did that come from? Back up a few pages, start reading again, and then come back and tell me where, other than your ass, that question came from.

Essentially the entirety of your shitpost has absolutely nothing at all to do with this conversation.

Sure their are others who would be a better representation of a descendent of a Native American than Ms. Warren, but that doesn't mean she was entirely wrong for claiming to be of (some %) Native American origin, the results did show some Native blood after all.

Wrong again. Let's review for the trolls that once again never bothered to actually read what was said:

"While the vast majority of the individual's ancestry is European," he concluded of Warren, "the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individual's pedigree, likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago."

Since you obviously have issues with reading comprehension, I'll dumb that down for you:

She's not native American. There's "strong evidence to support the existence of" but there is no definitive proof.

Right now, you and everybody else on the planet have in your DNA some measure of either African or Asian DNA no matter what race you presently are. The reason for that is simple: all life started there. It's just as likely that is what was detected in Warren's DNA test as actual native American DNA. Again, the test was not conclusive, rather it showed "strong evidence to support the existence of".

So, no. She's not native American. At all.

What's more, she claimed to be a member of the Cherokee Nation. That was an outright lie...and let me dumb that one down for you as well:

Even if you are born to a Cherokee father by way of a Cherokee mother, you are not Cherokee.

You are not Cherokee until the Chief MAKES you a member of the tribe.

But Warren was so preoccupied with her own narrative, she didn't give a shit about actually learning about that very thing she falsely claimed to be.

THAT is why she went on the apology tour: To apologize for LYING.

So, one more time for the reading impaired: When you refuse to let go of a complete falsehood you've been clinging to for your entire professional career that for some reason never existed your entire life before that began, then you lose my vote.

When you insult the entire Cherokee Nation by claiming to be a member of the tribe when you don't even know what the fuck that takes at all and again it turns out that you are not, then you lose my vote.

But do continue being exactly what Republicans are calling you: hypocrites. You line up making excuses for her lies, but by God let one of them tell one and there's simply no plausible excuse for them. EVER.