Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

When I read the resolution, I saw “establishing millions of high-wage jobs…”. That is when I began imagining hundreds-of-thousands would be government jobs allowing for tens-of-thousands of inspectors. I'm sure you are right. Just a mini freak on my part.

And you are probably right about simply eliminating older stuff, like HPS or metal-halides for example, being invented decades ago. Surely all growers will understand and move to LEDs.

All good questions, if you are asking me. Since H. Res 109 isn’t a bill, we really won’t know for a while. After all, the Green New Deal is only about 12 years old now, as a movement, I mean. I truly hope you are right about the Green New Deal being about “shifting our energy supply system to renewable energy” and not the Orwellian nightmare I describe.

The resolution also calls for “massive growth” in manufacturing and sweeping changes to agriculture, food and transportation systems. Sorry, I freaked. After, I read that the green deal also included another overhaul to our health care system, oh, and climate change and “community-defined projects,” saving fragile ecosystems, cleaning up existing hazardous waste sites and developing partnerships with labor union I just lost it a bit.

Laudable goals for our government? Perhaps. But if this is about “shifting our energy supply” why wouldn’t we ask Congress do something right now? Why a Green New Deal resolution instead of “The Shift to Renewable Energy Act of 2019.” Why do we tie renewable energy to Health Care, as the resolution does? Why can’t we do one thing at a time? Holy bat guano. After 12 years the Green New Deal movement has reached the status of resolution?

Good grief. @Boberman is right. Six more years. Then we will get into it. Guess I can cancel that gross of HID lamps in my shopping cart.
You sound like a dumb idiot

No offense
Well, you are wrong but I'm not accusing you of lying.

That's a silly argument.

Only you think so.

According to you, its OK to lie so long as you believe the lie.

That is called pathological lying.

That is exactly what Trump is.

He actually believes most if not all of the lies he tells.

So, according to you, that's perfectly OK.
Really? And I thought I sounded like a smart college student. After all, my word processor scored my writing with a Flesh-Kincaid score of 54.1
54..not bad...uncleburka only scored a 3" on his fleshlight...
Must be the hormone injections ....
Only you think so.

According to you, its OK to lie so long as you believe the lie.

That is called pathological lying.

That is exactly what Trump is.

He actually believes most if not all of the lies he tells.

So, according to you, that's perfectly OK.
There is no indication that she ever benefited from saying she was Native American. Your story makes no sense. But I don't think you are lying.

What is certain is that Trump is a liar. Trump is using this story against Warren. You are saying the same as Trump. But I don't think you are lying. I just think you are wrong.
There is no indication that she ever benefited from saying she was Native American. Your story makes no sense. But I don't think you are lying.

What is certain is that Trump is a liar. Trump is using this story against Warren. You are saying the same as Trump. But I don't think you are lying. I just think you are wrong.

So, so long as you don't make tons of money off your lying it's OK.

I've never heard someone make up so many situations where it's OK to lie as you.

You must be a professional liar.

I on the other hand am not. To me, there is never an excuse to lie. It's never OK to lie.

You lie, you lose my vote. It's that simple. Why you have such a massive problem with that and perpetually make up new excuses for lying only for her but condemn it always for Trump is so laughably hypocritical it's beyond belief.
So, so long as you don't make tons of money off your lying it's OK.

I've never heard someone make up so many situations where it's OK to lie as you.

You must be a professional liar.

I on the other hand am not. To me, there is never an excuse to lie. It's never OK to lie.

You lie, you lose my vote. It's that simple. Why you have such a massive problem with that and perpetually make up new excuses for lying only for her but condemn it always for Trump is so laughably hypocritical it's beyond belief.
The only people who say she lied are you and Republicans.

But I don't think you are lying, just mistaken.
When I read the resolution, I saw “establishing millions of high-wage jobs…”. That is when I began imagining hundreds-of-thousands would be government jobs allowing for tens-of-thousands of inspectors. I'm sure you are right. Just a mini freak on my part.

And you are probably right about simply eliminating older stuff, like HPS or metal-halides for example, being invented decades ago. Surely all growers will understand and move to LEDs.

All good questions, if you are asking me. Since H. Res 109 isn’t a bill, we really won’t know for a while. After all, the Green New Deal is only about 12 years old now, as a movement, I mean. I truly hope you are right about the Green New Deal being about “shifting our energy supply system to renewable energy” and not the Orwellian nightmare I describe.

The resolution also calls for “massive growth” in manufacturing and sweeping changes to agriculture, food and transportation systems. Sorry, I freaked. After, I read that the green deal also included another overhaul to our health care system, oh, and climate change and “community-defined projects,” saving fragile ecosystems, cleaning up existing hazardous waste sites and developing partnerships with labor union I just lost it a bit.

Laudable goals for our government? Perhaps. But if this is about “shifting our energy supply” why wouldn’t we ask Congress do something right now? Why a Green New Deal resolution instead of “The Shift to Renewable Energy Act of 2019.” Why do we tie renewable energy to Health Care, as the resolution does? Why can’t we do one thing at a time? Holy bat guano. After 12 years the Green New Deal movement has reached the status of resolution?

Good grief. @Boberman is right. Six more years. Then we will get into it. Guess I can cancel that gross of HID lamps in my shopping cart.
The bill doesn't contain provisions for inspectors. It doesn't contain anything but a non-binding resolution.

If you are saying that getting away from fossil fuels will be hard to do, then you are in agreement with what that bill says.

Are you saying you support the House doing something "right now"? Well, actually, I'd prefer that we come together on a plan and then work the plan rather than just do willy nilly knee-jerk reactions that won't pass the Senate too.
How is infanticide a winning message again?
you call it infanticide, and tell horror stories of third term "live" abortions....some people call it abortion, and think it's a woman's right to make decisions about her own body...some people don't like it and would like to see the babies carried to term and put up for adoption...i bounce back and forth between the second and third...the only thing i can tell you for sure is that neither you or i will ever carry a baby...so maybe we should just shut the fuck up about it and let the women deal with this issue