Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

No, it's completely true. Let's review:
  • Harvard Law School in the 1990s touted Warren, then a professor in Cambridge, as being "Native American."
  • Warren later acknowledged, because she had listed herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools directory. Critics note that she had not done that in her student applications and during her time as a teacher at the University of Texas.
  • while Warren was at U. Penn. Law School she put herself on the “Minority Law Teacher” list as Native American) in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools
  • Brown told WCVB in Boston that he didn't condone their actions, but said "the real offense is that (Warren) said she was white and then checked the box saying she is Native American, and then she changed her profile in the law directory once she made her tenure."
  • Warren has long said that she is pointing to "family stories" passed down to her through generations as evidence.
  • In February 2019 the Washington Post surfaced Warren’s 1986 registration card for the State Bar of Texas, on which she identified her race as “American Indian.”
And when her DNA test came back, this was the result:
  • "While the vast majority of the individual's ancestry is European," he concluded of Warren, "the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individual's pedigree, likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago."
Everything I stated about her is spot on, exactly, irrefutably the truth.

She has claimed all through her career when it suited her that she was native American. At best, the only tinge of native American blood she has in her came from somewhere around 200 to 250 years ago.

So, again, an Indian Motorcycle has a closer link to Native Americans than she does. It was all bullshit.

That's why her allies kept telling her to shut up about it and let it go, but she simply wouldn't. She hung on to it like a child to a dropped ice cream cone that's covered in dirt.

That removes her from me considering her for president. Completely.
OK, so, she apologized to the people she offended and it's up to them to forgive. You say it is a deciding factor for you and that's your bag. I merely point out that you aren't one of the people she offended. Meanwhile, Warren has a whopping long list of accomplishments over a long period in office and you are reacting this one issue.

Why do you think this disqualifies her? Why is that? I'm not advocating FOR Warren, I'm advocating looking at the entire record and deciding based upon that. The far left has something against her but I'm not clear what that is. I'd appreciate a clear statement from them that doesn't rely on vague statements but upon facts. Assuming they can do that.

I don't listen to liars. Because liars lie. I'm going to listen to what the spokesperson for the Cherokee nation says on this issue and from what they said, the aren't nearly as hard on Warren over this as you are. They came out to say they were glad Warren apologized but haven't said much else. They aren't hard line against Warren over this as you say you are.

I simply won't disregard Warren over this based upon what Rush Limbaugh and Trump say. But then again, it's your decision to make and if you wish to follow what liars and right wing propagandists say, that's on you.
She lied.

Not only did she lie, she defended the lie.

Only when the Native Americans told her she was flat out wrong did she apologize at all for anything.

Her obsessive behavior and decades of lying disqualify her from getting my vote.

That you keep suggesting that I'm being unreasonable in my decision to not support a lying narcissist since we already have one is moronic.
Warren speak with forked tongue.....her cooked
if lying disqualified you from public service, trump wouldn't be allowed to pick up trash on a road crew......how the fuck can you have the balls to stand there and say FUCK ALL about anyone else on the entire planet when you have the biggest fucking liar on earth leading you?
Dictionary result for hypocrisy
noun: hypocrisy; plural noun: hypocrisies
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
"his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life"
synonyms: sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, pietism, piousness, affected piety, affected superiority, false virtue, cant, humbug, pretense, posturing, speciousness, empty talk;More

just thought i'd clarify what the word means, as there seems to be some confusion....calling someone out for lying while you follow the king of fucking liars is hypocrisy.....and that makes you an enormous......¿......
A. Douchebag
B. Asshole
C. Dumbass
D. Moron
E. Hypocrite
F. All of the above, plus a racist, and a misogynist

pick as many as needed...but i think F covers it all pretty well
No. There isn't.

And that's the worst part: he lies about things there's absolutely no reason to lie about.

He is, literally, a very sick individual.



show me one other similar article about any other president.....ever.... of course the motherfucker is crazy.....and the craziest thing is that he's still in office
Was the release of the Green New Deal really botched or was it on purpose, to create distraction, as evidenced here at RIU, a means-to-an-end?

One of these “ends,” what H. Res. 109 calls one of several “10-year” efforts, is “upgrading all existing buildings and constructing new buildings to achieve maximum energy and water efficiency.”

Now I imagine, say in the next year or two, a government official will be knocking on my door to inspect my “existing buildings” to determine whether they meet the standards and since we are talking water efficiency they will need to inspect my toilets and showers. Not that I would of hid things in my bathroom.

What if you own some land in the mid-west, off the grid entirely, and live in a log cabin small enough not to require a building permit from the local government. You burn eight to ten cords of wood each winter.

Along comes a federal mandate allowing, actually requiring, government inspectors onto your land and into your cabin and outbuildings, to inspect, to see that you burn wood, that your insulation is horse hair and not of a commercial nature….

Perhaps I mis-interrupt or exaggerate the intent. Am I? I’m getting nuances of unprecedented, massive intrusion by my government. I vote no. If my congressperson wants to vote for it I will vote against my congressperson. I am writing my congressperson now and telling them exactly that.

Boy, don’t I feel better.

Okay, the next “10-year” effort is about the power grid and how much power you use during peak demand periods. LEDs only then? No HID?? Hmm, maybe we better make those illegal for the general public, just not efficient enough.

What's next?

My brother was just like him. If your dad was Neil Armstrong then it wouldn't matter. He'd make up some bullshit story to one up him.

I remember once, years ago, opening the door to see a police officer standing there. He looked at me and asked if I was home.

I shot him a look and said of course I am. I'm standing right here. He looked at his clipboard, then back at me.

Turns out my brother had gotten into trouble and didn't have I.D. on him. He had memorized my drivers license and social security numbers and told them he was me.

Based on my status, they released him on his on recognizance.

He never went to court, so they came looking for me.

Trump and he are exactly alike: they lie with reckless abandon with no regard for anyone or anything, only what they want/need at the moment.
Was the release of the Green New Deal really botched or was it on purpose, to create distraction, as evidenced here at RIU, a means-to-an-end?

One of these “ends,” what H. Res. 109 calls one of several “10-year” efforts, is “upgrading all existing buildings and constructing new buildings to achieve maximum energy and water efficiency.”

Now I imagine, say in the next year or two, a government official will be knocking on my door to inspect my “existing buildings” to determine whether they meet the standards and since we are talking water efficiency they will need to inspect my toilets and showers. Not that I would of hid things in my bathroom.

What if you own some land in the mid-west, off the grid entirely, and live in a log cabin small enough not to require a building permit from the local government. You burn eight to ten cords of wood each winter.

Along comes a federal mandate allowing, actually requiring, government inspectors onto your land and into your cabin and outbuildings, to inspect, to see that you burn wood, that your insulation is horse hair and not of a commercial nature….

Perhaps I mis-interrupt or exaggerate the intent. Am I? I’m getting nuances of unprecedented, massive intrusion by my government. I vote no. If my congressperson wants to vote for it I will vote against my congressperson. I am writing my congressperson now and telling them exactly that.

Boy, don’t I feel better.

Okay, the next “10-year” effort is about the power grid and how much power you use during peak demand periods. LEDs only then? No HID?? Hmm, maybe we better make those illegal for the general public, just not efficient enough.

What's next?
yeah...you do exaggerate...you think they got time to check the plumbing in every single house in the country? they'll just discontinue all the parts you need to keep older stuff running, no more parts for your inefficient water heater, furnace, or heat pumps...you either buy new equipment or do without....
She lied.

Not only did she lie, she defended the lie.

Only when the Native Americans told her she was flat out wrong did she apologize at all for anything.

Her obsessive behavior and decades of lying disqualify her from getting my vote.

That you keep suggesting that I'm being unreasonable in my decision to not support a lying narcissist since we already have one is moronic.
Carrying a mistaken belief is not lying. To lie is to deliberately make a false statement. What motive could she have for deliberately stating she was Native American?

Obsessively maintaining that she was Native American when she was confronted with the facts is troubling. I'll agree on that. Also that her apologies came too late to make this a non-issue in the primary. These are valids point against her.

A CNN article published a few days ago says what I believe:

What we now know is that Warren actively identified as a Native American as far back as 1986. This was not some mix-up or misunderstanding or someone who worked for Warren making a mistake. This was Warren's doing.

That still doesn't mean that she gained anything from her decision to call herself a Native American on some documents.


From the perspective of the person who wrote that article, this isn't going to go away and it's probably already sunk her candidacy.
Was the release of the Green New Deal really botched or was it on purpose, to create distraction, as evidenced here at RIU, a means-to-an-end?

One of these “ends,” what H. Res. 109 calls one of several “10-year” efforts, is “upgrading all existing buildings and constructing new buildings to achieve maximum energy and water efficiency.”

Now I imagine, say in the next year or two, a government official will be knocking on my door to inspect my “existing buildings” to determine whether they meet the standards and since we are talking water efficiency they will need to inspect my toilets and showers. Not that I would of hid things in my bathroom.

What if you own some land in the mid-west, off the grid entirely, and live in a log cabin small enough not to require a building permit from the local government. You burn eight to ten cords of wood each winter.

Along comes a federal mandate allowing, actually requiring, government inspectors onto your land and into your cabin and outbuildings, to inspect, to see that you burn wood, that your insulation is horse hair and not of a commercial nature….

Perhaps I mis-interrupt or exaggerate the intent. Am I? I’m getting nuances of unprecedented, massive intrusion by my government. I vote no. If my congressperson wants to vote for it I will vote against my congressperson. I am writing my congressperson now and telling them exactly that.

Boy, don’t I feel better.

Okay, the next “10-year” effort is about the power grid and how much power you use during peak demand periods. LEDs only then? No HID?? Hmm, maybe we better make those illegal for the general public, just not efficient enough.

What's next?
What if no inspector comes to a house off the grid?

What if there is no funding for inspectors?

What if the bill disallows the use of Dragons to heat homes?

What if the bill taxes people who fart too much?

What if the bill requires every household to be heated by people who are full of hot air?

What if we contact our legislators and tell them we want the government to begin to shift our energy supply system to renewable energy, which is what that bill is intended to do.
Was the release of the Green New Deal really botched or was it on purpose, to create distraction, as evidenced here at RIU, a means-to-an-end?

One of these “ends,” what H. Res. 109 calls one of several “10-year” efforts, is “upgrading all existing buildings and constructing new buildings to achieve maximum energy and water efficiency.”

Now I imagine, say in the next year or two, a government official will be knocking on my door to inspect my “existing buildings” to determine whether they meet the standards and since we are talking water efficiency they will need to inspect my toilets and showers. Not that I would of hid things in my bathroom.

What if you own some land in the mid-west, off the grid entirely, and live in a log cabin small enough not to require a building permit from the local government. You burn eight to ten cords of wood each winter.

Along comes a federal mandate allowing, actually requiring, government inspectors onto your land and into your cabin and outbuildings, to inspect, to see that you burn wood, that your insulation is horse hair and not of a commercial nature….

Perhaps I mis-interrupt or exaggerate the intent. Am I? I’m getting nuances of unprecedented, massive intrusion by my government. I vote no. If my congressperson wants to vote for it I will vote against my congressperson. I am writing my congressperson now and telling them exactly that.

Boy, don’t I feel better.

Okay, the next “10-year” effort is about the power grid and how much power you use during peak demand periods. LEDs only then? No HID?? Hmm, maybe we better make those illegal for the general public, just not efficient enough.

What's next?
No worries 6 more of those years will be under Trump. Keep up the crazy.
yeah...you do exaggerate...you think they got time to check the plumbing in every single house in the country? they'll just discontinue all the parts you need to keep older stuff running, no more parts for your inefficient water heater, furnace, or heat pumps...you either buy new equipment or do without....

When I read the resolution, I saw “establishing millions of high-wage jobs…”. That is when I began imagining hundreds-of-thousands would be government jobs allowing for tens-of-thousands of inspectors. I'm sure you are right. Just a mini freak on my part.

And you are probably right about simply eliminating older stuff, like HPS or metal-halides for example, being invented decades ago. Surely all growers will understand and move to LEDs.

What if no inspector comes to a house off the grid?

What if there is no funding for inspectors?

What if the bill disallows the use of Dragons to heat homes?

What if the bill taxes people who fart too much?

What if the bill requires every household to be heated by people who are full of hot air?

What if we contact our legislators and tell them we want the government to begin to shift our energy supply system to renewable energy, which is what that bill is intended to do.

All good questions, if you are asking me. Since H. Res 109 isn’t a bill, we really won’t know for a while. After all, the Green New Deal is only about 12 years old now, as a movement, I mean. I truly hope you are right about the Green New Deal being about “shifting our energy supply system to renewable energy” and not the Orwellian nightmare I describe.

The resolution also calls for “massive growth” in manufacturing and sweeping changes to agriculture, food and transportation systems. Sorry, I freaked. After, I read that the green deal also included another overhaul to our health care system, oh, and climate change and “community-defined projects,” saving fragile ecosystems, cleaning up existing hazardous waste sites and developing partnerships with labor union I just lost it a bit.

Laudable goals for our government? Perhaps. But if this is about “shifting our energy supply” why wouldn’t we ask Congress do something right now? Why a Green New Deal resolution instead of “The Shift to Renewable Energy Act of 2019.” Why do we tie renewable energy to Health Care, as the resolution does? Why can’t we do one thing at a time? Holy bat guano. After 12 years the Green New Deal movement has reached the status of resolution?

Good grief. @Boberman is right. Six more years. Then we will get into it. Guess I can cancel that gross of HID lamps in my shopping cart.