Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

I have not moved past your false statement that I made up the language in the draft released to NPR by her chief of staff. If you wish to pretend that we are discussing something else, that is your prerogative.
Propaganda doesn't have to be entirely lies. Just enough truth to spin whatever story you want. No, the New Green Deal is not invalid because a working draft made it to NPR. You want to talk about that instead of the real issue at hand. Which is -- what are we going to do to address human caused global warming.

I was totally prepared for your propaganda bullshit, which is why I said up front that the only valid source worth discussing is the one that was sent to Congress. Yet you quite predictably referred to anything and everything but that. It was soooooo predictable that it's funny how even when I telegraphed that I'd laugh at you when you did that, you walked right into it.

Now everybody is laughing.

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You asked me to prove I did not make this up and I did so. I understand you are too invested in your ego to acknowledge this.
Are you too invested in your ego to admit you lied about 20 times ina row about those non existent open borders democrats?



one guy keeps saying it was "erroneous and doctored"....i don't think it was doctored....i think they fucked up and released a version they didn't intend to, and now that it got out there, they're trying to cover their asses....like all politicians do.
i'd respect her a lot more if she just came out and said it was a prior draft that the didn't like, and altered...
Republicans cover their asses when they kill kids in a border detention center.

As those reports say and the Cortez office agrees, some versions made it out there with the wrong text in them. Personally, I think their office was hacked. Whether or not it was hacked, doesn't change the urgency of putting a plan in place that we can agree upon and begin to take action. The crap that Bugs and the Republican propaganda machine is doing is attacking Cortez's personality rather than talk about the real issue.

So, what would you rather do? Talk about Cortez and some kerfluffle from her office or talk about the framework she submitted to Congress?
Propaganda doesn't have to be entirely lies. Just enough truth to spin whatever story you want. No, the New Green Deal is not invalid because a working draft made it to NPR. You want to talk about that instead of the real issue at hand. Which is -- what are we going to do to address human caused global warming.

I was totally prepared for you propaganda bullshit, which is why I said up front that the only valid source worth discussing it the one that was sent to Congress. Yet you quite predictably referred to anything and everything but that. It was soooooo predictable that it's funny how even when I telegraphed that I'd laugh at you when you did that, you walked right into it.

Now everybody is laughing.

No, claiming that I made something up that has been widely published and discussed is wrong. You proclaiming I can only use a specific document to prove my point is laughable. Obviously the documents are different so why not just concede the point? Pretty fucking obvious I did not make up the 10 year period or provisions for people not wanting to work..
Republicans cover their asses when they kill kids in a border detention center.

As those reports say and the Cortez office agrees, some versions made it out there with the wrong text in them. Personally, I think their office was hacked. Whether or not it was hacked, doesn't change the urgency of putting a plan in place that we can agree upon and begin to take action. The crap that Bugs and the Republican propaganda machine is doing is attacking Cortez's personality rather than talk about the real issue.

So, what would you rather do? Talk about Cortez and some kerfluffle from her office or talk about the framework she submitted to Congress?
No, just asking you to concede I did not invent stuff. Your ego is something else!
Are you too invested in your ego to admit you lied about 20 times ina row about those non existent open borders democrats?
He'd rather talk about his wounded pride and my being an ego-maniac (lol) than the actual subject. He's not brought up one valid point against the New Green Deal.

Just another sucker taken in by the right wing propaganda machine that is all about character assassination instead of addressing real problems.
No, just asking you to concede I did not invent stuff. Your ego is something else!
I told you the only document that was valid was the one I linked to on the OP. You went right to the fake shit. You are a fucking liar. It doesn't even matter if you believe your lies. I told you you'd be laughed at and I'm smiling at the thought of you being so hopelessly prideful that you can't laugh at yourself.
I told you the only document that was valid was the one I linked to on the OP. You went right to the fake shit. You are a fucking liar. It doesn't even matter if you believe your lies. I told you you'd be laughed at and I'm smiling at the thought of you being so hopelessly prideful that you can't laugh at yourself.
You claimed I made up the 10 years and welfare for those wishing not to work. In fact those items were written and submitted by AOC's chief of staff to NPR. This is provable, so how could I be responsible for making it up?
You made shit up about the ten years. You have no credibility to lean on, you have to prove what you said is true. I went through the resolution and find no reference to "provide for able people unwilling to work" anywhere or in any form. Where does it say that in Cortez's resolution that the New Green Deal? Cite the page and paragraph number on that page where it says anything remotely like that in this document:


You like to talk in circular logic. Another logical fallacy that I guess you think is clever but actually proves you wrong. Any response other than a cited page number and paragraph number on that page that says something like what you claim will be laughed at.

Because liars lie.
Let's try this another way, why would the comments I mentioned not being in the final resolution be proof that I made those statements up? Do you not see the logic fail?
Let's try this another way, why would the comments I mentioned not being in the final resolution be proof that I made those statements up? Do you not see the logic fail?
So, uh yes, I get that you want to talk about yourself rather than the New Green Deal.

That's such an adorable aspect about Republicans. They are so obsessed with themselves that all conversations come back to them.

Now then, this New Green Deal? It's not about you. It's about addressing global climate change. Cortez released the document and all you want to talk about is whether or not your fingernail polish matches your lipstick. It's cute that you want me to admire your intelligent and attractive self, but this thread isn't about you.

edit: and yes, this post is my way of laughing at your conceited fat ass.
So, uh yes, I get that you want to talk about yourself rather than the New Green Deal.

That's such an adorable aspect about Republicans. They are so obsessed with themselves that all conversations come back to them.

Now then, this New Green Deal? It's not about you. It's about addressing global climate change. Cortez released the document and all you want to talk about is whether or not your fingernail polish matches your lipstick. It's cute that you want me to admire your intelligent and attractive self, but this thread isn't about you.
He stops wanting to talk about himself when the subject of his serial lying and racism comes up
He stops wanting to talk about himself when the subject of his serial lying and racism comes up
What's really making me laugh out loud is how he is obsessed with my calling him a liar and his defense is that he believes the lies he posted.

As in:

You claimed I made up the 10 years and welfare for those wishing not to work. In fact those items were written and submitted by AOC's chief of staff to NPR. This irrelevant bit of trivia came from from a dead document that is not the plan of record but I'd rather talk it about than the real one, so how could I be responsible for making it up? I want to talk about fake shit and not the document you posted on the OP.
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So, uh yes, I get that you want to talk about yourself rather than the New Green Deal.

That's such an adorable aspect about Republicans. They are so obsessed with themselves that all conversations come back to them.

Now then, this New Green Deal? It's not about you. It's about addressing global climate change. Cortez released the document and all you want to talk about is whether or not your fingernail polish matches your lipstick. It's cute that you want me to admire your intelligent and attractive self, but this thread isn't about you.

edit: and yes, this post is my way of laughing at your conceited fat ass.
ok then,I will admit to pulling the strings in the AOC congressional office. I feed my ideas to her chief of staff and she runs with them. Is this what you think? Lol
ok then,I will admit to pulling the strings in the AOC congressional office. I feed my ideas to her chief of staff and she runs with them. Is this what you think? Lol
I think you are a compulsive liar

Clean your own house first. Or should I say your wife’s house you jobless welfare sponge
She's on record as saying it was an old family story.

I had a "paw-paw" when I was very young. My mother left me with him while she went off partying for a while...about 2 years. He was ancient. I mean, ANCIENT. Nobody really knew how old he was. He was Cherokee.

He used to tell me stories about when he was young and scouted for the United States Calvary. He told me the biggest mistake the U.S. ever made was making California a state. He remembers still seeing men in their worn out, striped down, Confederate uniforms because they had no other clothes to wear.

I'd sit and listen to him all day. We'd work in his garden and he'd tell stories. I was never really sure if they were true. I was a kid. I believed him.

Years later, when I was in my 20's, I wondered what had ever happened to him. He died in 1978. According to the local paper, he was 117 years old. But they weren't quite sure exactly how old he was. They guessed from his oldest child's birth certificate dated 1878. They figured he must have been at least 17 before he had a kid.

But I never believed he was a relative. I never assumed he was, at any rate. I most certainly didn't look at my white face in the mirror and then go out and claim to be Native American based on stories I heard as a kid.

Elizabeth Warren did exactly that: based a thought on stories. To make it worse, rather than be the adult in the room and let it go, she kept on and on about it even going so far as to have DNA testing done to show that she has as much Native American ancestry as an Indian Motorcycle.

Her campaign was over before it started. She has NO chance in hell and should never have entered the race.
You never once mentioned what she has done or said she would do if she became Prez. Are we going to let Republicans assassinate the characters of our candidates or are we going to be the ones to choose?
In her case, it's true.

She's been using the whole native American thing for decades.

Why? Especially when it comes to light that at best she had a distant native American relative around 250 years ago.

10 years ago, I would have voted for her. The childish, obsessive manner she's handled this entire debacle with has turned that into a no vote.
Well..i really dont give a fuck about it but will say on the hypocrisy issue that you have no problem counting and cataloguing trumps alleged lies....but one of yours get caught and called out and you come unglued....thats the hypocrisy rub i see...if you dont like trump for lying cuz lying is repulsive...shouldnt you be repulsed when lizzy lies aswell?....if not then the hypocrisy lies with you....

Just watched some of pocos speech....am i the only one that feels like im being yelled at by the library lady?, with her delivery?
Very hard to actually listen to what she is saying....
well, that's kind of the thing there...ONE of ours gets caught in ONE lie...that is essentially harmless.
your boy trump, on the other hand....



and not just the donald.....there's popadopoulos, manafort, gates, all those russians, pinedo, vanderzwaan, kiliminik, all those gru officers, cohen, stone....
gee...maybe you guys are winning.....