Well-Known Member
it all starts crop in? sounds like it's good shit....
it all starts crop in? sounds like it's good shit....
It is not a bill.i'm completely in favor of rebuilding the infrastructure of the country. it would bolster the economy to very close to wartime conditions.
rebuilding most of the bridges and tunnels in the country would take decades.
then there are the roads themselves. the interstate system is crumbling, well over half the roadways should be replaced. the original cost of building just the roadways was 119 billion...that's not including pre-existing turnpikes that were incorporated.
aging, inefficient, unsafe power grids would have to be replaced. there are 5.5 million miles of local power lines, and 200,000 miles of high power lines, that need to be upgraded, replaced, buried where possible....just NYC has 6,500 miles of water mains that need to be replaced....
then you have to find locations for wind farms that won't cause the extinction of any of the wildlife in the area, that won't decimate migrating fowl, that are actually strategically placed to be effective, that are well enough maintained to remain effective....
then do the same thing in different locations for solar farms....
and that's a drop in the bucket....this bill IS impossible to achieve in ten years, just logistically.....maybe in 25. if you could get the entire country, and most of the manufacturing industries in the country, behind the plan. and that would still be a massive job...
don't get me wrong, i would be happy if it happens, and would be happy to contribute to it.
as far as it being a symbol of the countries commitment to improving itself, there's no harm in that, and it may be a significant psychological victory, but psychological victories and symbols don't pave any new road....
LOLToo, too funny. NPR published this in both PDF and word form, here is the word form with my highlights of amateur hour in red. No time to waste in providing for those unwilling to work! LOL Still waiting to hear of hacking from anyone other than Fogdog, god love him.
LAUNCH: Thursday, February 7, at 8:30 AM.
We will begin work immediately on Green New Deal bills to put the
nuts and bolts on the plan described in this resolution (important to
say so someone else can’t claim this mantle).
This is a massive transformation of our society with clear goals and
a timeline.
o The Green New Deal resolution a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect
of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve
net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic prosperity for
all. It will:
Move America to 100% clean and renewable energy
Create millions of family supporting-wage, union jobs
Ensure a just transition for all communities and workers to
ensure economic security for people and communities that have
historically relied on fossil fuel industries
Ensure justice and equity for frontline communities by
prioritizing investment, training, climate and community
resiliency, economic and environmental benefits in these
Build on FDR’s second bill of rights by guaranteeing:
A job with a family-sustaining wage, family and medical
leave, vacations, and retirement security
High-quality education, including higher education and
trade schools
Clean air and water and access to nature
Healthy food
High-quality health care
Safe, affordable, adequate housing
Economic environment free of monopolies
Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to
There is no time to waste.
Actually no, she submitted what I posted to NPR for public release. I don't question that it was subsequently changed. Why do you question that she originally put this out? Why would you claim that I made it up because I'm a liar? Why not just apologize? Hint - I will forgive you.LOL
You keep posting invalid shit.
Keep up the propaganda. The only true statement of Cortez's New Green Deal is the one that was actually submitted to Congress.
Nice try, though. Actually not.
I suppose blind squirrels spend a of of time bragging about the nut they once found. Welcome back Gomer.Actually no, she submitted what I posted to NPR for public release. I don't question that it was subsequently changed. Why do you question that she originally put this out? Why would you claim that I made it up because I'm a liar? Why not just apologize? Hint - I will forgive you.
Nothing like a backhanded admission of Fogdog being a conceited ego maniac!I suppose blind squirrels spend a of of time bragging about the nut they once found. Welcome back Gomer.
Why would you claim that I made it up because I'm a liar? .
why did you lie about your reason for celebrating alongside white supremacists on election night?Nothing like a backhanded admission of Fogdog being a conceited ego maniac!
I knew you'd pull up some bs crap. I didn't know an unedited and probably hacked version would somehow make it out of her office but I knew something made of slime would appear. So, I linked the only true statement from Cortez's office, the only version that was submitted to Congress.Actually no, she submitted what I posted to NPR for public release. I don't question that it was subsequently changed. Why do you question that she originally put this out? Why would you claim that I made it up because I'm a liar? Why not just apologize? Hint - I will forgive you.
You made shit up about the ten years. You have no credibility to lean on, you have to prove what you said is true. I went through the resolution and find no reference to "provide for able people unwilling to work" anywhere or in any form. Where does it say that in Cortez's resolution that the New Green Deal? Cite the page and paragraph number on that page where it says anything remotely like that in this document:
You like to talk in circular logic. Another logical fallacy that I guess you think is clever but actually proves you wrong. Any response other than a cited page number and paragraph number on that page that says something like what you claim will be laughed at.
Because liars lie.
Nope. Not at all. Just another observation of your dumbness.Nothing like a backhanded admission of Fogdog being a conceited ego maniac!
LOLNothing like a backhanded admission of Fogdog being a conceited ego maniac!
It is not a bill.
It is a non-binding resolution, not a bil
Converting to renewable power in 10 years is technically feasible. There is enough power from the sun, which also drives wind, to provide enough power for this country in excess. We have the technology to build this new power generating system. What remains is the will and a detailed plan to do so. I agree this country doesn't have the will today. Yes it will be difficult, expensive and will shake up the country's social structure. The cost of not doing so is higher.
Regarding wind power and its effects on birds in particular, the Audubon Society put out their own statement in support of wind power because as they say the largest danger to birds is global climate change. They endorse and fund studies to reduce bird losses from wind energy systems because as they say the real risk is mass extinction events including bird species extinctions due to climate change. They get it, people who are on the sidelines might give them a listen.
That said, wind will only generate about 10%-15% of power needs. The largest single technology that will contribute to this change will be photovoltaic systems. But all are needed -- wind, geothermal, tide and wave energy.
California has mandated that each new home will be built with solar energy panels installed, for example. California has a law that mandates 50% of all power to come from non-emissions sources by 2030. They don't think that is impractical, they think it is necessary. That's the difference between a nonbinding resolution and a law. If we say 100% in 10 years in a nonbinding resolution and end up passing regulations that achieve 50% in 10 years, what's is wrong with that?
If Cortez's resolution makes us laugh at her but we end up with the same laws that California has regarding 50% of power coming from non-emmission sources by 2030 then the last laugh will be hers.
What that resolution does and is doing is drive the conversation. Parts of the plan will become law. Parts will never see the light of day. But it is a clear, concise set of text that people can discuss. Cortez has already achieved her goal if that was her purpose.
The draft i read was title Soylent Green New Deal...
uhhhyuck uhhhyuck uhhhyuck. Thet solvnt greet thang wers sur funny.So its sorta like a sci-fi novel?
The draft i read was title Soylent Green New Deal...must of been an early draft...
Pelosi just called it "that green dream thing" the only way that things ever leavin the house is in Pelosis trash can
Pelosi then commenced to scrub her from the new climate change commitee....ouch
she was obviously referring to the executive branchYep the exceptionally steamin hot mess .....hey maybe she can get it thru that mysterious 3rd chamber she thinks is in the
Lol that must be what was...
The progressives are gonna fuck the dems up
Trump wont even need a rally for the next run