Some Interesting Thoughts to Ponder

Yes ... I only attack after I've been attacked. Chuck continues to attack my country and pretends that Canada is a Utopian village in comparison with the U.S. Hey, Canada has just as many problems per capita as the U.S. I mean, people are people.

Yes ... I only attack after I've been attacked. Chuck continues to attack my country and pretends that Canada is a Utopian village in comparison with the U.S. Hey, Canada has just as many problems per capita as the U.S. I mean, people are people.


if people are people then what are you? pond scum? or worse?

Look Vi, you neeed to get a goddamn grip on reality. You go around this site spreading your ignorant ideology, post nasty pictures of late-term aborted fetuses, and random pictures of homeless people to "get your point through".

Go fly a kite, your time would be much better used that way.

AND btw, any person in Canada who is homeless is homeless for a reason. Our government will help anyone who NEEDS the help and are willing to ask.
Your country oppresses minorities into being homeless.. BIG DIFFERENCE
if people are people then what are you? pond scum? or worse?

Look Vi, you neeed to get a goddamn grip on reality. You go around this site spreading your ignorant ideology, post nasty pictures of late-term aborted fetuses, and random pictures of homeless people to "get your point through".

Go fly a kite, your time would be much better used that way.

AND btw, any person in Canada who is homeless is homeless for a reason. Our government will help anyone who NEEDS the help and are willing to ask.
Your country oppresses minorities into being homeless.. BIG DIFFERENCE

If that's true Chuck Vain then where the hell are my tax dollars going, besides into the pockets of corrupt government officials operating under the auspices of the same retarded socialist philosophy you keep on preaching?
If that's true Chuck Vain then where the hell are my tax dollars going, besides into the pockets of corrupt government officials operating under the auspices of the same retarded socialist philosophy you keep on preaching?

what are you babbling about?

talking out of turn again i see,, always needing to put your two American cents in eh?

I respect nothing you say and never will.. give it up
what are you babbling about?

talking out of turn again i see,, always needing to put your two American cents in eh?

I respect nothing you say and never will.. give it up

That's probably because you have no respect for yourself, and are probably in all reality a 12 year old, who doesn't know his head from his ass, and is still confused about which end needs to be sat on in the bathroom.
if people are people then what are you? pond scum? or worse?

Look Vi, you neeed to get a goddamn grip on reality. You go around this site spreading your ignorant ideology, 1. post nasty pictures of late-term aborted fetuses, and random pictures of homeless people to "get your point through".

Go fly a kite, your time would be much better used that way.

AND btw, any person in Canada who is homeless is homeless for a reason. Our government will help anyone who NEEDS the help and are willing to ask.
2. Your country oppresses minorities into being homeless.. BIG DIFFERENCE

1. I posted those late term abortion pictures in answer to your ignorant statement that abortions weren't "violent."

2. Our government forces minorities into homelessness? Where are you getting the information on this? Please post a site or something. The fact is, there are plenty of homeless shelters here. The homeless can get help anytime they want help. The sad truth is, most of those on the street, prefer to be left on the street to wallow in their dementia and their addictions. I suspect its the same in Canada as well.

Does any one think that I should be annoyed with Chuck for hijacking my thread, since he gets all uptight when he thinks others are hijacking his threads?
"Be courageous. I have seen many depressions in business. Always America has emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward! "
- Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)
American Inventor
Does any one think that I should be annoyed with Chuck for hijacking my thread, since he gets all uptight when he thinks others are hijacking his threads?
Either that or he's always claiming that folks are following him around, lurking, and attacking him in other if he's even worth their time. :lol:
If that's true Chuck Vain then where the hell are my tax dollars going, besides into the pockets of corrupt government officials operating under the auspices of the same retarded socialist philosophy you keep on preaching?
for a water toting pretender it's ur party going to jail i i i didn't get a bill but it's ur side thats dirty
Native language, Navajo and Sioux came from Asia when the Amerindians crossed the land bridge in Alaska some 10,000 years ago. Spanish, was not "here" first, it was in Latin America or South America first, though arguably Portuguese was there first.

And the issue isn't, what was here first, the issue is, why do we bend over backwards to accommodate people who have such a disrespect for our nation that they are not willing to learn the common language.

As far as Amerindian languages that were here first, I'd say Tuscarora, Mohawk or Oneida.

Now, supposing I wanted to go to the Netherlands, I would imagine that I would probably engage myself in learning Dutch first, same as if I wanted to go to Italy, I would learn Italian, and Mandarin Chinese if I was going to go to Beijing.

Objections, based on the fact that we are supposed to be a melting pot are retarded. How are we supposed to be a melting pot, if instead of ensuring that everyone assimilates into our culture they remain separate?

Perhaps, you've never seen what happens after a soup goes cold, it separates out into layers, where as when the soup is heated it all becomes a relatively homogeneous mass with all parts included.

Instead of ensuring Unity, you are ensuring division. Divisions that politicians usually take advantage of to create voting "blocs" for their own gain.
my dead relitives that was here long before u say dont speak for us
1. I posted those late term abortion pictures in answer to your ignorant statement that abortions weren't "violent."
I never said that... And hey, isnt the government that you are promoting creating violence in the middle east?

2. Our government forces minorities into homelessness? Where are you getting the information on this?

From living there. I get most, but not all, of my information from my own self. My life and my experiences. I dont need someone to make a statistic on it, or write an article... I can see it for myself Vi,, im not blinded by ignorance and greed like you

And guess what? Abortions happen no matter if they are done professionally or with a coat hanger. its going to happen, there is just a safe way and a not so safe way.

Life isnt a pretty postcard as you have lived it Vi. There are bad things happening all over the world, and sometimes you cant stop them. Abortion. Iraq. Need I say more?

most of those on the street, prefer to be left on the street to wallow in their dementia and their addictions. I suspect its the same in Canada as well.
Like I said, any homeless person is homeless for a reason.

Does any one think that I should be annoyed with Chuck for hijacking my thread, since he gets all uptight when he thinks others are hijacking his threads?

Normally I don't jack threads,, but when I saw you were the creator I thought I could make an exception. You like to gang up on me anytime I am having a debate (or something like it anyway:wall:) so I have no respect for you.

You are the kick-them-while-they're-down kinda person so I have 0 respect

"Be courageous. I have seen many depressions in business. Always America has emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward! "
- Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)
American Inventor

thats it?

let me do some revising for you

"Be courageous. I have seen many bad leaders and campaigns in our society. Always have we emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be more brave than your fathers before you. Have knowledge! Go forward!"

edited parts in bold done by

"Be courageous. I have seen many bad leaders and campaigns in our society. Always have we emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be more brave than your fathers before you. Have knowledge! Go forward!"

edited parts in bold done by

Wow, Chuck, trying to hijack the past, and what some one else said. I thought that was a low that I would never see you sink too, but I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, your hero Obama is already claiming that the government invented the computer so it shouldn't surprise me when people like you start attempting to change what other people have said.

What's next for the left, Chuck? Claiming that government invented the helicopter, the airplane, the jet engine, the rocket, the hot air balloon, the train and robotics?

(They've already claimed to have "invented" the internet.)