Some Interesting Thoughts to Ponder

What would the point be? Most of the world already speaks English.

As much as I hate pressing 1 on the telephone for English, I don't think making it the only language would be good.
Im not pro or con on this but,what if you went to holland and everything was in dutch.No english anywhere.Or if you went to any country and could not communicate because of a ignorance of the language.Alot of things need to change but america is a melting pot,if it were any language it should be a native tounge,navajo or soux or spanish they were here 1st.There homeland security system had some major flaws.:peace:
That'd just be used to oppress immigrants, even the legal ones. I haven't had much problem being understood by people, personally, so this seems more like a solution looking for a problem. Definitely nowhere near the top of my list of important things that'd be nice to see get done.
Im not pro or con on this but,what if you went to holland and everything was in dutch.No english anywhere.Or if you went to any country and could not communicate because of a ignorance of the language.Alot of things need to change but america is a melting pot,if it were any language it should be a native tounge,navajo or soux or spanish they were here 1st.There homeland security system had some major flaws.:peace:

Native language, Navajo and Sioux came from Asia when the Amerindians crossed the land bridge in Alaska some 10,000 years ago. Spanish, was not "here" first, it was in Latin America or South America first, though arguably Portuguese was there first.

And the issue isn't, what was here first, the issue is, why do we bend over backwards to accommodate people who have such a disrespect for our nation that they are not willing to learn the common language.

As far as Amerindian languages that were here first, I'd say Tuscarora, Mohawk or Oneida.

Now, supposing I wanted to go to the Netherlands, I would imagine that I would probably engage myself in learning Dutch first, same as if I wanted to go to Italy, I would learn Italian, and Mandarin Chinese if I was going to go to Beijing.

Objections, based on the fact that we are supposed to be a melting pot are retarded. How are we supposed to be a melting pot, if instead of ensuring that everyone assimilates into our culture they remain separate?

Perhaps, you've never seen what happens after a soup goes cold, it separates out into layers, where as when the soup is heated it all becomes a relatively homogeneous mass with all parts included.

Instead of ensuring Unity, you are ensuring division. Divisions that politicians usually take advantage of to create voting "blocs" for their own gain.
Hey you asked,I told you what i thought!If youre looking for a target just point out youre prejudice or anger at the group youre referring to and take youre crosshairs off me :finger:
Hey you asked,I told you what i thought!If youre looking for a target just point out youre prejudice or anger at the group youre referring to and take youre crosshairs off me :finger:

Did I insult you, or call you names hydrotech?

I just pointed out some conflicting thoughts.

If you are going to react that way to a debate undertaken for the sake of genuine curiosity, then why are you even wasting the time of everyone on these forums by being here?
I didnt read anything about a debate,Just thoughts to ponder,you lashed out forgive me for being a defensive person.Re read youre response to me and imagine you have a little thing called ptsd from service to youre country.
I didnt read anything about a debate,Just thoughts to ponder,you lashed out forgive me for being a defensive person.Re read youre response to me and imagine you have a little thing called ptsd from service to youre country.

I did reread my response, I said that any argument based on saying that we are supposed to be a melting pot is retarded.

In my view there is a large difference between saying an idea is retarded, and saying a person is retarded. If I gave offense I'm sorry.
its easy enough to say that "any argument based on saying that we are supposed to be a melting pot is retarded."

But why TBT why?
I did reread my response, I said that any argument based on saying that we are supposed to be a melting pot is retarded.

In my view there is a large difference between saying an idea is retarded, and saying a person is retarded. If I gave offense I'm sorry.
btw, the "retarded" touch is good. Makes you sound 15.

here is my argument

"your idea is retarded"

fucking "debate" guru arent you punk?
Native language, Navajo and Sioux came from Asia when the Amerindians crossed the land bridge in Alaska some 10,000 years ago. Spanish, was not "here" first, it was in Latin America or South America first, though arguably Portuguese was there first.
As far as Amerindian languages that were here first, I'd say Tuscarora, Mohawk or Oneida.
Your Implied knowledge of how to run a country combined with your lack of knowledge about the ones who live on the continent we now call America, angers me...
I Bet you Didnt even know your'e insulting every tribe by calling them 'what you think' is their names..(Sioux, Navajo, Iriquois, Etc.)
They are actually bad words in their own languages. given to them by European Invaders..
Video gets :leaf::leaf: out of 5
Native language, Navajo and Sioux came from Asia when the Amerindians crossed the land bridge in Alaska some 10,000 years ago. Spanish, was not "here" first, it was in Latin America or South America first, though arguably Portuguese was there first.

And the issue isn't, what was here first, the issue is, why do we bend over backwards to accommodate people who have such a disrespect for our nation that they are not willing to learn the common language.

As far as Amerindian languages that were here first, I'd say Tuscarora, Mohawk or Oneida.

Now, supposing I wanted to go to the Netherlands, I would imagine that I would probably engage myself in learning Dutch first, same as if I wanted to go to Italy, I would learn Italian, and Mandarin Chinese if I was going to go to Beijing.

Objections, based on the fact that we are supposed to be a melting pot are retarded. How are we supposed to be a melting pot, if instead of ensuring that everyone assimilates into our culture they remain separate?

Perhaps, you've never seen what happens after a soup goes cold, it separates out into layers, where as when the soup is heated it all becomes a relatively homogeneous mass with all parts included.

Instead of ensuring Unity, you are ensuring division. Divisions that politicians usually take advantage of to create voting "blocs" for their own gain.
that old school history it has now pretty much accepted knowledge they rode ice flows from erope long before the land bridge thing
When in Rome do as the Romans do.

I can say I don't speak the language in 6 different languages.

So yes I think that English in America should be the norm rather than optional.

The debate of the English speaking question really has arisen pretty recently.
When there was really major emigration in the 1800's and 3/4's of the 1900's, the emigrants were quite happy to learn english as their new language. They were actually happy to be here at all.

So why the debate on it now?

Now desiring for emigrates to learn english is suddenly racist?

In India there is several different languages and dialects used, they can't hardly even talk to each other. I don't see any advantage to that.
Your Implied knowledge of how to run a country combined with your lack of knowledge about the ones who live on the continent we now call America, angers me...
I Bet you Didnt even know your'e insulting every tribe by calling them 'what you think' is their names..(Sioux, Navajo, Iriquois, Etc.)
They are actually bad words in their own languages. given to them by European Invaders..
Video gets :leaf::leaf: out of 5

CannaPanda, and I'm supposing that you've had the opportunity to ask them what they want to be called?

If so, perhaps you'd care to enlighten me?
When in Rome do as the Romans do.

I can say I don't speak the language in 6 different languages.

So yes I think that English in America should be the norm rather than optional.

The debate of the English speaking question really has arisen pretty recently.
When there was really major emigration in the 1800's and 3/4's of the 1900's, the emigrants were quite happy to learn english as their new language. They were actually happy to be here at all.

So why the debate on it now?

Now desiring for emigrates to learn english is suddenly racist?

In India there is several different languages and dialects used, they can't hardly even talk to each other. I don't see any advantage to that.

A universally used language represents a unified country, and allows the creation of a true melting pot. It is one thing to show tolerance for different cultures, and quite another to allow those cultures to step all over your own.