Some Interesting Thoughts to Ponder

I won't be leaving. I don't just turn my back on the country I've risked my life for simply because it is imperfect. The patriotic thing to do is to fix the problems, not abandon your country. And so, with my vote on November 4, I will be trying to fix the problems, by throwing out the party that inherited a budget surplus, turned it into a nightmare, and brought our entire country to the brink of bankruptcy. And if Obama should lose, well, that's life, and I'll keep trying to throw the bums out.

Obama is one of the bums, what are you smoking, cause it's probably laced with something.

And if you didn't say you were going to Canada when Bush got elected you aren't one of those that I'm pointing at.

Though how some one that has served in the armed forces could support a communist like Obama who's followers believe that Che Guevara is a "hero" is beyond me.
i won't be leaving. I don't just turn my back on the country i've risked my life for simply because it is imperfect. The patriotic thing to do is to fix the problems, not abandon your country. And so, with my vote on november 4, i will be trying to fix the problems, by throwing out the party that inherited a budget surplus, turned it into a nightmare, and brought our entire country to the brink of bankruptcy. And if obama should lose, well, that's life, and i'll keep trying to throw the bums out.

hear, hear
May I suggest that we all begin by, in a general and local fashion, voting OUT all incumbents? I like to make that SOP, as I feel it keeps 'em on their toes, and their legs usually look much nicer if they stay in that position. :twisted:
I won't be leaving. I don't just turn my back on the country I've risked my life for simply because it is imperfect. The patriotic thing to do is to fix the problems, not abandon your country. And so, with my vote on November 4, I will be trying to fix the problems, by throwing out the party that inherited a budget surplus, turned it into a nightmare, and brought our entire country to the brink of bankruptcy. And if Obama should lose, well, that's life, and I'll keep trying to throw the bums out.

I didn't turn my back on America when I left,,, America turned its back on me SO I left.

We are one step away from the third world thanks to our good pal Bush. Any change with McSame? I doubt it.

Hopefully enough people like bongulator will get out and make the better decision so you can begin to turn our great country around.
I didn't turn my back on America when I left,,, America turned its back on me SO I left.

We are one step away from the third world thanks to our good pal Bush. Any change with McSame? I doubt it.

Hopefully enough people like bongulator will get out and make the better decision so you can begin to turn our great country around.

You left here, and yet you insist that America turned its back on you...

Come on, explain this Chuck, I'm genuinely interested. This sounds like either a really irrational story, or a very interesting story.
You left here, and yet you insist that America turned its back on you...

Come on, explain this Chuck, I'm genuinely interested. This sounds like either a really irrational story, or a very interesting story.

The human mind can only stand so much.

I tried with many others for change, but there are still too much ignorance among the high population of "flag waivers", bible thumpers, and right wing extremists. Not to mention the bottomless pit of greed that has enslaved a large population of good people. And how the politicians fuel this greed by making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

I dont think you would understand though.

Not to mention the endless destruction of our land, our water and our air. And the disregard of the problem by our politicians from their greed.

Oh, and thier lack of respect for diversity.

I refuse to melt and become one of the mold.

The human mind can only stand so much.

I tried with many others for change, but there are still too much ignorance among the high population of "flag waivers", bible thumpers, and right wing extremists. Not to mention the bottomless pit of greed that has enslaved a large population of good people. And how the politicians fuel this greed by making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

I dont think you would understand though.

Not to mention the endless destruction of our land, our water and our air. And the disregard of the problem by our politicians from their greed.

Oh, and thier lack of respect for diversity.

I refuse to melt and become one of the mold.


Not so much, at the root of all evil, I see taxes.
Not so much, at the root of all evil, I see taxes.

At the root of some evil I see tax money being spent poorly. You have to have taxes for a society to function properly.

You are just greedy. You dont care about anything else other than you having lots of money. You dont care for equality and you dont care for the environment. And thats why nobody on here respects you
Isnt english the language of USA? Any and all offical douments are in english.

If your goal is to have everyone speak english in the USA it will never happen.
There are many reasons why it wont happen but the a big factor has to do with big business, if marketing products to people in their native language will increase sales, the scum f--ks will do what ever takes to make money. Its all about the big dollar?
Welcome to this "corporate facist wasteland" USA
One step away from the third world,, as i say

Here's some pictures of the "rich" people of Canada:

Here's one of the luxury homes:

Here's a close up pic of the toilet:

Here's a rich Canadian banker:

Elegant Canadian dining for the "rich:"

Here's the country estate:

yup we have bums.. but not as many as the U.S. does per capita... Vi and his pictures

heres skid row U.S.A.

Yes, I hate when I'm a customer at a business and the employee I'm trying to ask a question of only speaks broken English. It makes me take my money somewhere else.

I hate when I'm calling a company on the phone and I can't understand what the person on the other end is saying. Their English sucks ass and their accent is way too thick. Sorry but not all of us can wade through that to figure out what the fuck you are saying. I actually asked to speak to a representitive that speaks better English and was told no, so I said, "I can't understand what you are saying, how can you help me?"

Last week I was at a store. There were people milling about the line when I went to pay. I asked "are you in line?" and was ignored, the line moved forward, those people did not. I asked again "excuse me, are you in line?" the woman held up an item she must have intended to purchase and then turned away. I just went ahead and moved ahead of them in line, a simple yes or no would have sufficed, but they didn't know what I was even saying to them.

YouTube - The Second American Revolution

Interesting thoughts...

So, does any one else have any thoughts on adopting a bill that would recognize English as the official language?
Chuck was attacking first, but that's Chuck's only ability. I mean, I ask him why he feels like his country betrays him, and he starts talking about his ideology.
'Tis far, far worse than that. I mean, how does one assess a man who first says he can prove something, and then when his assertion is agreed to he then says, "I don't have to!"? wtf? Then why'd ya open yer yap in the first place? :?

But wait! It gets better. :lol: Estoy una bolsa triste. :cry:
'Tis far, far worse than that. I mean, how does one assess a man who first says he can prove something, and then when his assertion is agreed to he then says, "I don't have to!"? wtf? Then why'd ya open yer yap in the first place? :?

But wait! It gets better. :lol: Estoy una bolsa triste. :cry:

I don't think babel fish translated that properly... it came out with.

I am a sad stock market...

Which I'm reasonably certain was not what you said, and may not have any connection to what you said.
No, bolsa = bag (or sack), triste = sad. I'm a sad sack, TBT, a very sad sack. My stock market is sad, too, fortunately I'm not playing. :lol: