Chris Hedges for President!

And Chris Hedges is a Presbyterian Minister. Not a huge difference when you get right down to it.
Let's see Mike Pence's Pulitzer Prize for War Reporting again?

Thought not.

Attacking the messenger instead of the message is basically admitting you have no argument.

Especially a messenger THIS qualified. But how would you know about qualifications? That would require critical thinking.
The inside story of Edward Snowden
You can agree with his motives or not, but without people like him, democracy has no chance.
Rosa parks was powerless

She merely disobeyed

Liberals in the federal government ended the racial segregation that you yearn for
You are such a disrespectful buffoon.

She and her fellows were extremely courageous.

I get that you don't recognize a quality you don't possess.
It was the federal government that did that

"I do not fight fascists because I think I will win; I fight fascists because they are fascists" - Chris Hedges

Apologising for the status quo makes you complicit in their crimes against democracy, nevermind their crimes against humanity.
"I do not fight fascists because I think I will win; I fight fascists because they are fascists" - Chris Hedges

Apologising for the status quo makes you complicit in their crimes against democracy, nevermind their crimes against humanity.
You worked real hard to get Trump elected.
How is that fighting fascism?
You worked real hard to get Trump elected.
How is that fighting fascism?
You work real hard at blaming others for the fact that Democrats can't represent anyone but the top 1%.

You aren't even smart enough to get paid for it; you're a classic sucker who has been co-opted into defending the kleptocrats from people like yourself!

And finally, since when isn't the Democratic Party part of the inverted totalitarian fascist order?
You work real hard at blaming others for the fact that Democrats can't represent anyone but the top 1%.

You aren't even smart enough to get paid for it; you're a classic sucker who has been co-opted into defending the kleptocrats from people like yourself!

And finally, since when isn't the Democratic Party part of the inverted totalitarian fascist order?
Your broad sweeping statements lack detail and thus are opinion rather than something factual. Be specific. Most of the Democratic Party Caucus in Washington support the kind of issues you talk about. The representation I voted for, DeFazio, Merkely and Wyden are in favor progressive legislation when it comes to bank reform, health care, education, unions, environment, women's reproductive rights, civil rights and other issues.

Merkely, for example has almost exactly the same score as Bernie when it comes to voting for crucial progressive legislation.

If you want to debate, then be factual, state the facts and we can discuss them. If you just want to tell us your fact free opinion and spew ad-hominem insults then go ahead. I like to see people melt down. The Democratic Party supports most of the issues you carry on so about.

Republicans are the reason they have not been enacted or as happened to the ACA, have been damaged
Rosa parks was powerless

She merely disobeyed

Liberals in the federal government ended the racial segregation that you yearn for
The real story is even better.
Claudette Colvin is the real hero.
Rosa Parks and the NAACP staged their incident.
They felt claudette would not garner the reaction they wanted. So they went with Parks.
Let's see Mike Pence's Pulitzer Prize for War Reporting again?

Thought not.

Attacking the messenger instead of the message is basically admitting you have no argument.

Especially a messenger THIS qualified. But how would you know about qualifications? That would require critical thinking.
Why are you so insulting to others ?