ViparSpectra 600W additional lighting ... ?

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
You must be running a TON of 1000 watt lights then and you must live in Hawaii or some other nation that has absolutely stupidly high electricity costs.

The average cost of electricity in the United States is 12 cents per kilowatt hour.

That means that it cost $86.40 per month to run a 1000 watt HPS light 24/7.

That's $1,036.80 per year.

In two years, that's $2,073.60.

To replace a 1000 watt HPS would take about 600 watts of high quality cob.

That would cost $51.84 per month to run 24/7.

That's $622.08 per year.

That's $1,244.16 in two years.

That means on power alone for two years time running 24/7 you only save a grand total of $829.44.

By the time you figure in the fact that a cob fixture cost about 3 to 5 times what an HPS fixture cost, you're still in the hole per fixture by a substantial margin.

Add to that you either live on Mars where the power is about 100 times the national average at least, or you're a licensed grower that replaced 10 fixtures which means you have no business posting figures for guys running small grows, or you're just completely full of shit.
Do you feel better now?

I fucking wish I paid .12/kh

I live in San Diego. We have some of the highest rates in the country. Have a look.

I'm on the TOU-DR1 plan, meaning that during "super off peak"(when I run my flowering rooms, I'm paying closer to .40

So go ahead and quadruple the figure you came up with. Then take into account that I replaced 3 HID fixtures, plus the inline fans that were extracting from the hoods. I also replaced 500 watts of 18/6 T5 with 300 watts of Samsung based panels.

I have a 4 car garage, not some small closet grow.


Well-Known Member
Do you feel better now?
It's not about feeling better. It's about the facts, which you're obviously lying about.

I fucking wish I paid .12/kh

I live in San Diego. We have some of the highest rates in the country. Have a look.
It's .21 cents per kilowatt hour...a whopping difference of 9 cents.

I'm on the TOU-DR1 plan, meaning that during "super off peak"(when I run my flowering rooms, I'm paying closer to .40

So go ahead and quadruple the figure you came up with. Then take into account that I replaced 3 HID fixtures, plus the inline fans that were extracting from the hoods. I also replaced 500 watts of 18/6 T5 with 300 watts of Samsung based panels.

I have a 4 car garage, not some small closet grow.
You're still lying.

If you replaced the fixtures with 300 watt COBs, then you probably replaced 600 watt HPS's and there's still no way in hell you'd save that much money.

You're flat out wrong and either flat out lying or just making shit up as you go along to try to not look like the complete idiot you're looking like at this exact moment in time.

How about tell us all EXACTLY what you fucking replaced, EXACTLY what hours you run and I'll do all the math and prove that you are still wrong and pulling shit you made up out of your ass.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
It's not about feeling better. It's about the facts, which you're obviously lying about.

It's .21 cents per kilowatt hour...a whopping difference of 9 cents.

You're still lying.

If you replaced the fixtures with 300 watt COBs, then you probably replaced 600 watt HPS's and there's still no way in hell you'd save that much money.

You're flat out wrong and either flat out lying or just making shit up as you go along to try to not look like the complete idiot you're looking like at this exact moment in time.

How about tell us all EXACTLY what you fucking replaced, EXACTLY what hours you run and I'll do all the math and prove that you are still wrong and pulling shit you made up out of your ass.
You're having some problems. Not just with my post, but with the link too.
$.20? I wish. Again, go check the link.

All I know is that I went from an average monthly electricity bill of $1200, down to about $900. Switching to the TOU plan probably accounted for about $50 of that savings.

But go ahead and inexplicably melt down about it. It's popcorn worthy.


Well-Known Member
dude. san diego AC bruh. not running ac because you dont have hid is another 3kw for a 4 car garage minimum. the smallest ac i can find runs 1400W.


Well-Known Member
You're having some problems. Not just with my post, but with the link too.
$.20? I wish. Again, go check the link.

All I know is that I went from an average monthly electricity bill of $1200, down to about $900. Switching to the TOU plan probably accounted for about $50 of that savings.

But go ahead and inexplicably melt down about it. It's popcorn worthy.
And once again you keep dodging the fucking facts by simply REFUSING to post them.

Keep lying, asshat.


Well-Known Member
I saved a hundred dollars a month on my grows switching 2 600W to led and boarding up my 1400W AC hole. im only pushing 700W of qb puck and im getting over 2# a run. and this is in a 9x6x8 box. scale that up to a 4 car garage. the savings pay the new lights off in a year. scales the same as big as you go. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
you switch to led to save on running cost. thats why we arent still running hps. it SAVES MONEYYYY.
lol everyone wouldnt be leaving you in the dust if it wasnt true. its like 10k to get a 20x20 set up if you are smart and bulk order. if you are growing weed in a 20x20 you better be good enough to come up with 10k or you shouldnt even be growing that big IMO. lol.


Well-Known Member
The problem is, you're not the one lying. @Johnny Lawrence is. You see, this is what he said:

In the roughly 2 years since switching out half my HID lights with COBs, I've saved about $7500 in electricity and bulb saving.
Now, lets ignore the fact he went back and edited his post to add the fact that it cost him 2500 dollars for the upgrade AFTER I called him on it. Let's ignore that completely.

Let's look at what I said:

or you're a licensed grower that replaced 10 fixtures which means you have no business posting figures for guys running small grows,
And it turns out I was right all along. Not only is he lying through his teeth and bashing small growers when he has no right too, he's lying about everything. Let's look at what he said last:

Then take into account that I replaced 3 HID fixtures, plus the inline fans that were extracting from the hoods. I also replaced 500 watts of 18/6 T5 with 300 watts of Samsung based panels., first off, that goes into the realm of what I said: he's a large grower that has no right bashing somebody talking about a single fucking light on a small grow.

But it gets worse for him. You see, he said this just a few months ago:

I mix CMH with 3500K COB LEDs in one of my flowering rooms with fantastic results. I run 4 CMH lights in another room - they're great little lights.
That's from June of this year, just 5 months ago, not anywhere fucking near two years ago. Link:

Then he also said this:

I replaced 500 watts of T5 with 300 watts of Samsung diodes. The girls absolutely love it.
But guess what. That was also June of this year, just 5 months ago, nowhere fucking near 2 years ago. Link:

So everything he's said is a lie. Just like I pointed out. That's why he's been dodging and detracting from posting facts...because he can't remember where and when or if he already said something to the contrary.

In other words, he can't keep his lies straight.


Well-Known Member
he may be lying , but he is right about the ROI paying for itself. now. if you live in the arctic circle you are going to have adverse effects obv. gonna take a bit longer to pay for itself because you now need to buy a heater.


Well-Known Member
Hello Friends,

I have a little amount of money left over (lets assume 100€) and want to buy some additional lights to add to my ViparSpectra600w Reflector Series. I have with the help of the internet come to the conclusion that the best idea would be to add some red lights (660nm) spectrum and maybe some UVB light (280-315nm).

My setup at the moment is very basic and as follows:
2 x ViparSpectra 600w Reflector Series illuminating 95x95cm each.

I have just visited my local electronics store and saw this:
...unfortunately i am not allowed to post a link, it is called Phillips HUE LightStrip and you can find it at google.

(sorry, i can't find it in english??)

what do you think? Would it make any sense to add this strip to my growspacewalls in order to illuminate the sides better and get some better red spectrum?

Please let me know what you think and know, if you want.

Thank you

please dont tell me to throw my ViparSpectras away because they are shit, they are not shit (but maybe not optimal.. but what could you expect for 150$??) and have done a good service to me over the last year.
Welcome to RIU.

To boost the red You could maybe add some 2700k or 3000k Samsung strips with a small driver, ran soft without the need for heat sinks.
For UV get a couple of reptile bulbs, no point chasing LEDs for UV.

I strongly suggest you check out

Hope you find something to suit your needs and budget.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Now, lets ignore the fact he went back and edited his post to add the fact that it cost him 2500 dollars for the upgrade AFTER I called him on it. Let's ignore that completely.
Umm, what??? You are insane, dude. Go look at page 1 of this thread. I mentioned this before you were even responding to me. maybe you should seek therapy.

And it turns out I was right all along.
Uh, no. See above.

Not only is he lying through his teeth and bashing small growers
Yeah, you're right. I should have insinuated that he was on heroin. Hello Pot. My name is Kettle.

You see, he said this just a few months ago:
"I mix CMH with 3500K COB LEDs in one of my flowering rooms with fantastic results. I run 4 CMH lights in another room - they're great little lights."

Yes, I did. I don't really see your point. During the winter, I pull 300 watts of COBs out of the center of my biggest tent and switch it out with a 315 for added warmth. I prefer the spectrum of 315s to COBs/PCBs. And yes, in my biggest room I still run HID - a 6/750 in the center, with 315s at each corner. That room is framed in with high ceiling and can accomodate the DE.

None of that conflicts with what I previously said, so I don't get why you're getting a stoke boner like you're having some kinda "gotcha" moment. LOL at this meltdown. Wow.

So everything he's said is a lie. Just like I pointed out. That's why he's been dodging and detracting from posting facts...because he can't remember where and when or if he already said something to the contrary.

In other words, he can't keep his lies straight.
And THAT is how a girl throws a hissy fit.

Do you even realize how unhinged you appear to be to anybody reading this?

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
It somehow edited out part of my post - the part where you quoted me about the T5

Are you suggesting that I posted that the day I built the light? WTF is wrong with you???

I was speaking in general terms and never once said "just this week" or "today". I was just mentioning that yes i did in fact do that swap, and again, for those who are slow witted, never mentioned dates.

Keep melting away, snowflake.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
And for the sake of clarity, the SE 1000 in my big room was replaced with the 6/750 around the same time as the COB upgrade, so that's another 250 watts I forgot to mention.

Also, I was over 400% over base, which had me in a much higher rate plan than I currently am. With crooked af SDGE, I couldn't even qualify for TOU plans till I got my usage below that.


Well-Known Member
So you change your story yet again.

How could you have replaced "half your HPS lights 2 years ago" when you just posted 5 months ago that you were running over half your lighting with HPS lights?

How could you have replaced 500 watts of T5 lighting 2 years ago when you said just 5 months ago you weren't running anything but HPS and COB lighting, less than half of which was COB?

And how could you have replaced 500 watts of T5's 2 years ago when you just talked about doing it just 5 months ago?

AND, how could you know about 2 years of savings when the ONLY posts in your entire career here at Rollitup consist on absolutely no changes taking place other than just 5 months ago and the number and type of lighting you posted doesn't add up.

AND, here comes the end all: why are you insulting and hurling numbers like a complete fucking douche bag at a guy that has only two small lights of a small grower when you're talking about at least 10 lights you have as a pretty fucking major grower?

Tell you what, I'll make it easier for you so you don't look even more of a pathological liar than you already do: Just answer the last fucking question, douche bag.


Well-Known Member
Your stunned silence once again speaks volumes.

Tell you what: work harder on your next lie and detracting bullshit. I'm going to bed.

Douche bag.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
So you change your story yet again.

How could you have replaced "half your HPS lights 2 years ago" when you just posted 5 months ago that you were running over half your lighting with HPS lights?

How could you have replaced 500 watts of T5 lighting 2 years ago when you said just 5 months ago you weren't running anything but HPS and COB lighting, less than half of which was COB?

And how could you have replaced 500 watts of T5's 2 years ago when you just talked about doing it just 5 months ago?

AND, how could you know about 2 years of savings when the ONLY posts in your entire career here at Rollitup consist on absolutely no changes taking place other than just 5 months ago and the number and type of lighting you posted doesn't add up.

AND, here comes the end all: why are you insulting and hurling numbers like a complete fucking douche bag at a guy that has only two small lights of a small grower when you're talking about at least 10 lights you have as a pretty fucking major grower?

Tell you what, I'll make it easier for you so you don't look even more of a pathological liar than you already do: Just answer the last fucking question, douche bag.
Dude, you have issues. Go smoke a bowl or drink an IPA or something. Goose fraba.

I run HID and COB in my flowering rooms. My veg area was T5. Now it's samsung. Whether or not I posted about it 5 months ago is irrelevant, since I built the thing roughly 2 years ago. What about that is so difficult for you to understand. I own a BMW and a Tacoma, and I clearly must have purchased them this morning, since I'm posting about it now. Again, do you realize how crazy you sound with these suggestions?

I don't get how you think my post dates correlate with when I actually did my builds, but have fun with that. Again, you don't really have a point.

And lastly, about the grower you're all up in arms about me bashing - I asked him "What" to two outlandish statements he made. You responded to the same post by suggesting he was on heroin. You really need to stop projecting.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Your stunned silence once again speaks volumes.

Tell you what: work harder on your next lie and detracting bullshit. I'm going to bed.

Douche bag.
Stunned silence? Are you on meds???

I was looking at other websites. I'm not sitting here hitting refresh, obsessing over your responses.

I'm being serious when I say that you might want to look into some type of therapy or treatment. Holy shit, you're a basket case.