Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

@Skylor I don't know the proper terminology but the state has like 30 days to "ratify" (I think it's called lol) then there's a 10 day wait. So first week of December then the I believe it's another 10 day wait I believe but I could very well be wrong that's why I was asking. It could be signed in as soon as the committee meets and be legal by say November 17th but that's very unlikely lol. I also think they got like 1 year to figure out all the fine print with the store fronts and growers.
@Skylor I don't know the proper terminology but the state has like 30 days to "ratify" (I think it's called lol) then there's a 10 day wait. So first week of December then the I believe it's another 10 day wait I believe but I could very well be wrong that's why I was asking. It could be signed in as soon as the committee meets and be legal by say November 17th but that's very unlikely lol. I also think they got like 1 year to figure out all the fine print with the store fronts and growers.
been 2 yrs legal rec here in maine still no store fronts
Yeah it does look like the law will happen sooner then I thought it would.
There is alot of details to work out
Trump isn't going to help the whiners...GWB, yeah but not Trump. He beleives in state rights and what the people want, they should get it.

Maybe no Trump hotel will come to Michigan but then hey we never got one in the past, ha ha

It has to help tourism..once open sales start. We are going to see out of state license plates everywhere, more people might even want to live here and will push up home prices. The young adults will more likely stay in Michigan vs moving out of state.
By the way, when do the jerks get kick out of office ? Is it next Jan. Its too bad they don;t have to move out this week
state has like 30 days to "ratify"

An approved ballot initiative will be legally enacted within 10 days of the results being officially certified, which will generally take around 3 weeks....
The only way the state can "ratify" or repeal the initiative is with a 3/4 supermajority vote in BOTH state houses.....

Unless I'm sadly mistaken, by the information I gathered.
An approved ballot initiative will be legally enacted within 10 days of the results being officially certified, which will generally take around 3 weeks....
The only way the state can "ratify" or repeal the initiative is with a 3/4 supermajority vote in BOTH state houses.....

Unless I'm sadly mistaken, by the information I gathered.

They had their chance to do what they wanted to do, but instead let it go to People, The people spoke and what's on the ballot will be the law. I believe you're right on that.
That's what they said in WA when they passed recreational.
They promised over and over that it wouldn't affect medical.

Then when it passed, the first thing they did was combine medical & recreational, thus totally fucking up the medical side.
What happned to your counts when they combine the two? I heard here patience will have to register with a licensed medical facility. No patience equals only 12 personal plants. 12 per house hold not person.