QB96 Elite V2 w/ SSTX heatsink question

It was for 1 day of f’ing testing dude!...

I don’t even have them in the tent now, so that i can adjust wattages...

But overall, your point us wrong because HLG is a company that produces this shit, they should be doing a professional job, just like any company who is trying to be a leader in their market...we are “just” customers trying to make the shit work!

I thought you had some common sense...
So your willing to pay double for all their products? All the stuff your asking for is expensive. I'm pretty sure they are just trying to help growers out and innovate not be the leader of the market. A few years ago Stephen and Robin were just normal dudes on here experimenting with LED give them a break....an as far as common sense goes my common sense would say don't tape my driver's to a tent pole with painters tape even if its just for a day I guess you have a different kind of common Sense.
With an attitude like that NO....

I think that comment says it all!

Thanks for the honesty.

Btw, it’s my attitude that’s doing your eff’ing job...maybe you guys just need a customer-centric attitude...what say ye?
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So your willing to pay double for all their products? All the stuff your asking for is expensive. I'm pretty sure they are just trying to help growers out and innovate not be the leader of the market. A few years ago Stephen and Robin were just normal dudes on here experimenting with LED give them a break....an as far as common sense goes my common sense would say don't tape my driver's to a tent pole with painters tape even if its just for a day I guess you have a different kind of common Sense.

I’m willing to pay for something the manufacturer alleges and stands behind...
i couldn’t give a crusty f for the diy spirit!

The purpose of all this work is to grow a weed...not to do YOUR job...

The company was founded based on diy/making growing more affordable and simple, so really can't fault HLG for not having commercial pre built products with all the bells and whistles.
A common, but lame, excuse!

Companies who are having big changes PLAN for them! They don’t leave their customers as an afterthought!

I don't feel like an afterthought. How may companies do you know of that have this level of interaction with their customers? These guys have been sharing the experience of growing the company and the bumps down the road with us, listening to concerns and advice from people in the community, and are usually pretty quick to help folks learn to grow. Stephen is gracious enough to answer and return calls personally rather than assigning some call centre 'know nothing' to deal with pestering customers. I am more than happy with the service and product I have received and because of that, I recommend their product to any person or company I can.
Straighten me out on this “lost on the wall” crap..do photons really get absorbed on tent walls, or do they reflect until absorbed by plants/other materials?

Yes, i understand that some of their efficiency may be lost by reflecting, but they still can provide significant photosynthesis potential, can’t they?

Got any quantitative info?

No, probably only a small amount gets absorbed but it will be converted.
Usually those silver looking tent materials have <80% reflection even if they call it mylar. The better ones have white walls which means up to 90% reflection if you keep it clean. This means at least 10-20% gets lost and is converted into heat. For this reason light feels warm and some rays gets reflected two times before they hit a leaf.
With COB's and 16-20" distance you have usually to calculate with 20% wall loss.
I would probably use even less distance without the T5 bulbs but I need at least 10-12" for even UVB coverage.

And about HLG..
Yeah, maybe not all is perfect and some things could be better.
But these company started from 0 and exsist since only a few years now and for their 2nd generation QB's they already got Samsung itself on board. I see a golden future for them... they steadily grow at a time when many US companies are not doing well.
They could give away a few boards to one of their favored customers and ask him to create a few PAR maps so that even the last one is happy. Many do it this... Theoretically you can also simulate them then the whole thing goes even faster. The most important data like efficiency and such are available for the most products... Is this perfect already? Nope, its not but the products are and thats much more important to be successful.
I'm a strip & DIY fetishist and not so long ago I had to calculate all the efficiency numbers myself. In contrast, you get today much more information. Give them some more time they have more important things to consider than PAR maps..
not even a simple thanks for posting all of your test results? pretty sad IMO.

He did the par maps which is appreciated I'm sure by everyone. But going off the deep end and basically trashing our company because we haven't provided par charts for diy components is all on him. @Or_Gro your par maps are appreciated but you do get a little bent out of shape sometimes.... That thread about HLG cutting off Timber comes to mind here.
Ok, got it.. hlg can do the mapping for you...in the future... i’m outta here...typical riu
Your such a fucking idiot we don't need your ghetto maps and I'm sure hlg doesn't need your couple hundred dollars. Your clearly bipolar or have some sort of mental disorder.
It's funny that you want them to be so much more professional but your over there using painters tape to mount your driver's...
Ok, got it.. hlg can do the mapping for you...in the future... i’m outta here...typical riu


But you had the spare surplus dosh to splash out on toys, so we could regard you as a self taught backyard cowboy expert "world leader" on QB96 elite

You gunna shoot through & hide from the cheering & rude hand gestures