QB96 Elite V2 w/ SSTX heatsink question


But you had the spare surplus dosh to splash out on toys, so we could regard you as a self taught backyard cowboy expert "world leader" on QB96 elite

You gunna shoot through & hide from the cheering & rude hand gestures

About to give up on ya max...

As for the rest of it, so what?
No, probably only a small amount gets absorbed but it will be converted.
Usually those silver looking tent materials have <80% reflection even if they call it mylar. The better ones have white walls which means up to 90% reflection if you keep it clean. This means at least 10-20% gets lost and is converted into heat. For this reason light feels warm and some rays gets reflected two times before they hit a leaf.
With COB's and 16-20" distance you have usually to calculate with 20% wall loss.
I would probably use even less distance without the T5 bulbs but I need at least 10-12" for even UVB coverage.

And about HLG..
Yeah, maybe not all is perfect and some things could be better.
But these company started from 0 and exsist since only a few years now and for their 2nd generation QB's they already got Samsung itself on board. I see a golden future for them... they steadily grow at a time when many US companies are not doing well.
They could give away a few boards to one of their favored customers and ask him to create a few PAR maps so that even the last one is happy. Many do it this... Theoretically you can also simulate them then the whole thing goes even faster. The most important data like efficiency and such are available for the most products... Is this perfect already? Nope, its not but the products are and thats much more important to be successful.
I'm a strip & DIY fetishist and not so long ago I had to calculate all the efficiency numbers myself. In contrast, you get today much more information. Give them some more time they have more important things to consider than PAR maps..

Sorry @Randomblame, you know i respect you and your opinions, but stephen expressed the company’s customer theme...and there’s plenty of evidence to back it up...lotsa companies just started, lostsa companies have big projects, lotsa companies have good products...the successful companies understand who foots the bill, and treats them that way...and don’t play the pity card...
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He did the par maps which is appreciated I'm sure by everyone. But going off the deep end and basically trashing our company because we haven't provided par charts for diy components is all on him. @Or_Gro your par maps are appreciated but you do get a little bent out of shape sometimes.... That thread about HLG cutting off Timber comes to mind here.

It should cuz it’s all the same theme...

If you worked for me, your butt would have been sh!tcanned as soon as your fingers lifted from the keypad...
Your such a fucking idiot we don't need your ghetto maps and I'm sure hlg doesn't need your couple hundred dollars. Your clearly bipolar or have some sort of mental disorder.

But you would use them...i got your effin number dude...it’s called leach...
It should cuz it’s all the same theme...

If you worked for me, your butt would have been sh!tcanned as soon as your fingers lifted from the keypad...

Yeah basic bullsh#t started by someone that is not in the know. Spreading false assumptions as facts doesn't boad to well on your character. I highly doubt I would have made it past the first 2 days working for someone that can't admit when they are wrong....
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Sorry @Randomblame, you know i respect you and your opinions, but stephen expressed the company’s customer theme...and there’s plenty of evidence to back it up...lotsa companies just started, lostsa companies have big projects, lotsa companies have good products...the successful companies understand who foots the bill, and treats them that way...and don’t play the pity card...

This discussion leads to nothing. Yes, it could be even better, but if I look at the board and know beam angle and efficiency I don't need a PAR map. The numbers for 1 or 2 boards could have been easily estimated.
It depends on so many things like number of boards, distance from sensor, walls or not, degree of reflection if, etc., etc.
A few general PAR maps would only provide clues but says not what I would get in my own enviroment. You would need the exact same tent to get the same measurments.

The criticism itself is good, bro, only the rude undertone in which you utter them leads to endless discussions and in the end all offend each other and it is called, ehh typical RUI. Thats unneccessary and leads to nothing.
This discussion leads to nothing. Yes, it could be even better, but if I look at the board and know beam angle and efficiency I don't need a PAR map. The numbers for 1 or 2 boards could have been easily estimated.
It depends on so many things like number of boards, distance from sensor, walls or not, degree of reflection if, etc., etc.
A few general PAR maps would only provide clues but says not what I would get in my own enviroment. You would need the exact same tent to get the same measurments.

The criticism itself is good, bro, only the rude undertone in which you utter them leads to endless discussions and in the end all offend each other and it is called, ehh typical RUI. Thats unneccessary and leads to nothing.
But bro, you gotta agree that regardless of tent brand, as long as the perimeters are the same(4X4/3X3) it would be very close to what you could expect in any true grow tent of the size, accordingly.
This discussion leads to nothing. Yes, it could be even better, but if I look at the board and know beam angle and efficiency I don't need a PAR map. The numbers for 1 or 2 boards could have been easily estimated.
It depends on so many things like number of boards, distance from sensor, walls or not, degree of reflection if, etc., etc.
A few general PAR maps would only provide clues but says not what I would get in my own enviroment. You would need the exact same tent to get the same measurments.

The criticism itself is good, bro, only the rude undertone in which you utter them leads to endless discussions and in the end all offend each other and it is called, ehh typical RUI. Thats unneccessary and leads to nothing.

You are correct, this discussion leads to nothing. A company has to want to do the right thing for its customers, which starts with providing basic info about it’s products’ performance. I challenge anyone to show where the average pot grower can find out how these bds should be configured, positioned, or powered for even spread of intensity, for common footprints, on hlg’s site!

The argument that competitors don’t provide the info, or that performance of basic components doesn’t need to be provided, or that they have more important things going on, are just plain bs, but more importantly are lost opportunities in becomng a successful company.

I can guarantee you that hlg demands basic performance info on Samsung and Lumiled components, why shouldn’t hlg’s customers be justified in making the same demands on hlg?

And, telling a customer, who calls you on it, that they don’t deserve a straightforward answer, is just plain stupid customer service.

As far as you not needing a par map, it is completely understandable, you are practically a lighting engineer. Most mere mortals aren’t as capable as you and want the info - even if they know it may not perfectly fit their setup. Hence this and many other threads about intensity spread maps; and the interest in them, here and elsewhere - if not for any other reason than in positioning multiple light sources, which hlg has not provided the slightest info.

As for the “rude undertone”, you may be a saint, i am a pissed off customer, with legitimate concerns.

You and others may not see it, but i am actually trying to help hlg...sometimes executives need an intervention, with tough love...

Please do not address any further comments pertaining to me here, as i am done with this thread.

You know where i am if you have anything more to say to me about this or other topics.
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That's why your the boss haha the QB96 is awesome I'm glad you guys made a product that fits those cheap heatsinks just ignore the guys with the boner for strips theres plenty of strips on the market.
But there aren't plenty of strips with a 660nm boost, so I would prefer HLG not ignore those of us who have boners for strips. Plenty of us are curious about red supplementation, and would like the ability to design our boner-lights without having to add monos.

The reason I would like a strip with comparable SPD to the QB96 is because it's heavier on the red than those new PLC strips. I have no idea if GreenGenes did any extensive testing to come up with his ratio of red-to-white, but it's a fair bit lower than most of the red-enhanced setups I see. It would be great to have something in the same form-factor, but with more red, so we consumers can glean more data and figure out what the best (average) ratio really is.
But bro, you gotta agree that regardless of tent brand, as long as the perimeters are the same(4X4/3X3) it would be very close to what you could expect in any true grow tent of the size, accordingly.

Yeah, probably within ±10% or so. I'm pretty sure they will give us a few "official" PAR maps pretty soon. There are maps for the other QB and we will also get them for these elite boards. It takes only a little bit longer this time because of the move.
Yeah, probably within ±10% or so. I'm pretty sure they will give us a few "official" PAR maps pretty soon. There are maps for the other QB and we will also get them for these elite boards. It takes only a little bit longer this time because of the move.

The “move” is an excuse...

The guy already said they don’t do that for ‘components’...do you see par maps on any of their “kits”?

Every ‘main’ growlight board (eg 120, 288, 96) should have at least a single board par map...if they really care about their customers.
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The “move” is an excuse...

The guy already said they don’t do that for ‘components’...do you see par maps on any of their “kits”?

Every ‘main’ growlight board (eg 120, 288, 96) should have at least a single board par map...if they really care about their customers.

If you knew half of wtf you are talking about I wouldn't be pissed. But remodeling a 1960s warehouse isn't easy and we did it our selves. I have had 1 day off in 3 months. Furthermore, we generally pay someone to do these types of tests and our go-to guy is MIA. We will do it when we have time personally. Running this company has taken its toll on my personal life I can tell you that. Just like how you being rude making false accusations that we cut Timber Grow Lights off which was a complete and utter falsity. You still have never apologized for that case of Liable. So yes I may come off as cocky but let's just say you earned every bit of it thus far.
If you knew half of wtf you are talking about I wouldn't be pissed. But remodeling a 1960s warehouse isn't easy and we did it our selves. I have had 1 day off in 3 months. Furthermore, we generally pay someone to do these types of tests and our go-to guy is MIA. We will do it when we have time personally. Running this company has taken its toll on my personal life I can tell you that. Just like how you being rude making false accusations that we cut Timber Grow Lights off which was a complete and utter falsity. You still have never apologized for that case of Liable. So yes I may come off as cocky but let's just say you earned every bit of it thus far.

Whine on!

Maybe you bit off more than you can chew, maybe you’re not up to the job, maybe you need to bring in competent business people...getting pissed at the messenger just digs your hole deeper.

I’m really rooting for you guys, but you need to be willing to face reality, quit making excuses, and get your sh!t together!.

You think i’m tough on ya, wait till you look for outside financing....

Step back and thoughtfully read my post above...accept your part of the responsibility, do what’s right for your customers.

Ask yourself: are you professionals running a f'ing business or are you a bunch of amateurs doing us all a big f’ing favor?

Don’t release the gd product if you’re not going to support it, or delay until you can support it!

As for Timber, just another lost opportunity...get a competent oem expert...like any other component maker would...
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The guy already said they don’t do that for ‘components’...do you see par maps on any of their “kits”?

Nope, only for a few products on their website but here are a few related threads with all these infos .. at least for their Qboards. There are a few rui members who work very close with them and we usually get PAR maps and real world results in according threads. Sometime earlier, sometimes later and sometimes another well prepared rui member like you has to jump in to do them and let us know how they perform in real world applications. Not the best strategy but yea, it is like it is...
You are at least in the situation to make own testings about spectrum, intensity, blue-green-red percentage and so on. I've only a shitty luxmeter with green filter so red photons may counts 20%. Without correct conversion factor lux measurements would be totally useless ..
Nope, only for a few products on their website but here are a few related threads with all these infos .. at least for their Qboards. There are a few rui members who work very close with them and we usually get PAR maps and real world results in according threads. Sometime earlier, sometimes later and sometimes another well prepared rui member like you has to jump in to do them and let us know how they perform in real world applications. Not the best strategy but yea, it is like it is...
You are at least in the situation to make own testings about spectrum, intensity, blue-green-red percentage and so on. I've only a shitty luxmeter with green filter so red photons may counts 20%. Without correct conversion factor lux measurements would be totally useless ..

We do what we can for each other, but doing it for a company enables bad buisness practices...
But there aren't plenty of strips with a 660nm boost, so I would prefer HLG not ignore those of us who have boners for strips. Plenty of us are curious about red supplementation, and would like the ability to design our boner-lights without having to add monos.

The reason I would like a strip with comparable SPD to the QB96 is because it's heavier on the red than those new PLC strips. I have no idea if GreenGenes did any extensive testing to come up with his ratio of red-to-white, but it's a fair bit lower than most of the red-enhanced setups I see. It would be great to have something in the same form-factor, but with more red, so we consumers can glean more data and figure out what the best (average) ratio really is.
Cutter has options if you really want it you can have red right now. If hlg came out with the enhanced strips you want would you really take down your current fixture and build a new one? It's funny how people spend a couple hundred dollars an think they are a valuable customer spend $500k and you might have the right to ask for a new product. The customer is almost always wrong.
Cutter has options if you really want it you can have red right now. If hlg came out with the enhanced strips you want would you really take down your current fixture and build a new one? It's funny how people spend a couple hundred dollars an think they are a valuable customer spend $500k and you might have the right to ask for a new product. The customer is almost always wrong.

Sounds like you should go into business...and learn wtf you are talking about!