Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!

So explain
1. NONE of the stamps on the envelops were cancelled by the USPS (post office), or that the packages were heavy enough to arouse suspicion

The postal service doesn't always cancel stamps. In fact, most uneven packages that would require hand cancellations aren't.

By the USPS policy:
. "Postmarks are not required for mailings bearing a permit, meter, or precanceled stamp for postage".

About Postmarks.png

So explain
2. Considering how blatantly obvious his van is, (or that the decals were pretty new: not faded from S Florida sun) why wasn't it vandalized in liberal Miami?
Argument from consequences, logical fallacy, FAIL

There are plenty of non-conspiratorial reasons for this. Probably the biggest reason is that liberals aren't nearly as rabid as Trump supporters. Totally agree that a Florida van marked like that with anti-Republican rhetoric would have been vandalized if not confiscated by the police for drugs that they had planted in the van.

LOL at the "why not sun faded". Too funny. You Trumpers are reaching.
The postal service doesn't always cancel stamps. In fact, most uneven packages that would require hand cancellations aren't.

By the USPS policy:
. "Postmarks are not required for mailings bearing a permit, meter, or precanceled stamp for postage".

View attachment 4223851

Argument from consequences, logical fallacy, FAIL

There are plenty of non-conspiratorial reasons for this. Probably the biggest reason is that liberals aren't nearly as rabid as Trump supporters. Totally agree that a Florida van marked like that with anti-Republican rhetoric would have been vandalized if not confiscated by the police for drugs that they had planted in the van.

LOL at the "why not sun faded". Too funny. You Trumpers are reaching.
It isn't just them. Tty uses the same "logic" sometimes.
It isn't just them. Tty uses the same "logic" sometimes.
True that.

tty and petflora are fake conspiracy buddies. A lot of Sanders supporters are hooked on fake conspiracies. Subscribing to one or two isn't out of the ordinary but the list of fake conspiracy theories that right wingers and Cult of Sanders subscribe to is long and almost identical.
So what previous members do you think could be this bomber? Petflora is still posting, so it's not him. That guy who blew up recently--TheBeardedBudzman-- and tried to get banned is near there, and he sounded like he could be living in a van. Justanotherhead is in that area, and this really sounds like him. Red66 is in Florida, but if 66 is his birth year, then he is too young. Maybe that halo squared guy.

Or maybe some other deep south redneck that I can't remember. :lol:


it ws so poorly orchestrated it has to be libs trying to scare people in advance of Nov 6. My money's on little debbie schultz
The postal service doesn't always cancel stamps. In fact, most uneven packages that would require hand cancellations aren't.

By the USPS policy:
. "Postmarks are not required for mailings bearing a permit, meter, or precanceled stamp for postage".

View attachment 4223851

Argument from consequences, logical fallacy, FAIL

There are plenty of non-conspiratorial reasons for this. Probably the biggest reason is that liberals aren't nearly as rabid as Trump supporters. Totally agree that a Florida van marked like that with anti-Republican rhetoric would have been vandalized if not confiscated by the police for drugs that they had planted in the van.

LOL at the "why not sun faded". Too funny. You Trumpers are reaching.

Even i tht ws true for 100% of these packages (ar rom likely) it doesn't explain the weight of each pouch, which would draw attention, especially since they were being mailed to politicians
Ok buck, close your eyes to that which does not fit your agenda.
The atomwaffen has 6 murders, unite the right killed heather heyer and beat a black man senseless, the proud boys are committing 30 on 3 mob attacks in the streets, trump superfans mauled over a dozen bombs to democrats thatvtrump targeted, and a gab nazi just murdered a dozen Jews because he believed in s conspiracy theory that trump spread days earlier

Your turn now
The atomwaffen has 6 murders, unite the right killed heather heyer and beat a black man senseless, the proud boys are committing 30 on 3 mob attacks in the streets, trump superfans mauled over a dozen bombs to democrats thatvtrump targeted, and a gab nazi just murdered a dozen Jews because he believed in s conspiracy theory that trump spread days earlier

Your turn now
You're missing the dozens of times that their leader, Trump, has encouraged this violence.
But Sarah sanders was politely asked to leave a restaurant!!!!!!!!

(Said restaurant is now shut down due to death threats from trump supporters after sanders doxxed the restaurant)
Thank goodness we went and recruited Cesar Sayoc in early 2016 to sacrifice himself and convinced him to spend the rest of his life in jail so that we could do well in the midterms. He was very convincing.

That was a good idea.