Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!

Horseface was just another DNC op, using accusations to overthrow DJT. Sch blackmail isn't all that unique with people in power, or o power Im sorry, but didn't she have to pay his lawyers?

Again, you are so focused on political minutia that you probably are paid to stir the waters on a lower level to distract people who have not yet woken up to the big picture

This is the stuff we should all be getting up in arms about , instead of choosing political sides. Im sure both parties are involved, as well as big business

Detective "Jimmy Boots" Rothstein joins the program to discuss his years as a detective in the NYPD. Detective Rothstein was given unprecedented free reign and an unlimited budget to figure out how the child and prostitution trafficking networks work in the United States and across the world. His work led directly to the most evil and brutal practices used by the world's most powerful in politics, religion, and business to control and manipulate their rivals and to maintain control and power. It is the story that reveals why the United States is currently in complete chaos and why, even the most basic problems, have not been solved in our country. Rothstein believes that Trump is currently dismantling this network and soon big announcements will be made that will take down the most evil practices ever to exist in human history. Note: Although Rothstein is often a Jewish name, he is a practicing Christian (not that this should matter).

Of course I don't expect you to believe it but for those who come here who are not convinced you have the best info
What shape is the earth?
Horseface was just another DNC op, using accusations to overthrow DJT. Sch blackmail isn't all that unique with people in power, or o power Im sorry, but didn't she have to pay his lawyers?

Again, you are so focused on political minutia that you probably are paid to stir the waters on a lower level to distract people who have not yet woken up to the big picture

This is the stuff we should all be getting up in arms about , instead of choosing political sides. Im sure both parties are involved, as well as big business

Detective "Jimmy Boots" Rothstein joins the program to discuss his years as a detective in the NYPD. Detective Rothstein was given unprecedented free reign and an unlimited budget to figure out how the child and prostitution trafficking networks work in the United States and across the world. His work led directly to the most evil and brutal practices used by the world's most powerful in politics, religion, and business to control and manipulate their rivals and to maintain control and power. It is the story that reveals why the United States is currently in complete chaos and why, even the most basic problems, have not been solved in our country. Rothstein believes that Trump is currently dismantling this network and soon big announcements will be made that will take down the most evil practices ever to exist in human history. Note: Although Rothstein is often a Jewish name, he is a practicing Christian (not that this should matter).

Of course I don't expect you to believe it but for those who come here who are not convinced you have the best info

Seek professional help. A whole fucking team of it.
Looks like you got that from

The individual claimed responsibility, while ALF expressed sympathy, and didn't condone the action. You're a liar liar pants on fire. Get better sources next time.

:"The Animal Liberation Front has always had a policy of not harming life, but while it would not condone what took place, it understands the anger and frustration that leads people to take this kind of action." Animal Liberation Press Office in the UK, Robin Webb.
Yes, Wikipedia. I had many examples of violence to choose from. Whether the violence committed by members was sanctioned or not is irrelevant to the point I was making about their being hate and political violence from both sides of the aisle.
Since when? I read their website they condemn those actions.

"it is important to note the ALF does not, in any way, condone violence against any animal, human or non-human. Any action involving violence is by its definition not an ALF action, and any person involved is not an ALF member." Guidelines

If they go after people with bombs, you're a Nazi, because you share many traits as a human like breathing. So are you a Nazi?

"A Navy seaman assigned to the carrier USS George H.W. Bush has been disciplined and counseled by his unit after officials determined he staged the vandalism of his own bunk with racist graffiti and then posted about it on Facebook.

After a thorough investigation was conducted with the assistance of NCIS, several indicators supported the conclusion that the incident was staged," Hecht said, adding there were inconsistencies in the alleged victim's statements."
The Pittsburgh.mass murder of Jews or the magabomber have nothing to do with what you are blathering on about.

You alt.right white guys are quick at deflection. Is there a troll training program that you alt.right white guys go through, naziboy?
Horseface was just another DNC op, using accusations to overthrow DJT. Sch blackmail isn't all that unique with people in power, or o power Im sorry, but didn't she have to pay his lawyers?

Again, you are so focused on political minutia that you probably are paid to stir the waters on a lower level to distract people who have not yet woken up to the big picture

This is the stuff we should all be getting up in arms about , instead of choosing political sides. Im sure both parties are involved, as well as big business

Detective "Jimmy Boots" Rothstein joins the program to discuss his years as a detective in the NYPD. Detective Rothstein was given unprecedented free reign and an unlimited budget to figure out how the child and prostitution trafficking networks work in the United States and across the world. His work led directly to the most evil and brutal practices used by the world's most powerful in politics, religion, and business to control and manipulate their rivals and to maintain control and power. It is the story that reveals why the United States is currently in complete chaos and why, even the most basic problems, have not been solved in our country. Rothstein believes that Trump is currently dismantling this network and soon big announcements will be made that will take down the most evil practices ever to exist in human history. Note: Although Rothstein is often a Jewish name, he is a practicing Christian (not that this should matter).

Of course I don't expect you to believe it but for those who come here who are not convinced you have the best info
I'd like to learn more about plasma beings. Tell us about plasma beings.
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The Pittsburgh.mass murder of Jews or the magabomber have nothing to do with what you are blathering on about.

You alt.right white guys are quick at deflection. Is there a troll training program that you alt.right white guys go through, naziboy?

I was commenting on a post the other guy you falsely accuse of being a Nazi. This site isn't a debate team. Sometimes we go off topic. It's a stoner forum after all, Chicken Little.
I was commenting on a post the other guy you falsely accuse of being a Nazi. This site isn't a debate team. Sometimes we go off topic. It's a stoner forum after all, Chicken Little.

You were sooooo quick to deflect to a false analogy. You Nazi boys are great at propaganda. Trump's encouragement of right fanatics violence is a factor that you alt.right white boys both celebrate and deny.