they should award him an ass whuppin....

ohh no, lol
what's wrong with that? They were the first link in a Google search, they also seem to be supporting the official story 100%. I thought it was a relatively good analysis with tons of sources linked..

unreal how often this sort of thing happens, not even surprised it happens anymore but just absolutely delighted to be a part of it
Please clarify as to what "this sort of thing" is, and what is wrong with the reports of "the holocaust history project" which happens to be mirrored at

Please state what the particular site has to do with the less than honest reporting in the public school curriculum.

Back to sandy hook, and my original point, that the manipulation of events by political entities leads to the conspiracy theories in the first place.

AlTeRnAtInG cApS dOeSnT mAkE aN ArGuMeNt. I thought you were better than that.
source? Source on media numbers is the Columbus journalism review.

Nice to see an actual argument instead of the dribble that comes from buck and pals. It sounds like you think one has to support obvious lies as long as it supports your beliefs or tribe, ie you shouldn't point out that the government lies about some things that happened because it would damage their and your positions. This is false, you can agree that the holocaust happened *and* point out the spin that various political entities have put on it. Same with sandy hook.

I believe the government and police were wrong to hide the truth from the people. Conspiracies are a direct result of this. It is not wrong to say they should have been more transparent and truthful just because I agree with them generally.
You call the sociopathic drivel you've been spouting an argument? I've had a quick look at yer post history Joined Apr 15, 2019 and from your posts you are definitely socially and emotionally retarded. A trump fan no doubt, a racist traitor and a bullshit artist, who really believes nothing that he posts here. Convincing someone on acid they are going to die for shits and giggles tells me all I need to know about you, along with the rest of your idiotic posts.

Here is some info on AC cobs from an old thread of mine, ground them properly or be prepared to die, the carbon filter in yer grow will take care of the smell of yer rotting corpse, if they fry ya. Use a separate direct ground from your heatsink in addition to a three prong plug, a bad COB could cost the GOP a vote in 2020

please clarify as to what "this sort of thing" is, and what is wrong with the reports of "the holocaust history project" which happens to be mirrored at
"Please help me re-define my previous argument which included several fallacies that entailed intentional attacks at the Jewish community and faith as a whole regarding their genocide, and suffering as a people - that would be great thanks!"

Please state what the particular site has to do with the less than honest reporting in the public school curriculum.
"I also definitely didn't mischaracterize that website as something to be interpreted as factual, I openly admit it contains severeal misleading titles/threads containing white-nationalist tropes. But, if you would just hear me out here..."

Back to sandy hook,
Sorry, was confused a bit. The crematoriums were rebuilt in a (slightly) different fashion and then these rebuilt buildings are the ones that picture in history texts. It's not like they never existed, but what is taught (was taught to us) presented everything in a less than honest way. There is a lot of information on this at and other sites.

Edit: thanks for keeping me honest/making sure I check my sources and get everything straight.
Confused??? How the fuck could you be confused? It’s a pretty big spread between not ever being there and rebuilt? What is your point to all of this other than to prove it’s the spread of misinformation latched onto by inept individuals that create most of these fucked up theories? That of which your doing a pretty good job.
Edit: I reread my post and it sounded a bit harsh but seriously what are you actually trying to prove?
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Ok, just to be clear I phrased it like that because the events obviously happened. I just wanted to shine a light on why people have these crazy theories to begin with.

Do you deny that the ovens were built after the war? It is pretty well documented from allied radar images, Nazi building records, etc.. Yet pictures of them appeared in my grade 12 history book. Makes me wonder what else the government would lie about. This doesn't even touch on the dozens of proven false flags such as the American destroyer being bombed by the Israelis only a few years ago. If they had sunk it, there would be no proof of what happened.

Polls put trust in print media at around 25% now. Trust in the govt. is even lower. I wonder why..
There has been a 30+ year campaign trying to diminish the actual facts in favor of personalities shouting angrily into the void of their megaphone (See Rush) since Reagan vetoed the "Fairness Doctrine" in the 80's. I think this is why people have less trust in real facts. Online trolls have made it very difficult to know what is true when a real person lands inside of their well made information bubbles.

What is easier, making some bullshit websites around the internet making things like the Sandy Hook shooting out to be government conspiracies, or the millions of dollars and hundreds of people it would take to pay everyone off to not talk, destroying schools, rebuilding things, on and on.

It is getting harder and harder for government officials to cover shit up with today's technologies. I think this is why would be dictators like Putin and Trump try to just muddy up the water as much as possible as a defense.

Do you think conspiracy theories like holocaust denialism would exist (and the laws making such questions illegal) if the government didn't invest so heavily in fake narratives? Specifically stuff like the ovens, which are documented to have been built after the war, being pictured front and center in our history books?

Whether or not the events happened, people in power used lies and manipulation to change the stories to meet their needs, and it is the contradictions between their lies and reality that give space for these conspiracy theories to exist.
they tore sandy hook down because it was a 57 year old building with problems, and now a bad memory. they're rebuilding a newer, nicer school in the same place. they didn't tear it down to hide anything, except the memories from themselves. the memories of all those dead children you and other assholes like you continue to disparage, whose families you continually insult....i wouldn't blame or prosecute a single one of those parents for beating the ever living shit out of you every time you said anything about sandy hook, or the children who died there, in any way, shape, or form.

i'm a white guy, the only real oppression in my family history was my great grandmother,who was a szygany gypsy, from romania. she was at a place called Belzec...i never got her to talk about it much, but what little she did tell me was horrific, and proves to me beyond any of your stupid doubts that the holocaust not only happened, it was worse than we can even imagine. she walked away from a work detail, and kept walking till she made it to france, then worked till she got enough money together to get passage to America.
Sorry, was confused a bit. The crematoriums were rebuilt in a (slightly) different fashion and then these rebuilt buildings are the ones that picture in history texts. It's not like they never existed, but what is taught (was taught to us) presented everything in a less than honest way. There is a lot of information on this at and other sites.

Edit: thanks for keeping me honest/making sure I check my sources and get everything straight.

That's the nice thing about having two sets of Books. (fallacy of relative privation)

Exxon and Oil Sands Go on Trial in New York Climate Fraud Case
The New York attorney general says Exxon used two sets of books and misled investors by downplaying the potential costs of carbon emissions.

You want to argue over the dewy decimal system and where to place them.:wall:
Ok, so ignoring whether or not sandy hook was a conspiracy, don't you think it is 100% the government's fault the conspiracy exists?
It's 100% your fault there is a bullshit conspiracy theory.

If you are convicted of a hate crime or using hate speech you will lose your right to own a gun. I think you should also be federally disenfranchised too, in addition to a prison sentence and a crippling fine, I figure that will happen too. Donald Trump will inadvertently do more for black and brown Americans than any president since Lincoln, thanks to you too! When the democrats sweep the house, senate and presidency, they will deal with the national security threat that people like you represent to the country. Hate speech laws, hate crime laws, human rights commissions, police reeducation and firings on a large scale, gun laws, and a host of other things people like you are gonna hate. This is your last chance in the sun, you'll be hiding in the shadows of society bigly, many of you will be too stupid to stay out of jail.

This election will mean your kind are fucked in America, your time is now almost done. When Donald is gone and Nancy has Pence and Mitch by the balls you might be surprised at what old Mike Pence will sign to keep his ass out of prison, ditto for Mitch and his corrupt wife. Nancy Pelosi will pick the next AG for Pence, a real one who works for the country, hundreds are gonna go to jail. You're not just a fear driven racist this time, your a traitor as well, hate comes before country with you. You have demonstrated with your posts that hate comes before the truth too.
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Sorry, was confused a bit. The crematoriums were rebuilt in a (slightly) different fashion and then these rebuilt buildings are the ones that picture in history texts. It's not like they never existed, but what is taught (was taught to us) presented everything in a less than honest way. There is a lot of information on this at and other sites.

Edit: thanks for keeping me honest/making sure I check my sources and get everything straight.
You've studied this greatly apparently, why the interest? Are you Jewish? Or an American Nazi? Yer no historian and your not at all honest, don't bother with the bullshit, people know the truth, even you. Poland never spent a dime rebuilding anything much less ovens and that's where most of the camps were located, in the communist section of post war Europe.

Here have a look at one of your heroes